25+ Skills to Put on a Resume

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Skills for resume

Every job out there requires a set of skills and qualifications. Some are common, while others require special knowledge and hands-on experience in the field. When you apply for a job on LinkedIn or any other job platform, you are required to submit your updated resume, highlighting your basic details, work experience, skills, etc. But have you ever wondered why so many job applications are rejected? or what are the particular set of skills to put on a resume? To help you select the right job, we will discuss 25+ skills to put on a resume.

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Top Skills to Put on a Resume

Here is an elaborate list of some of the best skills to put on a resume.

1. Communication Skills

Effective communication is essential in almost every job. Whether it’s written or verbal communication, employers want to know that you can convey your ideas clearly and work well with others. On your resume, you can demonstrate this skill by mentioning any experience in public speaking, writing reports, or collaborating with diverse teams.

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2. Problem-Solving Abilities

Employers value candidates who can identify issues and find creative solutions. Mention specific instances where you’ve tackled challenges and achieved positive results. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure these examples on your resume.

3. Leadership Skills

Even if you’re not applying for a managerial role, showcasing leadership qualities is important. Highlight any experience where you’ve led projects, mentored colleagues, or taken the initiative to improve processes. Use action verbs like “led,” “mentored,” or “initiated” to describe these experiences.

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4. Adaptability and Flexibility

In a rapidly changing world, adaptability is a highly sought-after skill. Discuss situations where you’ve adapted to new technologies, environments, or responsibilities. Emphasize your ability to learn quickly and thrive in dynamic settings.

5. Technical Proficiency

Depending on your industry, technical skills can be a significant asset. List any software, programming languages, or technical tools you’re proficient in. Be honest about your skill level, as exaggerating can lead to problems down the line.

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6. Time Management

Employers appreciate candidates who can manage their time efficiently and meet deadlines. Provide examples of projects where you effectively organized your time, mentioning any tools or techniques you used, such as project management software or the Pomodoro Technique.

7. Teamwork and Collaboration

Most jobs involve working with others, so teamwork is vital. Share experiences where you’ve successfully collaborated with colleagues, emphasizing the outcomes achieved as a team. Use phrases like “collaborated with a cross-functional team” to illustrate your ability to work well with others.

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8. Attention to Detail

Precision is crucial in many roles, especially those that involve data analysis, quality control, or compliance. Mention instances where your attention to detail prevented errors or improved processes. Quantify your impact whenever possible.

9. Customer Service Skills

If your role involves interaction with customers or clients, highlight your customer service abilities. Provide examples of how you’ve resolved customer issues, improved customer satisfaction, or handled difficult situations diplomatically.

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10. Analytical Skills

In an increasingly data-driven world, analytical skills are highly valued. Describe projects where you’ve analyzed data, conducted research, or made data-driven decisions. Mention any software or tools you’re proficient in, such as Excel or data visualization software.

11. Creativity and Innovation

Innovation drives progress in many industries. Share instances where you have come up with creative solutions and suggested process improvements, or contributed to innovation within your organization.

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Additional Skills Required to Add to a Resume

Here are some additional skills you can add to your resume to stand out from the crowd.

  1. SEO Knowledge – Understanding of search engine optimization to enhance content visibility.
  2. Research Skills – Ability to gather relevant information from reliable sources.
  3. Editing and Proofreading – Ensuring content is error-free and polished.
  4. Content Management Systems (CMS) – Proficiency with platforms like WordPress.
  5. Creative Writing – Crafting engaging and original content.
  6. Adaptability – Writing for various audiences and formats.
  7. Social Media Management – Creating and curating content for social platforms.
  8. Grammar and Punctuation – Strong command over language mechanics.
  9. Storytelling – Weaving narratives that captivate readers.
  10. Data Visualization – Creating clear and informative charts and graphs.
  11. Statistical Analysis – Applying statistical methods to interpret data.
  12. Programming Languages – Proficiency in Python, R, or SQL.
  13. Data Cleaning – Ensuring data quality and consistency.
  14. Machine Learning – Understanding basic machine learning algorithms.
  15. Attention to Detail – Spotting and correcting errors in datasets.
  16. Business Intelligence Tools – Using tools like Tableau or Power BI.
  17. Confidentiality – Maintaining students’ privacy and trust
  18. Organizational Skills – Managing records and scheduling appointments.
  19. Cultural Competence – Understanding and respecting diverse backgrounds.
  20. Empathy – Demonstrating genuine care and understanding.

Effective Tips to Write Your Skills in a Resume

Now that you know which skills to include on your resume, let’s discuss how to express them effectively:

  1. Use Action Verbs: Start each bullet point with a strong action verb to describe your achievements. For example, “Managed a team of five” is more impactful than “Responsible for a team of five.”
  1. Quantify Your Achievements: Whenever possible, quantify your accomplishments. For instance, “Increased sales by 20% in six months” provides a clear picture of your impact.
  1. Tailor Your Resume: Customise your resume for each job application. Highlight the skills that align most closely with the specific job requirements.

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  1. Focus on Results: Employers want to see how your skills translate into tangible results. Use the STAR method to emphasize the outcomes of your actions.
  1. Keep It Concise: Be concise and avoid jargon. Aim for a clean, easy-to-read format. Use bullet points to break up text and make it more viewable and scannable.
  1. Include a Skills Section: Consider including a dedicated skills section near the top of your resume. This makes it easy for recruiters to identify your key strengths quickly.
  1. Show Continuous Learning: Mention any certifications, courses, or workshops that demonstrate your commitment to improving your skills and staying current in your field.

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Q.1. Which skills should be put in a resume?

Ans: Skills that boast about your communication, your flexibility to work in a team, and management are considered to be one of the skills that employers look for.

Q.2. What are professional skills?

Ans: Project management, problem-solving, decision-making, communication skills, and team management are the top 5 professional skills. 

Q.3. Is it good to list some skills on a resume?

Ans: Yes, it is a best practice to put your best skills in the top section of your resume. It gives the employer a quick yet close idea of the skills possessed by you. 

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