Appropriate Preposition List with Examples & Worksheet

3 minute read

Appropriate Preposition List: Prepositions are employed in sentences to connect nouns, verbs, pronouns, and English phrases. They serve primarily as connections between subjects, verbs, and objects in sentences. Conversely, appropriate prepositions are some of the most often used word combinations, including words like engrossed in, acquitted of, acceptable to, adapt to, and accepted to. These appropriate prepositions are those that are used in a particular way, you are going to read about in this blog hereon.

List of Appropriate Prepositions in English

Here are some examples of appropriate prepositions in the table given below: 

Verb PhrasePrepositionExample Sentence
Absorbed InInShe was absorbed in her book and didn’t notice the time.
Abstain FromFromI decided to abstain from eating sweets for a month.
Adapt ToToIt takes time to adapt to a new environment.
Admit ToToHe finally admitted to making a mistake.
Allotted ToToThe tasks were allotted to different team members.
Amazed AtAtWe were amazed at the breathtaking view from the top of the mountain.
Backward InInThe country was backward in terms of technological advancements.
Confined ToToThe discussion should be confined to the relevant topics.
Decide UponUponAfter much discussion, we decided upon a new strategy.
Decide AgainstAgainstAfter considering all options, they decided against buying the house.
Deliver toToThe information has been delivered to her. 
Defer totoThe CEO deferred the discussion to next week.

Also Read: Verb Preposition with Meaning, List, Examples and Exercises

Examples of Appropriate Prepositions

Here are some examples of appropriate prepositions: 

  1. Afraid of: She is afraid of spiders.
  2. Allot to: The budget was allotted to various departments.
  3. Confine to: The discussion should be confined to the main topic.
  4. Converted to: The old warehouse was converted to a modern office space.
  5. Converted into: The raw materials were converted into finished products.
  6. Cope with: She has to cope with a heavy workload.
  7. Contact with: Please maintain contact with the project team.
  8. Devote to: He decided to devote his time to charity work.
  9. Defer to: The team chose to defer to the expert’s opinion.
  10. Deprived of: The child was deprived of basic necessities.
  11. Dispose of: He decided to dispose of his old furniture.
  12. Dispense with: We can dispense with unnecessary procedures.
  13. Deliver to: The package will be delivered to your doorstep.
  14. Deal in: The company deals in high-quality electronics.
  15. Decide against: After careful consideration, she decided against the proposal.
  16. Different from: Her approach is different from mine.

Also Read: 55+ Phrases with Meaning to Boost Your Vocabulary

Download Practise Worksheet [PDF] on Appropriate Prepositions

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What is an example of a preposition?

Some common examples of ” “beside,” “between,” “from,” “in front of,” “inside,” “near,” “off,” “out of,” “through,” “toward,” “under,” and “within.

What is a prepositional phrase?

A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition, its object (a noun or pronoun), and any modifiers. It functions as an adverb or adjective, providing additional information about a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb.

Can a sentence have multiple prepositions?

Yes, a sentence can have multiple prepositions. Each preposition typically relates to a specific element in the sentence, providing more details about the relationships between the words.

This was all about the appropriate preposition list and related information. To advance your grammar knowledge and read more informative blogs, check out our Learn English page and don’t forget to follow Leverage Edu.

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