
Level Up Your PTE Vocabulary: Essential Collocations for Success

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Academic Collocation List PTE: Language is a tapestry woven from words, and collocations are the threads that bind them together to create a beautiful and effective expression. In simpler terms, collocations are groups of words that naturally and frequently co-occur, forming the building blocks of fluent and accurate communication. 


That said, individuals striving to score better in their PTE academic must be familiar with some of the most commonly used collocations. They will help you articulate your thoughts and structure your answers better. Read the complete blog to learn more about the academic collocation list PTE. 

What is Collocation? 

Collocation is a fundamental concept in language acquisition, particularly for students striving to achieve proficiency in examinations like the IELTS Speaking Test. It refers to the tendency of certain words to co-occur habitually, forming natural and idiomatic expressions. These preferred groupings of words not only enhance the fluency of a speaker but also ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of their communication.

  • For instance, a native speaker would instinctively say “time machine” rather than “machine time.” This exemplifies how collocation dictates the customary order in which words seamlessly integrate to form a meaningful expression.
  •  In essence, mastering collocation empowers learners to not only grasp the individual definitions of words but also understand how to arrange them for natural and impactful communication.

This concept extends to idiom use as well. Idioms are established expressions that possess figurative meanings not always directly deducible from the constituent words. In such cases, collocation becomes even more critical, as the selection and arrangement of words are both paramount to conveying the intended message accurately.

By understanding and employing collocation effectively, learners can elevate their communication skills to a level that reflects a sophisticated grasp of the language.

What is the Role of Collocation in PTE Academic? 

The PTE Academic test, designed to assess a test taker’s English proficiency in an academic context, places significant emphasis on collocation. This term refers to the phenomenon where specific words tend to co-occur frequently and naturally within a sentence. Mastering collocation is crucial for achieving a high score in PTE Academic for several reasons:

  • Enhanced Fluency and Accuracy: Using collocations demonstrates a nuanced understanding of the language. Words that naturally go together flow more smoothly, making your speech sound more natural and fluent. Additionally, choosing the correct collocation ensures your sentences are grammatically accurate and convey the intended meaning precisely.
  • Stronger Vocabulary Application: Focusing on collocations goes beyond simply memorizing individual words. It encourages learners to grasp how words function together, forming a more comprehensive understanding of vocabulary usage in academic contexts.
  • Improved Reading Comprehension: The PTE Academic reading section often features fill-in-the-blank questions. Recognizing common collocations within the context of a passage significantly aids in selecting the most appropriate word to complete the sentence.
  • Effective Writing Skills: Similarly, the writing section of PTE Academic benefits from a strong grasp of collocation. Utilizing well-established word pairings allows you to express complex ideas and arguments in a clear, concise, and academically appropriate manner.

5 Essential Tips to Memorise Collocations for the PTE Exam

Academic Collocation List PTE: Students often encounter difficulties with collocation in PTE Academic. A common pitfall is the tendency to translate directly from their native language, which can result in unnatural word pairings. Here are some essential tips that you can implement to overcome these challenges and enhance your mastery of collocation.

Extensive Reading with Active Observation

 Engaging in frequent reading exposes you to a vast array of academic texts. While reading, pay close attention to how words are combined to form phrases and expressions. Consider taking notes on particularly noteworthy collocations you encounter.

Utilizing Flashcard Techniques

Flashcards can be a valuable tool for memorizing collocations. Create flashcards that display the target collocation on one side and its meaning or definition on the other. Regularly review these flashcards to solidify your knowledge.

Contextualised Application

Move beyond rote memorisation and strive to actively apply collocations in various contexts. Integrate them into your daily written and spoken English communication. This practice reinforces understanding and promotes long-term retention.

Exposure to Native Speech

 Immersing yourself in authentic English through TV shows, movies, and podcasts allows you to observe how native speakers naturally use collocations. Pay attention to how they seamlessly integrate these word pairings into their speech.

Consistent Practice

As with any skill, consistent practice is key to mastering collocation. Regularly incorporate collocations into your PTE Academic test preparation activities. Consider utilizing resources like the PTE Academic’s official platform for effective and flexible practice opportunities.

By adopting these strategies, you can develop a strong foundation in collocation, significantly enhancing your performance in the PTE Academic test and demonstrating a sophisticated grasp of academic English.

15+ Most Common Collocations Used in PTE Academic 

PTE Collocations: Mastering collocations is key to acing English proficiency tests. These natural word pairings boost fluency, and accuracy, and demonstrate a strong grasp of the language.

Here are some of the most commonly used collocations in PTE Academic. Keep these in mind to score better in your PTE speaking and writing sections. 

Conduct research Researchers researched the effectiveness of online learning.
Formulate a hypothesisThe scientist formulated a hypothesis that exercise could improve memory.
Analyze dataThe marketing team analysed data to understand customer preferences.
Draw a conclusionBased on the evidence, the study concluded that the new drug was effective.
A significant impactClimate change has had a significant impact on global weather patterns.
A wide range of
The library offers a wide range of resources for students.
Play a crucial roleTechnology plays a crucial role in modern education.
Raise awarenessThe campaign aims to raise awareness about the importance of mental health.
Address the issueThe government needs to address the issue of rising unemployment.
Undergo trainingEmployees must undergo training before operating new machinery.
Ethical considerationsResearchers must consider the ethical considerations of their experiments.
Sustainable developmentThe company is committed to sustainable development practices.
Cutting-edge technologyScientists are developing cutting-edge technology to combat climate change.
A diverse population
The city is home to a diverse population from all over the world.
Effective communicationEffective communication is essential for successful teamwork.
Critical thinking skillsThe course will help students develop critical thinking skills.
In-depth analysisThe report provides an in-depth analysis of the economic situation.
A clear understandingIt is important to have a clear understanding of the task before starting.
Overcome challengesBusinesses need to be able to overcome challenges in a competitive market. 

So that was all about the academic collocation list PTE. Hope the blog has answered your queries regarding the topic. 

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Q1. What are collocations?

Ans.  Collocations are groups of words that frequently appear together and sound natural when used in a sentence. They are the building blocks of fluent and accurate English. 

Q2. Why are collocations important?

Ans. Mastering collocations offers several benefits such as enhanced fluency, improved accuracy and stronger vocabulary application. 

Q3. What are the types of collocations? 

Ans. Collocations come in various forms.  Common types include adjective + noun (e.g., deep sleep), verb + noun (e.g., conduct research), and adverb + adjective (e.g., completely satisfied). Mastering these pairings enhances fluency and accuracy in your English.

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