
10 Common FAQs for Students Planning to Study Abroad in the UK

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10 Common FAQs for Students Planning to Study Abroad in the UK

We know that studying abroad can be an exciting and life-changing experience. This is especially true in a very diverse and vibrant country like the United Kingdom. Many students now wish to study in these countries. 


If you’re considering studying in the UK, you likely have many questions. Here are fifteen common questions and their answers to help you prepare for your journey.

1. What are the benefits of studying in the UK?

The UK is one of the best choices for students offering world-class education with prestigious universities, diverse cultures, and a chance to enhance their English language skills. Additionally, the UK is one country that is respected globally, and the country has a rich history and vibrant student life. 

One added benefit is that the students can also work while studying abroad. 

2. What are the steps to apply to universities in the UK?

Most students apply through UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service). The first step that you need to choose courses, fill out an application form, write a personal statement, and provide references and academic transcripts. The deadlines of the universities vary. Make sure to check specific dates for each university and course.

3. What are the entry requirements that are required for UK universities?

The entry requirements vary for everyone and for course and university. Here is the list of requirements that you need to fulfil to gain admission to these universities:

  1. LOR
  2. SOPs
  3. English proficiency scores
  4. Passport
  5. High school marks
  6. Generalized test scores

4. What is the approximate cost to study in the UK?

The tuition fees of every candidate vary for different reasons. It may be dependent on the type of accommodation you choose, which university you are admitted to and many more. 

  • The average Tuition fees for international students range from £10,000 to £38,000 per year, depending on the course and university. 
  • Living costs vary by location but typically range from £12,000 to £15,000 per year, including accommodation, food, and other expenses.

5. Are there scholarships available for international students?

Yes, many UK universities offer scholarships for international students. Additionally, there are government-funded scholarships like the Chevening Scholarships and Commonwealth Scholarships. Check university websites and scholarship databases for opportunities.

6. Do I need a student visa to study in the UK?

Yes, most international students need a Tier 4 (General) student visa. Make sure you have a confirmed place at a licensed UK university. You should also prove your English proficiency. The next step is to show that you have enough money to support yourself during your studies. It can be done by showing your financing statements. The next step is to Apply for the visa online and provide the necessary documents.

7. Can I work while studying in the UK?

Yes, if you have a Tier 4 visa, you can work up to 20 hours per week during term time and full-time during holidays. However, check your visa conditions as some restrictions apply. Working part-time can help cover living costs but shouldn’t interfere with your studies.

8. What are the different accommodation options available for students in the UK?

There are many types of accommodation options available for students who are willing to study abroad. These accommodations can be selected based on the candidate’s budget, distance preference and much more. 

The types of accommodation options available are:

  • Universities often provide on-campus housing (halls of residence) for first-year students. 
  • Alternatively, you can rent private accommodation, such as shared houses or apartments.

The costs vary, with university accommodation generally including utilities, while private rentals might not.

9. What should I pack for studying in the UK?

Well, this may vary on an individual basis. However, some of the essentials that you must carry in your study abroad journey are:

  • Pack essential documents (passport, visa, university acceptance letter)
  •  clothing for various weather (including rain gear)
  • personal items (medications, toiletries),
  • An adapter for UK electrical outlets. You can buy other items locally once you arrive.
  • Memories of your loved ones.

10. Can I stay in the UK after graduation?

Yes, the UK offers a Graduate Route visa that allows international students to stay and work, or look for work, for up to two years after completing a degree (three years for PhD graduates). This visa does not require a job offer, giving graduates the flexibility to explore career opportunities in the UK.

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To explore more universities to study abroad, make sure to subscribe to Leverage Edu today. You can also contact us at 1800572000 for a free 30-minute counselling session to turn dreams of studying abroad into reality. Thank you for reading!

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