Coordinating And Subordinating Conjunctions: Difference, Worksheet, [PDF Available]

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Conjunctions are a vast part of English Grammar. They are mainly used to connect words, phrases and clauses within a sentence. There are mainly two types of conjunctions: coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions. However, there are differences in which one should you be aware of while learning about conjunctions. Continue reading the blog article below to uncover more about Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions. 

Difference Between Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions

As we mentioned above, conjunctions are used to connect words, phrases or clauses in a sentence. The two different types Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions are used differently to create clear and coherent sentences. To understand the difference between the two, look at the table below. 

ParticularsCoordinating ConjunctionsSubordinating Conjunctions
JoinsThey are used to join independent clauses. They are used to join independent clauses with dependent clauses.
UsageThey are used to join two words of the same grammatical relevance. Used to introduce dependent clauses or adverbial clauses
RelationshipUsed to express relationships such as addition, choice, result or contrast Used to express relationships such as condition, time or concession. 
ExamplesAnd, but, for, nor, so, or, yethowever, since, until, unless, where, while

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What are Coordinating Conjunctions?

Words, phrases, or sentences with equal grammatical weight are joined by coordinating conjunctions. Usually, they are used to combine with comparable structures or meanings. When coordinating conjunctions are used, some examples are “and,” “but,” “or,” “nor,” “for,” “so,” and “yet.” When two or more separate clauses are brought together to form compound sentences, these coordinating conjunctions play a crucial role.

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What are Subordinating Conjunctions?

Subordinating conjunctions are words that link dependent and independent clauses. They tend to emphasize the connection between the independent and dependent clauses, e.g., by mentioning cause and effect, contrast, time, condition, or concession. Subordinating conjunctions include the following, “although,” “as,” “since,” “though,” “because,” “unless,” “until,” etc. 

Subordinating Conjunctions

Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions (Download PDF)

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What are coordinating and subordinating conjunctions examples?

Conjunctions that coordinate (or, and, but) Conjunctions that are correlated (and/or, not only/but also) subordinate Conjunctions (because, because, when) Adverbs in the conjunctive (although, thus). 

What are the seven types of subordinating conjunctions?

The seven types of conjunctions are after, although, before, even though, since, when etc. 

What are coordinating conjunctions? 

Coordinating conjunctions are used to connect two words and no comma is needed. For example: I will have either ice cream or cold coffee.

This was all about coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. Hope you understand the concept and know how to proceed. You can also follow Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs. 

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