Benefits of GMAT Test Series

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GMAT Test Series

The GMAT is a tough nut to crack. While it is easy to choose and order the best books for GMAT the abundance of materials, on the other hand, makes it harder to form a clear direction of study and preparation. Students must realise that acing the GMAT requires a full-fledged strategy in which test series play a comprehensive role. Practising it not only gives students a taste of actual exam but also helps them recognise their strong aspects, weaknesses, as well as the time taken. Therefore, attempting as many as possible GMAT test series can increase your chances of scoring 700+ and securing admission at your dream university. Read through this blog to know of the ways it helps you and how it is an important resource that you must not miss. 

Also Read: GRE vs GMAT

How Does GMAT Test Series Help You?

Suited to both, who are starting out their preparation and for those who have an exam soon, GMAT test series helps address a wide variety of student needs. Given below are some of the ways it supports your preparation:

  • Test Day Experience

All your preparation efforts are geared towards the day you sit for the exam. In this respect, the GMAT test series helps you simulate the test day experience. With questions matching the difficulty, content, and guidelines of the official GMAC sample papers, it helps prepare students for the actual exam. 

  • Your Pace Against the Clock

It is important for students to realise that the GMAT exam is not just about getting most of the questions correctly but getting it right within the stipulated time period of close to 3 hours. Taking the GMAT test series helps in improving the speed as well as accuracy thus making you conscious of the time you are taking to get each question correct. Remember, if you spend too much time on a question, you are jeopardising your chances of getting some easy questions correct. However, spending a fixed period of time on every question no matter the difficulty can help you prioritise effectively. 

Also Read: GMAT Paper Pattern

  • Knowing the Computer-Adaptive Format

The GMAT is a computer adaptive test with respect to the quantitative and verbal reasoning sections. Differing from traditional exams, a computer adaptive test judges your performance on each question and puts forward questions based on it. For instance, if you are getting tough questions correct consistently, you are likely to get more such questions (definitely the points awarded varies by how it is done is not disclosed by GMAC), however, if you are facing difficulties solving tough ones, the test starts putting forward relatively easy questions. GMAT test series, with varying difficulty standards  (easy, medium & hard), helps you account for this nature of the GMAT test.

  • Developing Your Own Tricks

A few tricks with some strategies and shortcuts speed up your answer time. Taking the GMAT test series helps you develop your personal strategies with respect to the test. Whether you are more comfortable using a particular technique or you are better off without it, it helps you in getting familiarised with the format of the test. 

Also Read: GMAT Exam Dates

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Offering industry-appreciated test preparation resources in collaboration with Veritas Test Prep which includes full-length on-computer GMAT test series, personal test performance analysis and doubt-clearing sessions on-demand, Leverage Edu & partners offers comprehensive preparation resources for your GMAT exam. On top of that, the experts here realise that studying and preparing for the GMAT requires working through a carefully created plan which takes into account the strong as well as the weak points of students. The mentors work on this aspect. Further, with a host of services related to the course and university shortlisting, career counselling, application and post-admission services, amongst others, Leverage Edu offers a one-stop solution for your entire admission. So why wait? Book your 30 minutes free counselling session or visit us at the given address and sail through your exam with flying careers.

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