Want to Restart Your Career?: 5 Tips to Return to Office Like a Pro

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Return to Office

Aditi was practising in front of the mirror since she felt a little anxious. She was frantically checking the clock repeatedly and chewing her nails at the same time. Her interview was about to start. She was not sure whether she would be able to respond to questions, since it had been two complete years and she had not attempted any interviews, wanted to return to the office, and she did not want to lose this opportunity either. She wanted to restart her career. 

Tushar, her husband, tried to calm her down, “Take a deep breath, relax, it’s only an interview, even if you are unable to handle it, your fate won’t be determined by it. Put more emphasis on what you have already done in your career so far and avoid letting the break and this interview define your success.” She felt a little relieved until the phone rang, and she answered it confidently and with a smile on her face. What she needed was a little bit of motivation to handle that interview. 

I’m sure many of you can relate to this circumstance. When preparing to return to office, thousands of people—particularly women—face numerous difficulties, anxieties, and other obstacles. Continue reading to get some of the top advice from experts in the field on how to get ahead.

Also Read: Questions to Ask Before Accepting a Job

5 Tips to Return to Office and for a Smooth Transition

There is an increased likelihood that if you decide to go back to work, you won’t be emotionally ready to deal with things like daily duties, travel, leaving your family and kids behind, or giving up a passion you opted to pursue during your time off from work. Here are some of the best tips for making the return-to-office move easy. 

1. Know About Your Priorities 

Recognize your priorities. Think about your choice or the motivations for going back to a cubicle. Which of the following—financial freedom, opportunity for learning and advancement, personal fulfilment, income, or benefits—does your present circumstances call for most regarding the decision you made to return to the corporate world? Being aware of the priorities will aid in your mental and physical preparation. Knowing your priorities and goals for your job can also help you decide if you want to continue in the same field of employment or embark on a career shift.

Also Read: Planning a Career Shift at 30? 10 Pro Tips

2. Upskill or Reskill

Recognize that while you took a break, a lot has changed. In order to keep up with the competition when you return to work, you must refresh your abilities and advance your education. Learn more about the trends in the industry you are applying to or planning to enter. Include the knowledge you obtained while you were out of the workforce and decide which skills need to be updated. You can also think about enrolling in some refresher classes to prepare for a new profession. 

Also Read: Importance of Upskilling for Career Growth

3. Start Networking Early

In this day and age, networking is crucial. When searching for a job you desire, it may be the most crucial ability to learn. Start expressing your will to work again to people, and consider who might be able to help you with your fresh start. Get the most recent industry and trend information by working with your alumni network of former coworkers, friends, and acquaintances. 

Also Read: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome at Work

4. Revise Your Resume

There is no one resume format that works for everyone, but it is beneficial to look at a few different versions and get suggestions on which ones are best for the positions you’re looking for. Do not forget to mention the abilities you have acquired over your professional break. For each application, modify your cover letter accordingly. Justify your absence or your break by giving an explanation. Mention any abilities you have that are applicable to the position you are looking for. How you can contribute and make a difference if employed. Everything should be tailored for each application.

Also Read: How to Write a Cover Letter?

5. Practice for the Interview

Being ready for an interview is the approach to ensure a return to an office job. For a career jumpstart, practising the most common interview questions will be really beneficial. So that you don’t stutter or provide evasive responses, know your CV through and out, and have specific questions ready to discuss. Talk about the things you achieved while working at each of your past positions. One of the most crucial abilities is the ability to tell a story, and interviews are the ideal setting for you to share why you took a break, what you’ve learned, the skills you have acquired, and why now is the correct moment to resume your career. Pay attention to your conversation and body language as well. Practice continuously until you feel assured. 

Also Read: How to Explain a Gap in Resume?


Return to office could be a nerve-wracking scenario for many individuals. As a result of the weeks or months that you spent away from the office’s routine, you are returning as a different person with different goals and concerns. To push yourself beyond your comfort zone, all you have to do is belive in yourself.


How can I successfully return to the office?

Begin by updating your skills, networking, and easing back in part-time if possible. Communicate openly with your employer about your transition plan.

How can I restart my career after a break of 3 years?

Start by identifying your current skills, refreshing your resume, seeking out refresher courses or certifications, and leveraging your network for job leads.

What are the reasons for restarting my career?

Reasons to restart a career vary, from personal growth and financial stability to pursuing a passion or adapting to a changing life situation like relocation or family needs.

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For more such informative blogs, visit the career counselling page and stay tuned with Leverage Edu.

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