19+ Interesting Facts About Salt for a Savoury Treat!

3 minute read

Salt is an everyday item in every household. It is a cooking staple used to balance the sweetness of desserts and add flavour to savoury dishes. But are there some interesting facts about salt? Absolutely! Did you know that adding salt to boiling eggs can prevent them from cracking? Isn’t it an interesting fun fact about eggs? Moreover, it is of great importance for human and animal health. In this blog, you will read more interesting facts about salt that may blow your brain. Let’s begin.

Scientific Facts About Salt

  1. Salt is also known as sodium chloride (NaCl).
  2. Salt has 40% sodium and 60% chloride. 
  3. India produces black salt by mixing salt water with harad seeds which gives it a slight pink colour. 
  1. Common salt refers to the mineral form halite or rock salt. 
  2. “Salts” is the term used to refer to chemical compounds. 
  3. Rock salt is crystalline sodium chloride, generally referred to as halite by mineralogists. 
  1. You can use salt to clean fish tanks as it helps remove hard water deposits.
  2. Put eggs in a cup of salt water to test their freshness. If the eggs float, they are spoiled, if they sink, those eggs are fresh. 

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Facts About Salt and Human Body Health

  1. Salt is present in every cell of the human body. It is essential to flush out toxins.
  2. In ancient times, the production and transportation of salt gave rise to new cities. One popular example is Salzburg of Italy, which translates into “city of salt”. 
  3. According to World Health Organisation (WHO), people should consume less than 5 grams of salt per day. This is equal to one teaspoon of salt.
  1. Excessive consumption of salt can lead to hypertension and other health issues. 
  2. Salt is used to remove traces of water from aviation fuel. This is done after the fuel has been purified. 
  3. Iodised salt is the type of salt to which small amounts of potassium iodide have been added. It is commonly used in an iodine-lacking diet. It may treat goitre which causes swelling of the thyroid gland. 
  4. The meat and food-processing industries use salt as a preservative, seasoning, or both.
  1. When applied to snow or ice, salt can lower its melting point. 
  2. Salt is also used to remove calcium and magnesium compounds from water in water-softening equipment.  

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Historical Facts About Salt

  1. Salt was used in religious offerings and to preserve mummies in Egypt. 
  2. It was a valuable good traded between the Phoenicians and the Mediterranean Empire. 
  3. In the holy bible, salt is used metaphorically to signify loyalty, usefulness, permanence, and purification. 
  1. The word salary is derived from the Latin word sal, which means salt. Researchers believe that salt was so expensive that it was used to pay Roman soldiers.
  2. In old Japanese theatres, salt was sprinkled on the stage before each performance to ward off evil spirits. 
  1. Records tell us that thousands of Napoleon’s troops died during the retreat from Moscow. This was because their wounds couldn’t heal due to the lack of salt. 

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What are the 5 facts about salt?

5 fun facts about salt include that it is scientifically known as sodium chloride, it is present in every cell of the human body, it was used in religious offerings in Egypt, it is used as a preservative in the meat industry, and lastly, it is mentioned in the holy bible. 

What’s special about salt?

One special fact about salt is its role in maintaining human health. It is important to maintain the body’s blood pressure, which also acts as the main source of sodium.

What are some kid facts about salt?

Some kid facts about salt include that a healthy amount of salt in the body helps your heart pump blood at a healthy rate.

Hope you had fun reading these interesting facts about salt. If you want to know more about topics like this, then visit our Interesting Facts and General Knowledge page!

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