
Duolingo Writing Exam Pattern: Types of Questions, Format & Common Topics 

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Duolingo Writing Exam Pattern

The Duolingo Writing/speaking section of the DET exam evaluates an individual’s proficiency in English writing and speaking skills. In this section, you will be given certain topics on which you will have to either write or speak. Individuals who opt to take the writing sample test must prove their English Writing, Vocabulary, and Grammar skills to the examiners. They must be able to write and construct coherent and comprehensible sentence structures with little to no grammatical and syntax errors. Read the article to know more about the Duolingo Writing Exam Pattern. 

Name of ExamDuolingo English Test
Exam Fee$59
Number of Attempts3 (within a month) 
Duration 1 Hour 

What is the Format of the Duolingo Writing Sample Section? 

The Writing/Speaking Test lasts 10 minutes in total, with you having 3-5 minutes to complete your writing sample. In this section, test takers are given two questions to which they must choose an answer. They are given 30 seconds to choose their desired topic for writing or speaking. Individuals must describe any given image, topic, or situation in their writing for the Duolingo Writing section. Refer to the following table to get an overview of the Duolingo Writing section. 

Duration10 minutes 
Describe any given topic, situation, image etc. 
Number of Questions Describe any given topic, situation, image, etc. 
Difficulty Level Moderate 
Requirement Candidates are required to write on topics given on the spot.
Test-takers are required to write their responses that are comprehensible and coherent. Individuals are required to elucidate on any given topic/image/situation through their writing. 
He/she must select their preferred topic and write about it.  

Types of Questions Asked in Duolingo Writing 

The Writing section of the DET exam comprises question types such as ‘Read then Write’, ‘Write about the Photo’, and the ‘Writing Sample’. Let’s understand these tasks one by one. 

  1. Write about the Photo: As the name suggests, this task requires individuals to describe the given photo through their writing. This type of question requires students to have a strong grasp of their English vocabulary and grammar skills. It is critical that students create coherent and comprehensible sentence structures to ace this task. 
  2. Read then Write: This task requires students to provide written answers after reading and analyzing the provided information.  Students will be given 5 minutes to complete the task. The maximum word limit for this type of question is 30-50 words. To ace the task, students must provide precise, to-the-point responses that are comprehensible and coherent in structure. 
  3. Writing Sample: This task requires students to write on the provided topics. 

Also Read: Duolingo Preparation Tips

Common Topics for Duolingo Writing Sample

Students are provided 3 to 5 minutes to write a well-written answer on any given topic in the Duolingo Writing Sample task. This section assesses an individual’s proficiency in English writing. You must hone your vocabulary, grammar, and sentence formation to ace the Duolingo Writing Sample task. The Duolingo writing sample work can be challenging for students since it needs them to express their ideas and arguments eloquently in written form. However, if you are familiar with the typical writing sample topics, you will be better equipped to tackle the task. 

Here are some of the common topics for Duolingo Writing Sample Task: 

  1. Art and Culture
  2. Traveling
  3. Technology
  4. Parenthood
  5. Health 
  6. Government Policies 
  7. Education 
  8. Business

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Recently Asked Questions in the Duolingo Writing Sample Task

The Duolingo Writing Sample Task primarily comprises three types of questions: argumentative, descriptive, and recount questions. These questions challenge students to deliver well-crafted written replies that are not only understandable but also have a consistent flow and structure. Students must utilize proper English syntax, grammar, and vocabulary when attempting the task. 

Here are a few examples of questions that are asked during the Duolingo Writing Sample Task. 

  1. Describe an occasion when you felt happy. What exactly happened? 
  2. Describe a skill you would like to acquire. 
  3. Write a review of your preferred book. 
  4. Describe your best friend. When did you first meet him/her? 
  5. Which delicacy is your favourite? 
  6. Describe your home. 
  7. Describe a special event when you went on a trip. 

Also Read: Duolingo Exam Preparation: Useful Tips, Best Books

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1. What is the total duration of the Writing and Speaking Section of the DET exam? 

The writing and speaking section of the DET exam lasts for 10 minutes. 

2. What are the rules for writing in the Duolingo Exam?

Students attempting the Duolingo Writing Sample section must not exceed the word limit of 50 words and must complete the task within a time frame of five minutes. Students are recommended to work on their vocabulary and grammar to score better in the Duolingo Writing sample test. 

3. What are the common topics for the Duolingo Writing Sample Task? 

Art, business, Family, Childhood, Travelling, Technology, and Parenthood are some of the most common topics that come in the Duolingo Writing Sample Task. 

4. Are spelling and grammar mistakes penalized?

Yes, spelling errors and poor grammar can affect your score. Proofread before submitting to avoid common mistakes.

5. What are the common topics in the writing section?

Descriptive Topics: Describe a person, place, or event.
Opinion-based Topics: Express views on global issues like climate change or technology.
Personal Experience Topics: Narrate a past event, a hobby, or future aspirations.

Duolingo Writing requires individuals to express their opinion and thoughts eloquently and articulately. You must work on your vocabulary, grammar, and sentence formation to score better in this particular section. That being said, being familiar with the exam pattern will provide you with a solid idea about the structure of the exam and the types of questions that may be asked during the writing section. 

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