Speech on Ozone Layer Depletion

6 minute read
Speech on Ozone layer depletion

When it comes to expressing ourselves, speech is one of the great ways to do so. In our school duration, we pick up this skill and build on it to be able to convey our thoughts more clearly. One such time we improve on it is the ASL or Assessment of Speaking and Listening. It is an integral part of the CBSE Class IX and X curriculum. It is a part of the comprehensive and continuous evaluation system under CBSE in which the students are usually to choose a topic they wish to speak on and then prepare a speech on it within a limited time duration. In this blog, we have curated samples of speech on the ozone layer depletion, for ASL and public speaking competitions. Let’s have a look at the same. 

Speech on Ozone Layer Depletion for 2-3 minutes

Good morning esteemed authorities and the people present here. My name is Jake and today I am going to present before you a speech on Ozone Layer Depletion. Ozone is the one that protects the Earth from the harmful UV radiations from the sun and much more. This layer covers the entire Earth. But now, this layer is depleting at a fast rate and the cause of the same is us, the humans. We have escalated the rate of ozone layer depletion by our actions. The ozone layer depletion occurs because of certain gases including the CFCs (chlorofluorocarbon). These CFCs are released from our air conditioners, refrigerators, etc. These CFCs release Active Chlorine (CIOx) which destroys the ozone layer. The hole in the Antarctic region has been formed because of the increasing amount of this active chlorine in the atmosphere which comes from the CFCs. Another reason behind ozone layer depletion is the greenhouse gases that are released from our vehicles. 

If the ozone layer gets completely depleted, then all of the Earth would be exposed to the harmful radiation of the sun causing a great deal of damage. We have to do our part and act now so we can replenish the ozone. One such way of doing so is finding alternatives to CFCs and stopping their use, making use of our vehicles judiciously, and making use of public transport as and when possible. Another thing we can do is plant more and more trees. Trees will not only stop ozone layer depletion but will also ensure more fresh air and less pollution. We must act now before it’s too late and do our part in replenishing the ozone and hence, save Earth.

Also Read:- Save Environment Speech

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Speech on Ozone Layer Depletion for 5-8 minutes

Good morning esteemed authorities. My name is Akash and today I am going to present before you a speech on Ozone Layer Depletion. I hope I will be able to convey my views. 

The ozone layer is mainly found in the lower portion of the Earth’s atmosphere and can absorb 97%-99% of the harmful UV radiations coming from the sun. If these radiations reach the Earth, they can destroy life on Earth. It would lead to millions of people developing skin diseases and weak immune systems. And since the discovery of a hole in the ozone in Antarctica, it has got the attention of the scientists who are now concerned about the same.

Ozone layer depletion mainly means the thinning of the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere. 

The reasons behind the same are the active chlorine and bromine molecules that come in contact with the ozone molecules and destroy them. A single chlorine molecule tends to destroy 100,000 molecules of ozone. Substances that contain chlorine and bromine are chlorofluorocarbons, Bromofluorocarbons, etc. And we humans have sped up the rate of ozone layer depletion through our actions. The mentioned substances are found in air conditioners, refrigerators, etc. Along with these substances, greenhouse gases are another reason behind the ozone layer depletion and humans contribute a great deal to the same. Our vehicles are a great source of greenhouse gases. In the process of development, we are so lost that we don’t realize the damage we causing to the ozone layer and indirectly to our planet Earth. And the irony here is that it will eventually adversely affect us. If the ozone layer gets depleted, then the planet will be exposed to the harmful UV radiation of the sun.

The same can cause so much damage in terms of serious health issues including cancer, cataracts, sunburns, weak immune system, etc. The environment would be affected leading to less flowering and minimal plant growth and photosynthesis. All the animals, terrestrial and marine, would be adversely affected as well. 

The Earth is calling out to us and we need to listen. Listen to it’s cry and act immediately. We have to do our part to ensure the sustenance of our planet and there’s quite a lot that we can do to prevent the ozone layer depletion. One such thing is minimizing the use of vehicles. And in turn, using public transport. Planting a large number of trees will be of great help as trees remove harmful gases, especially greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, and not only that, trees ensure clean air for us to breathe. Switching to CFC alternatives will majorly impact the ozone layer depletion in a good sense. 

The thing that we have to know is that we are the problem as of now, and we have to become the solution to the same. This planet that we call home, we have to take a stand, come to our senses, and act to protect it. The ozone layer is of extreme importance and if we don’t realize it now, then the future will hold a lot of problems for us. And together we can save the ozone. This is our planet, let’s save it at all costs. 

Also Read:- Speech on Global Warming


Q.1. What is ozone layer depletion in 100 words?

Ans: Ozone layer depletion mainly means the thinning of the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere. The reasons behind the same are the active chlorine and bromine molecules that come in contact with the ozone molecules and destroy them. A single chlorine molecule tends to destroy 100,000 molecules of ozone. Substances that contain chlorine and bromine are chlorofluorocarbons, Bromofluorocarbons, etc. Another reason behind ozone layer depletion is the greenhouse gases that are released from our vehicles. Ozone is the one that protects the Earth from the harmful UV radiations from the sun and much more. This layer covers the entire Earth. But now, this layer is depleting at a fast rate and the cause of the same is us, the humans.

Q.2. What causes ozone depletion?

Ans: The reasons behind the ozone layer depletion are the active chlorine and bromine molecules that come in contact with the ozone molecules and destroy them. A single chlorine molecule tends to destroy 100,000 molecules of ozone. Substances that contain chlorine and bromine are chlorofluorocarbons, Bromofluorocarbons, etc. And we humans have sped up the rate of ozone layer depletion through our actions. The mentioned substances are found in air conditioners, refrigerators, etc. Along with these substances, greenhouse gases are another reason behind the ozone layer depletion and humans contribute a great deal to the same. Our vehicles are a great source of greenhouse gases.

Q.3. How can we reduce ozone depletion?

Ans: We can reduce ozone layer depletion by minimizing the use of vehicles. And in turn, using public transport. Planting a large number of trees will be of great help as trees remove harmful gases, especially greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, and not only that, trees ensure clean air for us to breathe. Switching to CFC alternatives will majorly impact the ozone layer depletion in a good sense. 

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