
30 November: IELTS Speaking Topics – Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way.

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IELTS Speaking Topics - Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way.

Q- Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way. 

  • Who is this person?
  • What was the problem?
  • How did he/she solve it?
  • And explain why you think he/ she did it in an intelligent way?

A- Well, one needs intelligence to deal with challenging circumstances in life. Even if I’m not particularly cunning, I consider myself fortunate to have a few friends who are a bright spark and always make the hardest things as easy as pie for me.

Here, I’d want to tell about Nandini, my best friend from elementary school, who is always smart enough to come up with creative solutions to my issues. I had to go to a reunion party last year, and I was really looking forward to it. But when I saw that it was a theme party, I was a little let down because that meant I had to dress in keeping with the theme. To enter the party, each visitor had to dress as a Bollywood celebrity.

Since I didn’t have an appropriate dress, I had to buy one. However, despite looking in several stores, I was unable to find anything that would fit in my budget. I particularly liked the James Bond outfit, but the cost was prohibitive. I started crying out of frustration at this point because I wasn’t able to go to the party to see my friends.

Fortunately, my astute friend Nandini came over later that night, and we talked about my issue. She rather began laughing when she heard about my issue and suggested it could be resolved in a matter of seconds.

I had no idea that she took me to a place where one could rent some of the most gorgeous outfits. I went to the store and came across the exact dress I wanted to wear, but instead of buying it, I could rent it for just Rs. 1000 for the day.

I gave my friend a big hug in appreciation for helping me out during the party as I was on cloud nine. Because my friend found a solution to my issue, I became the centre of attention at the party.

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