World Environment Day: Theme, History, Importance

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world environment day

We are all urged to preserve our natural surroundings on World Environment Day. The amazing details? An estimated 7 million people each year pass away from air pollution-related causes, with the Asia-Pacific area accounting for the majority of these deaths. This day, which falls on June 5, promotes activism all throughout the world. Everything from littering to climate change is included. 

The 2019 event was held in China, which currently owns 50% of all electric automobiles and 99% of all-electric buses. According to Joyce Msuya, acting head of UN Environment, “the country has demonstrated tremendous leadership in tackling air pollution domestically.” “It can now encourage the entire world to take more action.” In 1972, the UN created the inaugural World Environment Day.

World Environment Day 2023: Date and Theme

Every year June 5 marks World Environment Day. The actual house we all reside in is located outside of our homes, and protecting it for future generations is more important than ever.

The Netherlands and Côte d’Ivoire will host World Environment Day 2023, the theme of which will focus on plastic pollution solutions and the hashtag is #BeatPlasticPollution. It serves as a reminder that what individuals do to reduce plastic pollution matters. The result of this action is the actions that corporations and governments are doing to combat plastic pollution.

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History of World Environment Day

Due to its long history and several firsts, World Environment Day (WED) is one of the more distinctive and noteworthy holidays. It was conceived on the opening day of the first-ever United Nations conference on people and the environment.

This, however, did not occur immediately. In 1968, Sweden was the first country to suggest holding such a meeting with the U.N. Then in 1969, the United Nations decided to hold a summit in Sweden that would be focussed on environmental issues after three years. It’s interesting to note that Maurice Strong, a Canadian ambassador with a background in the oil and mineral sector and a soft spot for the environment, was in charge of the conference.

After 4 years of planning and $30,000,000 later, everything finally came together in 1972. World Environment Day was created as a result of a meeting of world leaders to examine how to increase public awareness of environmental protection. The first-ever World Environment Day was then observed two years later with the theme “Only One Earth.”

Since then, World Environment Day has been enthusiastically accepted by everyone, to the point where it is now steadily permeating pop culture (and we love it!). Celebrities from all across the world inspire others to “save the world” in their own special way.

Timeline of Events

The Concept Emerges (1968)  

Sweden considers holding an environment-focused meeting at the UN.

First U.N Environmental Conference (19729)

Maurice Strong finally takes the helm at the first U.N. environmental conference as the topics of global warming, overpopulation, and marine pollution are discussed.

A Fantastic Debut (1974)

Spokane, Washington, hosts the first World Environment Day celebration.

China Hosts World Environment Day (2019)

The slogan “Beat Air Pollution” is used by China to draw attention to the 7 million people who die each year as a result of air pollution. 

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How to Observe World Environment Day?

Here are some ways in which you can observe world environment day.

Make a Choice to Recycle

Although it can seem like a no-brainer, do you truly recycle whenever you can? Think again the next time you’re about to toss that piece of paper in the garbage because there isn’t a recycling container nearby. You’re holding a plastic container, but you’re too lazy to check to see if it’s biodegradable. Check it out on your smartphone by opening it! You must do your part to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.

Plant a Tree

By trapping them on their leaves and bark, trees absorb odours and polluting gases (nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulphur dioxide, and ozone) as well as airborne particles. When carefully placed around a single-family home, they can reduce the need for summer air conditioning by up to 50%. We cut carbon dioxide and other environmental emissions from power plants by reducing the energy required to cool our homes.


Anyone may volunteer, and it can have a positive impact on the entire community. Try something new by volunteering with the National Park Service, or stay close to home by helping out at your neighbourhood farmers’ market. You’ll experience the benefits of getting out of the house and protecting the environment no matter how you choose to get involved.

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Why is This Day Important?

This day is important for many reasons. Some of the main reasons are listed below:

It Re-Connects us with Nature

We occasionally fail to recognise how much our personal health is supported by natural processes. But because humans are a part of nature, we rely on it. Therefore, today is the ideal time to visit the national parks in your country and honour the integral connection.

Awareness is Increased

More and more people are beginning to realise the need of managing the resources and ecosystems of our planet in a sustainable manner. However, not everyone holds such an opinion. It presents an opportunity to spread knowledge of the physical environment’s fragility and importance among friends and family. However, make sure that you are well-versed in environmental issues before you start spreading environmental awareness in your local neighbourhood. There’s even more to discover!

It Nudges us to Take Action

Our health is negatively impacted by the chemicals and toxins that are polluting the environment at an increasing rate. Just to name a few, they can lead to cancer and respiratory illnesses. World Environment Day encourages us to take action and improve the environment we can’t live without by bringing attention to the problems with the air that nourishes us.

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What is the theme of 2023 World Environment Day?

The Netherlands and Côte d’Ivoire will host World Environment Day 2023, which will focus on plastic pollution solutions and the hashtag is #BeatPlasticPollution.

What is the World Environment Day campaign 2023?

Under the hashtag #BeatPlasticPollution, the theme of World Environment Day on June 5th, 2023, will be focused on plastic pollution solutions. Plastic is taking over the planet. Every year, more than 400 million tonnes of plastic are produced, half of which are intended for single-use applications.

Why 5 June is celebrated as Environment Day?

The opening day of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment is June 5, which is declared World Environment Day by the UN General Assembly. The General Assembly also creates UNEP through a different resolution that day.

This was all about World Environment Day 2023. For more interesting reads, subscribe to Leverage Edu.

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