How to Use ‘Not Only But Also’ Conjunction? [with Examples]

4 minute read

‘Not only but also’ is identified as a correlative conjunction. After all, it connects two or more sentences and highlights their significance or importance. This conjunction can be used in a very versatile context and sentence formation. Sometimes, while writing sentences, commas are used between ‘not only’ and ‘but also’. This blog will provide you with a more specific understanding of ‘not only but also’ conjunction

How to Use Commas with ‘Not Only But Also’ Conjunction? 

“Not only… but also” is frequently used as a phrase for clauses and nouns. So when there is a need to connect a clause that completes the sentence, a comma is inserted to separate them. But when there is a need for a noun, a common noun must be used. 

For example: Not only do those children eat cakes every day during break time, but they also enjoy cheese when necessary”.

7+ Examples of ‘Not Only But Also’ Conjunction

Let’s have a look at some examples of using ‘not only but also’ as a conjunction. And how you can implement it in daily conversations.

  • Not only does he enjoy pizza, but also loves a good bowl of white pasta.
  • The Grand Villas are not only vast but also incredibly beautiful.
  • He is not only funny but also kind and compassionate.
  • He is not only a talented writer but also an excellent photographer.
  • Yesterday, was not only sunny, but also pleasantly warm.
  • He studied not only literature but also history and geography.
  • She is not only interested in sales but also in graphic design.
  • He is not only an athlete but also a skilled basketball player.
  • The park offers not only scenic views but also diverse wildlife.

Not Only But Also Conjunction – Exercise

Q.1. Instruction: Rewrite the following sentences by using ‘not only, but also’ conjunction.

  1. He enjoys watching series and spending time with friends.
  2. Learning a new language is challenging but rewarding.
  3. She is not only athletic a brilliant pianist.
  4. Regular yoga is essential for maintaining physical fitness.
  5. Travelling to new countries broadens your perspectives.

Answer Key

  1. Not only does he enjoy watching series, but also loves spending time with friends.
  2. Learning a new language is not only challenging but also rewarding.
  3. She is not only athletic but also a brilliant pianist.
  4. Not only is regular yoga essential for maintaining physical health, but it also contributes to mental well-being.
  5. Travelling to new countries not only broadens your perspective but also allows you to experience different cultures.

Instruction: Choose the appropriate option of ‘not only, but also’ conjunction.

  1. She likes to play video games and enjoy playing tennis.
  1. She not only likes to play video games, also enjoys playing tennis.
  2. She llikes to play video games, not only enjoying playing tennis.
  3. She not only likes to playing video games, but also likes playing tennis.
  4. She likes playing video games, she also enjoys playing tennis.

      2. Studying for exam is important, but getting enough sleep is also crucial.

  1. Not only studying for exam is important, but also getting enough sleep is crucial.
  2. Studying for exam is important, but also getting enough sleep is crucial.
  3. Studying for exam is not important, but getting enough sleep is also crucial.
  4. Getting enough sleep is crucial, but studying for exam is also important.

      3. He is a skilled programmer, and he is also an excellent writer.

  1. He is not only a skilled programmer, but also an excellent writer.
  2. He is a skilled programmer, and also an excellent writer.
  3. Not only is a skilled programmer, but also an excellent writer.
  4. He is a skilled programmer, but also he is an excellent writer.

4. Technology has revolutionized communication, leading to both benefits and challenges.

  1. Not only technology has revolutionized communication, but also leading
  2. Technology has revolutionised communication, and leading to both benefits and challenges.
  3. Technology has revolutionised communication, not only leading to benefits, but also challenges.
  4. Technology has revolutionized communication, leading to not only benefits, but also challenges.

5. Attending college can provide career opportunities, but also involves personal growth.

  1. Attending college not only provides career opportunities, but also involves personal growth.
  2. Attending college not only provides career opportunities, but also involves personal growth.
  3. Attending college not only involves career opportunities, but also provides personal growth opportunities.
  4. Attending college provides career opportunities, but also involves personal growth.

Answer Key

  1. 3. She not only likes to play video games but also likes playing tennis.
  2. 3. Studying for exams is not important, but getting enough sleep is also crucial.
  3. 1. He is not only a skilled programmer but also an excellent writer.
  4. 4. Technology has revolutionized communication, leading to not only benefits but also challenges.
  5. 5. Attending college not only provides career opportunities but also involves personal growth.


What do you understand by the conjunction not only one but also?

It connects two or more sentences and highlights their significance or importance.

Give one example of not only but also.

“She is not only athletic but also a brilliant pianist.

Which type of conjunction is not only but also?

Not only but also is a Correlative conjunction.

This was all about not only but also conjunction and their usage in English grammar. Hope you understand the concept and know how to proceed. You can also follow the Learn English page of Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs.

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