The full form of RSS is Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh also known as Sangh.”Rashtriya” translates to “national” in English, while “Swayamsevak” refers to a “volunteer” or “selfless worker” and “Sangh” signifies an “organization” or “association.” It is an NPO organization that was established on 27th September 1925 by Keshav Baliram Hedgewar. Today, the RSS maintains a strong presence in the political sphere of India.
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What are the Founding Principles of RSS?
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RSS is rooted in the philosophy of Hindutva, which emphasizes the cultural and spiritual ethos of India. The organization aims to promote certain ideals such as:
- Nationalism
- National unity
- Selfless service to the nation
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Organizational Structure
The RSS operates on a hierarchical structure and also has various levels of management, including regional leaders with the leader known as the:
- Sarsanghchalak – The Head.
- Sarkaryawah – Executive Head
- Sah-Sarkayavah – Joint General Secretary
- Vicharak – Leaders carrying the ideologies of RSS
- Pracharak – RSS missionaries who devote their life to the service of the organization being a celibate for a lifetime and living in poverty.
- Karyakartas – Two types of karyakartas work in the organization including the Grahastha Karyakarta and the Pracharaks.
- Shakhas – Training centers for volunteers.
- Mukhya- Shikshak – Chief of a Shakha
- Karyawah – Executive head of a Shakha
- Gatanayak – Group Leader
- Swayamsevak – Voluntary Volunteers of the Sangh.
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Mission and Activities
The RSS focuses on various activities such as character-building, social welfare, and national integration. It conducts shakha sessions where participants engage in physical exercises, ideological discussions, and nationalistic drills. Additionally, RSS volunteers actively participate in relief and rehabilitation efforts during natural disasters.
Some of the activities of RSS are:
- They assisted in the relief of the 1971, Odisha Cyclone.
- Helped rebuild villages after the 2001 Gujrat earthquake.
- In 2006, they participated in providing basic necessities to the flood-affected area of Gujrat.
- In 2020 during the COVID-19 Lockdown, they distributed sanitizers and masks.
They have also assisted in many other relief efforts in the whole of India.
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Publications of RSS
The two most famous publications of RSS are –
- Panchajanya (Hindi)
- Organiser (English)
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