
Do I Have to Stick With It? Advice from  People Switching Their Majors After Freshman Year

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switching majors

Choosing what you want to study for the following years is one of the most important aspects of your college experience. One of the most important decisions you’ll make as a young adult is picking a major. But suppose you made a choice that, while at the time, you believed to be wise, you now find to be less than ideal. You feel trapped, backed into a corner, and as though your decision is final. When you are in the first stage of choosing a major, that time you take a lot of opinions from your friends and family before choosing the major but at the same time you should think once before taking your own decision that will help you to choose the right path in future which is also similar to your area of interest, read this article to know about switching majors. 


Why Consider Switching Majors? 

Choosing what you want to study for the following years is one of the most important aspects of your college experience. One of the most important decisions you’ll make as a young adult is picking a major.

  • Choosing a major is tough and it can be an added advantage if you choose your major according to your area of interest. You should change your majors if you feel like you’ve made your decision very quickly. If you later consider investing in different academic specialities, it can be mind-distracting.
  • There may be times when you feel unqualified to complete the course because you are unable to meet the standards of the course. 
  • Another reason to change your major is that you may no longer be qualified to pursue it for financial reasons, or it may be that your classes are not fascinating. 

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How to go about Switching Major?

If you are looking to switch majors then it is important to know the policies and procedures because all universities and institutes have their own criteria for switching Majors. You can do the following things if you have decided to switch majors:

  • Speak to a student advisor about altering your major to get started
  • You could be asked to complete an online application on a particular website, or you may need approval from a certain university department, which comes with its own documentation process. 
  • Some institutions may need permission from a particular university department, which comes with its own paperwork. Additionally, you might need to fulfill obligations like earning a minimum or maximum number of credits.

Tips to Consider When Switching Major 

At the time of switching majors, you need to keep a few pointers in your mind so that you can get enrolled in the right specialisation. These are a few suggestions for switching majors 

  • Decide Early 
  • Consult with your advisor 
  • Research your choice in detail and take insight about your major as much as you can 
  • Find out the cost of your program so that you will need to face any finance related issues mid in the session 

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Famous People Who Made Surprising Career Changes

A significant professional change can be made at any time. You can feel stuck, bored, and unmotivated at the present moment in your profession. These can be indicators that you are not a good fit for your current position and that your abilities and passions lie elsewhere.

Pop star turned professor 'making science hot' | 60 Minutes Australia -  YouTube

Source: YouTube

Professor Brian Cox, pop star to physicist

Before dedicating himself to a science profession, Prof. Cox played keyboards for Dare and D: Ream in a few bands during the 1980s and 1990s. The latter went on to have the hymn ‘Things Can Only Get Better’ as a number-one hit in 1994. He later jokingly said, in a radio interview, that the song is false because, according to the second law of thermodynamics, the cosmos “always tends to disorder – so we were never right.”

He carried science books on his travels, and five years into his career in music, he enrolled at the University of Manchester to study physics. After earning his degree, he remained there and started teaching particle physics. Prof. Cox is a fellow of the prestigious London-based science academy The Royal Society and a sporadic writer to Bitesize.

Source: nymag.com

Brandon Stanton Went From Bond Trading to Photography

You might be one of the more than 18 million users who enjoy his Humans of New York Facebook page. The creator of the enormously well-liked portrait site, however, didn’t start out as a photographer. In 2010, bond trader Brandon Stanton of Chicago lost his job.

Taking chances and learning to accept setbacks and losses as necessary to advance were his two main trading lessons, he told CNBC. And he did just that. He stated in HuffPost, “Instead of upgrading my Resume and hunting for a comparable position, I opted to forget about money and try something I enjoyed.

Vera Wang Will Show Off Her Ice Skating Skills

Source: The Cut

Vera Wang, figure skater to fashion designer

Fashion designer Vera Wang is well known for designing gowns for Hollywood A-listers and Victoria Beckham’s wedding dress.

Vera was drawing attention in a completely different way before designing designs for the runway when she competed as a figure skater.

She excelled in the sport to the point where she tried out for the US team for the 1968 Winter Olympics in Grenoble, France. At the age of 20, she abandoned the ice rink in favor of the arts after experiencing failure and switched to studying art history.

Vera continued her long career as an editor for the prestigious fashion publication Vogue and further worked for the clothing company Ralph Lauren.

She claims that although they appear to be very different, fashion design and figure skating share certain parallels. Similar to how a fashion notion has a limited time to present a designer’s point of view, a competition dance only has a limited amount of time to convey a concept to the judges.

Pros of Switching Major 

Some individuals may enter college already knowing what they want to major in and what career they want to pursue.

  • Choosing the major according to your preference is more aligned With Your Goals. 
  • Some students may enter college already having decided on their degree and their professional goals.
  • You Have Time to Make up lost ground.
  • Changing majors enables exploration.
  • It is easy for you to catch up with coursework. 

Cons of Switching Major 

Take the necessary precautions to make the changeover safely if you have sufficiently assessed yourself to determine that it is for you to make a substantial change.  Here are some cons of switching Majors 

  • You might not finish school on time. 
  • You might have to take an additional semester or two to graduate if you decide to alter your major during your sophomore or junior year.
  • Switching schools could increase your tuition costs.
  • Sometimes changing your major might not be what you really wanted.

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Q1. Which famous people have changed their career path in India?

Ans: Numerous well-known individuals have changed their careers, including artists like Amitabh Bachchan, athletes like MS Dhoni, and even Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In addition, many people, including you and me, have successfully changed careers in the past.

Q2. What are the most famous careers 

Ans: Here is the list of the Most famous Profession 
Social Media Influencer.

Q3. Who is the man who switched careers three times?

Ans: By the time he was 37 years old, a US man had successfully transitioned through three spectacular career shifts, going from Navy Seal to doctor to NASA astronaut. To his mother’s dismay, Dr Jonny Kim first decided at the age of 16 that he wanted to become a Navy Seal and enlisted rather than enroll in college.

This entire article was about changing majors; if you’d want to read more intriguing articles, follow our page; Leverage Edu will keep you informed with new information. 

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