What are French Prepositions: Meaning, Exercises With Answers 

4 minute read

The French language relies heavily on prepositions to convey the relationships between elements in a sentence. Prepositions are the words that link parts of a sentence together. They indicate the relationships of nouns or pronouns to the other parts of the sentences. In French, prepositions are placed in front of nouns and pronouns. They denote the direction, location, time, manner, and relationships.

French prepositions are an essential part of the language, that links words and phrases and enhances both communication skills and cultural appreciation. Let us dive into the world of French prepositions, understand their varied meanings, and solve the exciting French prepositions exercises.

Must Read: All You Need to Know About Prepositions

The Basics of French Prepositions 

Just as the names clear the prepositions are the words that are placed (pre) before nouns and pronouns in the sentence. They are used to indicate the three things in the sentence. They will either refer to place, time, or movement.  There are three types of French prepositions:

  • Prepositions of Place
  • Preposition of Time
  • Preposition of Movement

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French Prepositions Of Place Usage With Examples

French Prepositions allow one to physically situate a person, place, or thing in space. The French prepositions of place are:

French PrepositionsEnglish PrepositionsExamples in English Translation
suronLe chat est sur la table.The cat is on the table.
sousunderLe livre est sous le lit.The book is under the bed.
entrebetweenIl y a un parc entre les deux bâtiments.There is a park between the two buildings.
dansinLes clés sont dans le tiroir.The keys are in the drawer.
devantin front ofLa voiture est garée devant la maison.The car is parked in front of the house
derrièrebehindLe jardin est derrière l’école.The garden is behind the school.
chezat the place ofJe suis chez Mary.I’m at Mary’s place.
àatJe vais au magasin.I’m going to the store.

Explore this blog Prepositions: Definition, Types, Examples, and Exercise

French Preposition of Time Usage With Examples

French Preposition of Time helps to situate people, places, things, and events in time. The French prepositions of time are:

French PrepositionsEnglish PrepositionsExamples in English Translation
avantbeforeJe t’appellerai avant la réunion.
I will call you before the meeting.
aprèsafterNous pouvons prendre un café après le film.
We can have coffee after the movie.
verstowardsElle marcha vers le parc.
She walked towards the park.
depuis sinceJ’étudie le français depuis l’année dernière.
I have been studying French since last year.
pendantforNous nous sommes rencontrés pendant les vacances d’été.
We met during the summer vacation.
pourforCe cadeau est pour toi.This gift is for you.

Also Read: Preposition and Prepositional Phrases: Meaning & Examples

French Preposition of Movement Usage With Examples

French Preposition of Time helps to situate people, places, things, and events in time. The French prepositions of time are:

French PrepositionsEnglish PrepositionsExamples in English Translation
verstowardsJe t’appellerai avant la réunion.
I will call you before the meeting.
àtoNous pouvons prendre un café après le film.
We can have coffee after the movie.
defromElle marcha vers le parc.
She walked towards the park.
parby, by way ofJ’étudie le français depuis l’année dernière.
I have been studying French since last year.

Also Read: Pictures for Preposition: Master the 4 Types through Visuals [PDF Available

French Prepositions Practice Exercises

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate preposition:

  1. Le chat est __ la table.
  2. Le cadeau est __ toi.
  3. Nous allons __ la plage demain.
  4. Les clés sont __ la voiture.
  5. Le livre est __ la bibliothèque.
  6. Il est parti __ une heure.
  7. Le musée est __ la rue principale.
  8. Je suis __ le travail.
  9. Le magasin est __ coin de la rue.
  10. Nous nous sommes rencontrés __ l’école.
  11. Elle marche __ le parc.
  12. Mon ami habite __ Paris.
  13. J’étudie le français __ trois ans.
  14. Il est __ la maison depuis ce matin.
  15. Rendez-vous __ la gare à 10 heures.
  16. La fête est __  soir.
  17. Ils voyagent __ train.
  18. Le restaurant est __ la rue commerçante.
  19. Le film commence __ dix minutes.
  20. Nous allons célébrer Noël __ famille.

Answers for Fill in the Blanks

  1. Le chat est sur la table.
  2. Le cadeau est pour toi.
  3. Nous allons à la plage demain.
  4. Les clés sont dans la voiture.
  5. Le livre est à la bibliothèque.
  6. Il est parti pendant une heure.
  7. Le musée est dans la rue principale.
  8. Je suis au travail.
  9. Le magasin est au coin de la rue.
  10. Nous nous sommes rencontrés à l’école.
  11. Elle marche vers le parc.
  12. Mon ami habite à Paris.
  13. J’étudie le français depuis trois ans.
  14. Il est à la maison depuis ce matin.
  15. Rendez-vous à la gare à 10 heures.
  16. La fête est samedi soir.
  17. Ils voyagent en train.
  18. Le restaurant est dans la rue commerçante.
  19. Le film commence dans dix minutes.
  20. Nous allons célébrer Noël en famille.

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What are 10 prepositions in the French Language?

There are 10 prepositions in the French Language are avant, au, avant, avec, contre, chez, dvant, pendant, and dans.

How many types of prepositions are there in the French language?

There are specifically three types of French Language.

  • Prepositions of Place
  • Prepositions of Time
  • Prepositions of Movement

What is the use of the preposition (par) in English?

The preposition (par) refers to by, through or per.

We hope this blog provided you with all the relevant information about french prepositions and how they are the building block of this language. To advance your grammar knowledge and read more informative blogs, check out our Learn English page and don’t forget to follow Leverage Edu.

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