Q- Describe a short trip you often take but do not like. You should say where you go, why you go there when you go there, and explain why you do not like this trip.
Ans: The short trip that I often take but do not like is the trip to my office. I am currently working in Gurugram and my home is in the capital of India Delhi. It takes me at least 2 hours to commute. The reason for travel is simple-it is the requirement of my job that I have to work from my office. I am expected to be there for 6 days, Monday to Saturday with no hybrid setting. My job starts from 9:30 in the morning to 7: 30 in the evening. My timings are during the peak hours, and I have to leave my house around 7 in the morning and reach home between 9:30 and 10:00 at night.
The main reason to dislike the trip to my office is even though I travel by metro train, with 2 hours of travel, everything is quite hectic. There are times when it gets extremely crowded and everything seems suffocating. People keep pushing each other as they are always in a rush and want to reach before time. There are times in the journey when I have to stand and travel for 2 hours straight without getting a chance to grab a seat because of the crowd. Sometimes, the metro gets delayed or has some technical issues, so no matter how early I leave my house, I arrive late to the office. This not only makes the journey tedious but wastes a lot of time and makes me feel exhausted and burned out.
No matter how much I love the work that I do, it never really justifies the time I have to spend travelling. It never leaves me with time to think about anything beyond work. I am not able to focus on my personal life or growth as by the time I reach home I am already very tired. Furthermore, the pollution levels in the city are quite high, especially during the morning and evening. Exposure to such an environment is something that I am not used to. It also takes a toll on my physical well-being. Standing for too long and such a crowd can create discomfort. Apart from that, as a claustrophobic person, makes situations much worse as it is the same as standing in a stampede.
To conclude, though the trip to my workplace is unavoidable, it is something that I do not look forward to. I feel that proper management with the help of security people around the metro station will help in managing the crowd. Another solution to this is trying to keep metros in check so that technical glitches and unnecessary delays can be avoided. Unless such measures are taken, this trip will always pose challenges to me.
What the trip is all about: The short trip that I often take but do not like is the trip to my office. I am currently working in Gurugram and my home is in the capital of India Delhi. It takes me at least 2 hours to commute.
When do you get there: The reason for travelling is simple. It is the requirement of my job that I have to work from my office. I am expected to be there for 6 days, Monday to Saturday with no hybrid setting. My job starts from 9:30 in the morning to 7: 30 in the evening. My timings are during the peak hours, and I have to leave my house around 7 in the morning and reach home between 9:30 and 10:00 at night.
Reason for not liking the travel: The main reason to dislike the trip to my office is even though I travel by metro train, with 2 hours of travel, everything is quite hectic. There are times when it gets extremely crowded and everything seems suffocating. People keep pushing each other as they are always in a rush and want to reach before time. There are times in the journey when I have to stand and travel for 2 hours straight without getting a chance to grab a seat because of the crowd. Sometimes, the metro gets delayed or has some technical issues, so no matter how early I leave my house, I arrive late to the office. This not only makes the journey tedious but wastes a lot of time and makes me feel exhausted and burned out.
How is it affecting your life: No matter how much I love the work that I do, it never really justifies the time I have to spend travelling. It never leaves me with time to think about anything beyond work. I am not able to focus on my personal life or growth as by the time I reach home I am already very tired. Furthermore, the pollution levels in the city are quite high, especially during the morning and evening. Exposure to such an environment is something that I am not used to. It also takes a toll on my physical well-being. Standing for too long and such a crowd can create discomfort. Apart from that, as a claustrophobic person, makes situations much worse as it is the same as standing in a stampede.
Conclusion: To conclude, though the trip to my workplace is unavoidable, it is something that I do not look forward to. I feel that proper management with the help of security people around the metro station will help in managing the crowd. Another solution to this is trying to keep metros in check so that technical glitches and unnecessary delays can be avoided. Unless such measures are taken, this trip will always pose challenges to me.
Vocabulary in Use
Word | Meanings |
Hybrid setting | A mix of different environments. |
Peak hours | Times of highest demand. |
Tedious | Boring or repetitive. |
Justifies | Makes something seem reasonable. |
Takes a toll | Causes gradual damage. |
Claustrophobic | Fear of small or crowded spaces. |
Stampede | Panicked rush of animals or people. |
Glitches | Minor faults in a system. |
Pose | Present a problem or assume a position. |
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