
This Day in History- August 6

3 minute read
This Day in History- August 6-01

Every day is written in the chapters of history. Every date in history has its importance and significance. The moment, timeline, journal, battle, scientific discoveries, events are recorded in history.  History’s influence is inescapable, it has played a crucial role in shaping our lives. Let’s discover all the historical events that happened on August 6.

What Happened in India on August 6?

1925: Surendranath Banerjee passed away
On 6th August 1925, Surendranath Banerji, one of India’s earliest political leaders during colonial rule, passed away. Surendranath Banerji is considered one of the founders of modern India. Banerji was also the founder of one of India’s first political organizations, the Indian National Association, and eventually became a senior leader of the Indian National Congress. 

What Happened Around the World on August 6?

1699: HMS Roebuck landed
HMS Roebuck that was captained by William Dampier, landed at Shark Bay, Western Australia on the first British scientific expedition to Australia. 

1890: MLB debut of Cy Young
Future Hall of Fame pitcher Cy Young threw a 3-hit ball in his MLB debut for the Cleveland Spiders in an 8-1 win vs Chicago Colts

1923: Gustav as Chancellor
Gustav Stresemann was named as the chancellor and foreign minister during riots and strikes in Germany. His most notable achievement was the reconciliation between Germany and France, for which he and French Prime Minister Aristide Briand received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1926.

1952: Satchel Paige as a pitcher
St. Louis Browns veteran pitcher Satchel Paige, 46, became the oldest pitcher to win a complete shutout, 1-0 v Detroit Tigers in 12 innings. 

1972: PGA Championship Men’s Golf
Gary Player of South Africa won by 2 shots from Americans Tommy Aaron & Jim Jamieson. During his career, Player won nine major championships on the regular tour and nine major championships on the Champions Tour.

Credits: The Masters

1991: Files released on WWW
Tim Berners-Lee released the files that described his idea for the World Wide Web on August 6, 1991. WWW debuts as a publicly available service on the Internet.

2006: Tiger Woods 3 stroke victory
Tiger Woods (30) became the youngest player to compile 50 PGA Tour wins with a 3 stroke victory over Jim Furyk in the Buick Open at Grand Blanc, Michigan.

Credits: PGA Tour

Famous Birthdays

1809: Alfred Tennyson
A British Poet Laureate from Great Britain was born in Somersby, Lincolnshire on this day. 

1861: Edith Roosevelt 
The US First Lady and wife of Teddy Roosevelt was born in Norwich, Connecticut.

1881: Alexander Fleming
Scottish bacteriologist who invented penicillin and won the Nobel Prize in 1945, was born in Lochfield, Scotland. 

1886: Inez Milholland
An American suffragist, labor lawyer, and socialist, was born in Brooklyn, New York.

1911: Lucille Ball
An American comedienne and actress of ‘I Love Lucy’ was born in Jamestown, New York.

1928: Andy Warhol
An American pop artist and film producer was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 

1962: Michelle Yeoh
Chinese-Malaysian actress was born in Ipoh, Federation of Malaya on August 6, 1962. 

1972: Geri Horner 
A British pop singer “Ginger Spice” of ‘Spice Girls’, was born in Watford, England.

These were some of the important events that occurred on August 6! We hope you have had fun reading this blog! For more entertaining and informative content, follow Leverage Edu on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

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