
Tips for Parents Attending University Fairs 🏫🎓

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Tips for Parents Attending University Fairs

When your child is preparing to apply to colleges, the possibilities might seem limitless. What is best for your child in-state or out-of-state, community college or four-year university, major school or small school? College fairs are a terrific opportunity to learn about your options and speak with admissions staff face to face. A college fair is an event for prospective students when admissions officials from colleges go and interact with students one-on-one. In this blog, we’ve included some tips for parents attending university fairs.

Top Tips For Parents Attending University Fairs

Check out these top tips that parents must keep in mind when attending study abroad university fairs with their child.

Review the List of Participating Schools 

There’s a lot to be said for having a strategy in mind when attending a college fair. Sit down with your pupil and assist them in determining which schools will be in attendance and establishing a priority list. Make a note of the “must-see” schools and those that could be of interest. This will guarantee that your youngster does not feel overwhelmed on the day of the fair, wasting their opportunity to investigate colleges and create a good impression.

You are Not Required to be Present at all

We understand you have a stake in where your child attends college. You’ll most likely be responsible for the majority of the costs. You also want your child to be content. Almost all of the material presented during college fairs, on the other hand, can be found on school websites. Allow your pupil to take the initiative on this.

Support Your Kid

For students, the college admissions process is a stressful time. We understand that it is difficult for parents as well, but it is even more so for children.

Allow your Kid to do the most of the Talking

Listening to what your child asks about might teach you a lot about them. Did you know he has a passion for psychology? Her favorite sport is Quidditch, right? If your child expresses an interest in pursuing a Classics degree while you believe it is completely unfeasible, you’ll have something to talk about on the way home.

Encourage your Student to Follow up

Students should follow up with the admissions personnel they met at the college fairs. While speaking with the admissions agent, students should obtain a business card or contact information and, if feasible, give them their own. Don’t be the one to follow up, parents! Encourage your kid to follow up after the fair, but this is the moment for you to take a step back and provide support. Furthermore, several institutions notice when students show an interest in the school and take the initiative to connect with it. Some colleges use ‘demonstrated interest’ to make college admissions choices. They keep track of these things: if you speak with a college representative or like their Facebook page, they can see how interested students are in the school. Some colleges may consider this while making admissions decisions. It might offer your student an advantage.

In Only 3-Easy Steps Land Your Offer from Your Dream University!

Speak with notable university officials one-on-one to learn more about the campus, their curriculum, the application procedure, and prospective work opportunities following the course. With a simple click, you may register for the UniConnect fair and obtain on-the-spot offers from prominent institutions. In just a few simple steps, you may visit the UniConnect expo.

Step 1

  • Fill up the form Mentioned on the website.

Step 2

  • Leverage Edu will contact you for a profile review and university shortlisting.

Step 3

  • Visit university booths and interact with university experts at the venue.

These are all the Tips for parents attending university fairs.’ A simple visit to one of these fairs may be a career game-changer for your child. So What’s keeping you from registering with Leverage Edu UniConnect Study Abroad Fair 2022, which will take place on April 16, 2022, at The Suryaa in New Delhi from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM? Register Now!

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