
IELTS Animal Rights Vocabulary

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IELTS animal rights vocabulary

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The IELTS Animal Rights Vocabulary has become a consistent part of the IELTS Exam. This is because Animals are a lovable and indispensable part of people’s lives. Therefore the IELTS board find it necessary to include questions based on pets, animals and their rights in the IELTS test. Test takers will require words, phrases and collocations that suit best for these questions. 

The Writing task is an important section in the IELTS exam which takes 60 minutes to complete. One of the questions in this task may contain information related to animals and their rights. In the below-mentioned blog, the candidates will get to know the complete information about the animal rights vocabulary.

Also read: Vocabulary for IELTS

Top 20 IELTS Animal Rights Vocabulary

The students appearing for the IELTS exam must know that nowadays Animal Rights vocabulary is one of the most important vocabularies which is asked in the exam. Below we have mentioned the more than top 20 animal rights vocabulary which the students can use to prepare accordingly:

Animal Rights Vocabulary Meaning
Animal RightsAnimal rights are moral principles grounded in the belief that non-human animals deserve the ability to live as they wish, without being subjected to the desires of human beings.
Animal TestingTests that were performed on animals. Most of the testing is done for research of finding remedies for human diseases.
AhimsaThe principle of non-violence towards all living beings.
Animal WelfareAnimal welfare standards regulate the treatment of animals, to reduce suffering and improve health. 
VeganA diet that does not include any kind of animal flesh or any kind of products that comes from or are made of animals which includes milk, cheese, honey, eggs, and gelatin.
VegetarianA diet does not include any kind of animal flesh, but it may include eggs, milk, honey, and other animal products. 
(People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) PETA Supporters who are completely declining the use of animals for any purpose such as food, clothing, experiments, entertainment, and any other human purposes.
(American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) ASPCA It was established in the year 1866 to draw worldwide attention to the issue of animal rights and to what activists saw as a kind of mistreatment towards an animal.
Factory FarmingA method of producing animal-derived food products, designed to increase efficiency and reduce cost.
VivisectionThe practice of cutting or injuring living animals for scientific research.
JusticeAdhering to the moral principle that animal rights are inviolable.
OmnivoreEating all types of food, including plants and animal products. Humans are omnivores.
Animal ExploitationUsing animals in any way where the purpose is to satisfy the human needs.
Open RescueThis defines animal activists who rescue animals openly.
Raw Food DietEating natural foods that are not cooked at temperatures higher than 46°C. The diet consists predominantly of fruit, vegetables, sprouted grains, and nuts. Although animal products may be included, such as eggs, fish, dairy, honey, meat, and seafood.
Welfare ReformsAnimal welfare reforms aim to reduce the suffering of animals. 
UtilitarianUtilitarians are people who believe that animal use is acceptable if it serves the greater human good.
Plant-Based DietA plant-based diet is a way of eating that generally means eating mostly plants. It does not exclude animal products.
Moral CommunityAn open community that accepts animals as independent members of the ecosystem. They find an ethical, moral and compassionate connection between all human beings.
Cruelty-FreeThis is a certification for products, which means that the products are not tested on animals.
The violation of animal rightsActions that harm animals or ignore their welfare
To keep something in captivityTo confine something in a place and prevent it from leaving
To treat animals humanelyTo care for animals kindly and avoid causing them suffering
To be put downTerm used when an animal is humanely euthanized, typically due to illness or old age.
To curb lonelinessTo reduce feelings of isolation or being alone.
To provide companionshipOffering friendship and emotional support to someone.
To tameThe process of making an animal comfortable and trusting around humans.

Now that you’ve mastered the more than top 20 IELTS animal rights vocabulary. let’s expand your knowledge further with some additional vocabulary focused on pets and wild animals. Expanding your knowledge in these areas will certainly enhance your animal-related vocabulary for the IELTS exam. Let’s dive into these essential terms! Let’s dive in and learn more!

Also read: IELTS Vocabulary on Animals

Pets Animals Vocabulary

Pets play an important role in many people’s lives. This makes it likely that you may come across IELTS writing or speaking questions related to pets. Below is a list of common IELTS vocabulary words related to pet animals that can help in the IELTS exam.

Pet Animals VocabularyMeaning
Animal shelterA facility where rescued or orphaned animals are cared for.
BreedA classification of animals selectively bred by humans, sharing similar traits (e.g., dog breeds).
CageA structure made of bars or wires used to confine animals, such as zoo animals or rodents.
CaninesA formal term for dogs.
CoatThe fur or hair of a dog or cat.
CompanionableDescribes someone who is friendly and enjoys social interaction.
Curl up next toAn informal expression meaning to cuddle or lay next to someone or something.
DocileEasily influenced, calm, and willing to be taught or controlled.
DomesticatedAnimals that are accustomed to human interaction.
FeathersThe soft, long hairs that cover birds.
FurThe soft hair that covers some animals.
Guide dogA dog trained to assist visually impaired individuals in navigating their surroundings.
HoovesThe hard feet of farm animals such as horses, sheep, and goats.
House-trainedAn animal trained to relieve itself outside or in a designated place.
Man’s best friendAn informal idiom often used to refer to dogs due to their loyalty and companionship.
PuppyA young or baby dog.
Puppy-dog eyesAn informal expression describing a sweet, pleading facial expression to get something desired.
ReptilesCold-blooded animals with scales, such as snakes.
RodentA type of small animal with long, sharp front teeth, such as a hamster.
SpeciesA group of animals or plants that share similar characteristics and can reproduce.
StrayA homeless animal, typically a dog or cat.

Wild Animals Vocabulary

Apart from IELTS animal rights vocabulary, it’s important to also focus on wild animal terminology, as questions can arise from this section as well. The following table offers clear and simplified definitions of key wild animal vocabulary terms commonly used when discussing animals and their environments.

Understanding these definitions will help you grasp important concepts and engage more effectively with related topics, particularly for IELTS preparation.

Wild Animal VocabularyMeaning
Animal kingdomAll types of living animals
AmphibiansAnimals that live both in water and on land
Brink of extinctionAlmost becoming extinct
CaptivityBeing kept in a confined space, like in a zoo
CarnivoresAnimals that eat other animals
Destruction of natural habitatsWhen human activities dramatically alter or destroy natural environments
EcosystemsThe interaction between living things and their environment
Endangered speciesPlants or animals that are in very small numbers and at risk of disappearing
ExoticInteresting or unusual because it comes from a distant place
FangsLarge, sharp teeth found in some animals
HerbivoresAnimals that eat only plants
InstinctNatural behavior that animals show in response to their surroundings
MammalsAnimals that give birth to live babies
MarsupialsAnimals that carry and nurse their young in a pouch
Mating seasonThe time of year when animals reproduce
PoachingIllegal hunting of animals
PredatorsAnimals that hunt and eat other animals
PreyAnimals that are hunted and eaten by predators
RoamWhen animals move around freely without being confined
SafariA trip to observe or hunt animals in their natural habitat
Safari ParkA park where animals live more freely than in a traditional zoo
The violation of animal rightsActions that harm animals or ignore their welfare
To keep something in captivityTo confine something in a place and prevent it from leaving
To treat animals humanelyTo care for animals kindly and avoid causing them suffering
VenomousCapable of producing poison

Must Read: IELTS Vocabulary

FAQs on IELTS Animal Rights Vocabulary

What are the basic rights of animals?

Concerning Article 21, the Supreme Court notably held that every species has a right to life and security, subject to the law of the land, which includes depriving its life, out of human necessity.

Why are animal rights important?

Animal Rights are important because there are so many animals around the world suffering from being used for entertainment, food, medicine, fashion, scientific advancement, and as exotic pets.

Does the IELTS exam include questions on animals and pets?

Yes, the IELTS Exam includes questions on animals, pets, and animal rights in the writing section of the exam. This is to encourage global awareness of such matters and the popularity of the topic among the population these days. 

This was some important information regarding IELTS animal rights vocabulary that the test takers can use during the exam. This will be helpful in answering questions related to Animals and Pets with a better vocabulary.

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