International Day of Biological Diversity 2024

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International Day of Biological Diversity

The International Day of Biological Diversity is celebrated every year on 22 May. It increases awareness and understanding of biodiversity issues on our planet Earth. In simple words, biological diversity refers to the wide variety of plants and animals as well as the different ecosystems, like forests and deserts. Over the years, human activities have led to loss of biodiversity, affecting various areas of our lives. Therefore, the International Day of Biological Diversity aims to tackle this issue and restore the loss of biodiversity.

Name of the dayInternational Day of Biological Diversity
Observed on22 May
Reason To help people understand issues related to biological diversity.
Theme 2024Be Part of the Plan

History of the International Day of Biological Diversity 

  • It was created by the Second Committee of the United Nations General Assembly on 29 December 1993. 
  • However, in December 2000, the UN General Assembly adopted 22 May to celebrate this day and commemorate the adoption of the test of the Convention on 22 May 1992 by the Nairobi Final Act of the Conference for the Adoption of the Agreed Text of the Convention on Biological Diversity. 
  • This change was necessary because it was getting difficult for some countries to conduct sustainable celebrations on 29 December as it was the time of holidays. 

What is the Theme of the International Day of Biological Diversity in 2024?

The theme of the International Day of Biological Diversity in 2024 is, “Be Part of the Plan”. It highlights the collective and shared responsibility of individuals in preserving and conserving biological diversity. Moreover, it also encourages individuals to realize the importance of their efforts in making a big change. 

Source: Gurzaib Art

Why do we Celebrate the International Day of Biological Diversity?

The following are the reasons why the International Day of Biological Diversity is Celebrated:

  • To spread awareness and provide education about the importance of biological diversity and species in order to conserve them 
  • To help people understand more about biological diversity and enable them to strive toward the sustainability of the environment
  • To boost ecosystem productivity as all the species are inter-dependent on each other also it would be a lot easier for the ecosystem to flourish and stand stronger against natural disasters
  • Human Civilization is built on the pillars of Biological Diversity. Many essential human requirements in terms of food, healthcare, agriculture, and economy are dependent on biological diversity 

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What is the Significance of the International Day of Biological Diversity?

Biological Diversity or Biodiversity is often related to terms of a wide variety of plants, animals and microorganisms. However, it also includes genetic differences within each species including between varieties of crops and breeds of livestock in a variety of ecosystems (like lakes, forests, deserts etc) that cater to many interactions among its specie.

Human Civilization is built on the pillars of Biological Diversity. Almost 20% of animal protein comes from fish to provide to about 3 billion people. More than 80% of the human diet is derived from plants. Loss of biological diversity would have an adverse effect on human civilization and affect our health as well. Therefore, the conservation of biological diversity has become essential in the healthcare sector and otherwise as well. 

Biological Diversity is a global asset as well and holds tremendous value for future generations. Thus, education and awareness about its importance and recognition must be done via various campaigns and events. 

Even though every Biological Diversity has its own significance, this year the day marks a global celebration as it brings a renewed sense of hope with the adoption of the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework at the 15th Conference of Parties to the UN Convention on Biological  Diversity (Cop15).

In order to mark this historic and incredible achievement, the proposed theme of this year was “Fromm Agreement to Action: Build Back Biodiversity” which build on the results of COP 15.

components of biological diversity

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How do we Celebrate International Biological Diversity Day?

The following are the ways to celebrate the International Biological Diversity Day:

  • One of the best ways to celebrate this day is by contributing toward the conservation of biological diversity and the environment. You can start your organic garden with native plants and avoid invasive species
  • Strive toward having an organic and sustainable approach. Prefer buying organic food and sustainable material items so that it reduces the pressure on the environment for decomposition and adjust its negative impacts
  • Another ideal approach toward contributing to biological diversity is by conserving energy. Reducing energy consumption via various methods at home and other places can make a great difference and would also reduce the pressure on fossil fuel consumption
Source: Ocean Art

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Interesting Facts about Biological Diversity

The following are the interesting facts about biological diversity:

  • Currently, one million plant and animal species face the threat of extinction
  • Since the 16th century, at least 680 vertebrate species have gone extinct 
  • Human activities are overusing almost 56% of Earth’s bio-capacity
  • There are 8 million species of plants and animals on Earth
  • Climate Change is the third leading cause of change in nature
  • Climate change poses a threat to over 4161 species


When is the International Day of Biological Diversity celebrated?

The International Day of Biological Diversity is celebrated on 22 May. The United Nations proclaimed 22 May for this day to increase the awareness and understanding of biodiversity issues among people. 

Why is the International Day of Biological Diversity celebrated?

The following are the reasons why the International Day of Biological Diversity is Celebrated:
1. To spread awareness and provide education about the importance of biological diversity and species in order to conserve them 
2. There is an increasing threat to biological diversity, therefore, celebrating the day would allow people to understand more about biological diversity and enable them to strive toward the sustainability of the environment
3. Biological diversity is essential to boost ecosystem productivity as all the species are inter-dependent on each other also it would be a lot easier for the ecosystem to flourish and stand stronger against natural disasters

How can I celebrate the International Day of Biological Diversity?

The following are the ways to celebrate the International Biological Diversity Day:
1. One of the best ways to celebrate this day is by contributing toward the conservation of biological diversity and the environment. 
2. Strive toward having an organic and sustainable approach. 
Another ideal approach toward contributing to biological diversity is by conserving energy.

Well, that was all about the International Day of Biological Diversity. For more such interesting updates, keep following Leverage Edu and continue to share your feedback in the comments section below.

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