What is the Abstract Noun of Agent? Check Meaning, Synonyms & Examples

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The noun form of ‘agent’ is ‘agency’ which comes with multiple meanings. The most common one refers to companies such as advertising agencies, employment agencies, real estate agencies, etc. Some of the common synonyms for ‘agency’ include autonomy, bureau, firm, company, and department among others. If you want to continue learning more about the noun of agent, then make sure you keep reading the blog. 

Must Read: What are Nouns? 

What is the Type of Noun of Agent? – Meaning & Origin

The word ‘agency’ is an abstract noun, this type of noun refers to to a quality, state, concept, or idea that cannot be physically touched. In this case, the word ‘agency’ represents the capacity to act independently or the power to produce an effect, both of which are intangible concepts. As discussed above, this word also refers to organisations where employees work. 

Also Read: What is the Noun of Lead? Check Meaning, Synonyms & Examples

Synonyms for Noun of Agent

After going through the meaning and origin of the word ‘agency’, you must also be aware of all the synonyms or similar words that can be used in place of it. By knowing so, you will be able to enhance not only your writing skills but also your communication skills. To learn all the words, make sure you check out the table below. 

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Pictures of Noun of Agent

If you want to learn more about synonyms for the noun of agent, then you can go through the picture below which lists all of them. You can always save and download this picture for future reference. 


Examples of ‘Agency’ in Sentences

After going through all the information about the noun of agent, it is now time that you look at all the sentences below. 

Through this, you will get a basic idea of how you can incorporate this word in sentences accordingly. 

  • She exercised her agency by choosing to pursue a career in medicine.
  • The children were given limited agency in deciding their own activities.
  • He felt a sense of agency after making a difficult decision.
  • The marginalised community struggled to gain agency within the dominant society.
  • The feminist movement fought for women’s agency in all aspects of life.
  • Empowering individuals is crucial for fostering a sense of agency.
  • The therapist helped the client develop a greater sense of agency.
  • Lack of agency can contribute to feelings of helplessness.
  • The agency is essential for personal growth and well-being.

Also Read: 25 Examples of Abstract Nouns in Sentences

Noun Quiz

Time to test your knowledge! We have compiled this small quiz through which you can test yourself and see how much this article helped you in gaining knowledge. You can also check your answers at the end of the quiz.


1. What type of noun is “agency”?

A. Common noun

B. Proper noun

C. Abstract noun

D. Collective noun

2. Which of the following is an example of an agency as a business?

A. A detective

B. A real estate firm

C. A government department

D. A cause

3. What does agency represent in a philosophical context?

A. A business entity

B. The capacity to act independently

C. A government department

D. A cause-and-effect relationship

4. What is the plural form of the word “agency”?

A. Agencys  

B. Agencies  

C. Agencie’s  

 D. Agencyes  

5. Which sentence uses the word “agency” in the context of a business?

A. The agency of individuals is important for societal change.  

B. The advertising agency created a successful campaign for the new product.  

C. People in the agency argued for more freedoms.  

D. The agency was focused on legal reform.  

6. How is the concept of “agency” related to personal empowerment?

 A. It means following someone else’s decisions.  

 B. It refers to the ability to make choices and take control of one’s own life.  

 C. It indicates authority over others.  

  D. It limits one’s freedom to act.  

7. What is the difference between “agency” and “authority”?

A. Agency emphasizes the right to command others, while authority emphasizes independence.  

B. Agency and authority mean the same thing.  

C. Agency relates to independent action, while authority suggests the legal right to control others.  

 D. Authority always includes agency.  

8. Which of the following is an example of how “agency” can be limited?

A. A democracy allows everyone full freedom.  

B. A school encourages students to act independently.  

C. A company gives employees freedom to make decisions.  

D. In a totalitarian regime, individuals may have limited agency due to government control.  

9. What is the root word of “agency”?

A. Action  

B. Author  

C.  Agent

D. Autonomous  

10. Which of the following is a synonym for the word “agency”?

 A. Submission  

 B. Autonomy  

 C. Command  

  D. Restriction  

Check Answers!

  1. C. Abstract noun
  2. B. A real estate firm
  3. B. The capacity to act independently
  4. B. Agencies
  5. B. The advertising agency created a successful campaign for the new product.  
  6. B. It refers to the ability to make choices and take control of one’s own life.  
  7. C. Agency relates to independent action, while authority suggests the legal right to control others.  
  8. D. In a totalitarian regime, individuals may have limited agency due to government control.  
  9. C. Agent
  10. B. Autonomy 
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This was all about the “noun of agent” Hopefully, you understand the concept and where it’s used. You can also follow Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs on Learn English.

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