
Explore Highest Paying Jobs In Ukraine

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Highest Paying Jobs In Ukraine

With social welfare and high living standards, Sweden is ranked as one of the top countries. People get affordable quality healthcare, free education and generous holiday time. This led to attracting many expats to Sweden under various types of residence permits. In this article, we will focus on the highest paying jobs in Ukraine and other aspects like the benefits of doing a job in Ukraine, the best websites to choose for jobs in Ukraine etc.


Know About Highest Paying Jobs In Ukraine

You can explore the highest paying jobs in Ukraine with salaries as mentioned below in a detailed manner for your reference-

Highest Paying Jobs In Ukraine
  • IT Specialist- In today’s world almost every organisation needs an IT specialist and In Ukraine, an IT specialist earns more than a doctor. If IT professionals upgrade their skills regularly they can earn a handsome amount of salary there.
Job TitleSalary Per Month
IT Specialist        1,96,643 UAH
  • Bankers- The job of a banker requires a person to take responsibility and the job of a banker is full of responsibilities and about dealing with money although Bankers get paid well in Ukraine.
Job TitleSalary Per Month
 Bankers                      2,67,749 UAH
  • Marketing Specialists- In marketing people are responsible for promoting goods and services of the company they work for. Marketing Directors get offered decent salaries and in Ukraine, they earn awesome salaries.
Job TitleSalary Per Month
Marketing Specialists27,300 UAH
  • Chief Commercial Officer- They manage the sales department and develop a strategy and plans for the sales of products and services. They are responsible for business financial flow management.
Job TitleSalary Per Month
Chief Commercial Officer          29,000 UAH 
  • Stock Broker- They are responsible for the transaction in the stock market they work as an intermediary. They purchase securities and sell out at the request of a client.
Job TitleSalary Per Month
Stock Broker          30,000 UAH
  • Trader- They usually sell at a higher price what they buy like shares, currencies and other assets.
Job TitleSalary Per Month
Trader      30,000 UAH 
  • Builder-In Ukraine builder’s salary depends upon the client. The average salary in Ukraine is 20,000UAH but large projects can bring more money, something around 50,000.
Job TitleSalary Per Month
 Builder    20,000-50,000 UAH

5 Best Websites To Search For Jobs In Ukraine

To know about job vacancies in Ukraine, Here are the five best websites to search for Highest paying  jobs in Ukraine are given below-

Site LInk

Read About Jobs After 12th

Long Stay Visa Types In Ukraine

According to the duration of one stay in Ukraine, there are three types of visas as defined below-

  • Temporary residency- This visa is valid for living in Ukraine for up to three years.
  • Permanent residency- This visa allows for living and working in Ukraine for three years.
  • Work Permit-This permit allows you to work in Ukraine for up to three years.

Eligibility Requirements For A Work Visa In Ukraine

To be eligible to work in Ukraine migrants must have a job offer from an employer based in Ukraine. Employers then apply for a work visa on behalf of an employee whom they are hiring.

As an employee, they must meet the following Ukraine work visa requirements to be eligible-

  • Applicant’s valid passport will be required
  • Applicant must be over the age of 16
  • Applicant must not have a criminal record of the offence
  • Applicant must have a legit job offer or intra-corporate transferee

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Requirements For Ukraine Work Permit

Here are some requirements to get a Ukrain work permit, you can go through them as mentioned below-

  • Candidates must be below the age of 45 years
  • Candidate must have work experience in a NOC of TEER Level 0,1,2, or 3
  • Candidates must have a valid job offer
  • The candidate’s employment contract will be required
  • A copy of the LMIA number and LMIA number will be required

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How To Apply For Work Visa In Ukraine

To apply for a Ukraine work visa there are two ways-

  • Online 
  • At the embassy or consulate-general

Online Application Process

To apply through the online method steps are given below for your ease-

  • Applicants must have a valid job offer from an employer located in Ukraine before going to apply for a work visa.
  • After completing a job offer your employer will initiate the application process from his side.
  • After your employer completes the application you will receive an email with information about how to apply for the work permit.
  • Again now you have to attach the required documents in the appropriate form
  • After applying you will have to pay for the fee via card
  • In the end, applicants have to wait for the application decision

Embassy Application

For those who want to apply for a work permit through the embassy here are detailed steps of what you have to do after reaching the embassy-

  • Copies of the passport will be required.
  • Applicants first need to book an appointment before going to the embassy or consulate general.
  • Applicants have to fill out the application form with their signature at the end.
  • Applicants have to attach all required documents as per the application form.
  • Applicants must have a job offer letter.
  • After providing all documents the employee has to submit the application fee.
  • Now wait for the result of your application.


What are the most common jobs in Ukraine?

In Ukraine most often employers are looking for installers and loaders. assemblers, and packaging staff, the demand for working specialization in Ukraine is increasing and there are some most popular professions which include cashiers, salespersons, pharmacists, farmers and IT professionals.

What are the top 3 industries in Ukraine?

Heavy industry forms more than eighty per cent of the total value of sold industries products, including mechanical engineering which accounts for 12-14 per cent. ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering and coal industry like heavy industries covering a large share of Ukraine. 

What is Ukraine good for?

Ukraine has extremely rich mineral resources in high-concentration which helps the Iron and Steel industries to expand each day and open opportunities for highest paying jobs in Ukraine.

Here we have completed our article about the highest paying jobs in Ukraine to get to know more about study abroad, universities and jobs abroad do follow Leverage Edu’s page.

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