
This Day in History – February 10

3 minute read
February 10

They say what’s happened in the past remains in the past, but little do they know about the significance of everything minor that happens in the past shapes our future. Well, every day as we live, we create history, every event that takes place today is somehow responsible for shaping our futures. And one should always make an effort to know and understand the significance of historical events. Read on to find out more about the events that took place on the day of February 10 in history.

1208 – Invasion by the Mongols
The Mongolians invaded Baghdad, thus, marking an end of the Islamic Golden Age.

1502 – Vasco da Gama visited India for the second time
Vasco da Gama, on his second voyage to India, set sail from Lisbon, Portugal.

1763 – End of French-Indian war
The treaty of Paris was signed which marked the end of the French-Indian War and the Canada was surrendered to Britain on February 10 1763.

1814 – Napoleonic Wars
The Battle of Champaubert ended with the victory of French over the Russian and the Prussians.

1840 Queen Victoria got married
Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom got married to Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha on February 10 1840.

1846 – First Anglo Sikh War
The Battle of Sobraon took place in which the British defeated the Sikhs.

1861Jefferson Davis was chosen as the provisional president
Jefferson Davis was notified through the telegraph that he had been chosen as the Provisional President of the Confederate States of America.

1862American Civil War
American Civil War started on February 10 1862.

192075% of Schleswig plebiscites voted for Denmark
In the 1920 Schleswig plebiscites, 75% of the population of Zone I voted to join Denmark.

1936IInd Italo-Abyssinian War
Second Italo-Abyssinian War took place. The Battle of Amba Aradam was launched by the Italian troops against the Ethiopian defenders on February 10 1936.

1939Spanish Civil War
The border of France was sealed and the conquest of Catalonia was concluded by the Nationalists.

1940Polish citizens moves to Siberia
The mass deportation of Polish citizens from Eastern Poland to Siberia by The Soviet Union had begun.

1942Banjarmasin captured by Japanese Army
World War II ; Banjarmasin, capital of Borneo, was captured by Imperial Japanese Army on February 10 1942.

1947 Paris Peace Treaty was signed
The Paris Peace Treaty was signed by Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Finland and the allies of World War II.

1952 – The results announced for India’s First General Elections
On February 10, 1952, the part results of the first and foremost general elections in India were announced.

1962U2 plane pilot was captured
Cold War ; American U2 Spy Plane pilot Gary Powers was captured.

196725th Amendment was made to the US constitution
25th Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified.

2003 –  NATO procedure got silent approval
The NATO procedure of silent approval that dealt with the timing of protective measures for Turkey was broken by France and Belgium.

2007 Barack Obama announced his candidacy for 2008 elections
Illinois senator Barack Obama announced his candidacy for the presidential elections of 2008, which he eventually won.

201336 killed in Kumbh Mela
36 people were killed in the stampede that occurred during the Kumbh Mela in Allahabad, India.

2016 South Korea decided to stop the Kaesong operation
South Korea decided to stop the operation of the Kaesong joint industrial complex with North Korea as a response to the launch of Kwangmyongsong-4.

Important Birthdays on February 10

  • 1685 – Aaron Hill, English Poet and playwright
  • 1744 – William Cornwallis. English Admiral
  • 1991 – Emma Roberts, American Actress

Hope you are now familiar with the events of historical significance that took place on February 10. Reach out to Leverage Edu experts if you need any guidance on higheer education! For more such content, follow on LinkedInYoutubeFacebookQuora, and Instagram

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