
Reasons You Should Send Your Child to Study Abroad

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Reasons You Should Let Your Child Study Abroad

With the increasing accessibility of world-class education and as well as demand for courses abroad, it comes off as no surprise that kids nowadays want to pursue their education abroad. There are many reasons why you should let your child study abroad. We have listed a few of them for you below.

Children can Experience the Best Education

With the improving education system, students can now get better and more diverse degrees from famous and world-renowned institutions abroad. Your children will get the chance to experience different styles of education. Countries like the USA, Canada, Germany, etc have practical approaches and also fund students’ research programs. Getting your child enrolled in a study abroad program can gain him/her exposure that may not be available in India.

Abroad Education Highlights their Resume

One of the major reasons why you should let your child study abroad is that, doing so will help the child explore as well as add the best qualifications to their resume. With an increasing number of companies going global or marketing their services worldwide, employers are likely to hire a candidate with international experience. Such international experience is also an exhibit of the student’s adaptability in new environments and cultures. Thus, all these qualities usually attract future employers. Often, your child studying abroad can find a good job in the country they are studying itself. 

Studies Abroad Improve Language Skills

Apart from boosting your child’s career, studying abroad will bring new experiences as well as learnings. If you plan to let your child study abroad, the chances are that he/she will be able to learn a new and foreign language. 

The best way to learn a new language is to interact with people who speak that same language. It is pretty easier to catch up on a new language when the students see and hear it in the right cultural context. Moreover, knowing a foreign language will keep your child a step ahead in the competitive and global job market.

Children Learn Independence

It is a well-known fact that staying alone makes students understand the importance of self-sufficiency as well as how to be an independent person. Letting your child study abroad may help them become self-sufficient. There may be many reasons for this, some of them being

  • New environment brings new opportunities to learn
  • They have to adapt to diverse situation 
  • They develop problem-solving skills
  • They do their personal work (laundry, dishes) on their own 
  • They learn management skills
  • They start thinking about their own future

Your Child Gets a Global Outlook

If you let your child study abroad, he/she may get immense opportunities to learn a lot about diverse cultures around the world. This is because of their classmates, peers and locals in the foreign countries. This knowledge is not just static and definitely comes in handy, especially if your child wants to work in a multinational organization. 

With a global mindset, your child will be able to use his abilities and back up their arguments to make informed decisions as they have knowledge about the global demands and market.

Children Understand the Value of Home and Family 

As the years pass by and we grow up, we end up taking things, people and culture around us for granted. These things could include support and luxuries provided by loved ones and the people who have helped us become the person we are today. However, it is true that we value things only once we lose them. 

Once your child goes to stay abroad and steps out of their comfort zone, he/she may start appreciating these little things even more. In fact, these may become some of their fondest memories to look back to. 

Likewise, the parents also realise that after they let their child study abroad, he/she develops a sense of dealing with unfamiliar situations as well as different cultures. Moreover, when the child returns, you will find that the familial ties are much stronger.

Children Have the Time of Their Life

Who does not want to travel around the world and see new things? If you let your child study abroad, even he/she can get this opportunity at a very young age. During their stay, they will also have some time to travel to new places in different corners of the world and learn about new cultures.

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Why children should study abroad?

If you let your child study abroad, they will experience a new culture. It also gives the children a perspective to understand social issues on a global scale, as well as appreciate and accept different cultures. This invaluable experience stays with them and hence parents should definitely think about letting their children study abroad. 

When did studying abroad become popular?

A fast increase in the number of programs offered outside of Europe was seen in the 1930s. The first Russian study abroad program for American students was offered in 1934, the first South American study abroad program in Argentina in 1939 and the first Asian study abroad program in China in 1936. 

Is studying abroad in high school worth it?

Studying abroad in high school itself is a very beneficial component to be able to include on your resume and university applications. Pursuing an education abroad shows independence, motivation, as well as a desire to gain new experiences and meet new people. These all are also qualities that employers and college admissions officers look for.

YouTube: Leverage Edu

There is no doubt that it will be a great opportunity if you decide to let your child study abroad. However, choosing the right course and university that runs parallel to your child’s interests is very important. For this, I’m sure you’ll be pleased to take the assistance of an AI-based tool at Leverage Edu that gives you personalised suggestions based on your skills, qualifications and interests. Contact our experts at Leverage Edu they will assist you in your study abroad endeavour. To get a free consultation from us call us at 1800 572 000 now!

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