
Study Abroad: AAU task force is planning to boost India and US university alliances

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AAU task force is planning to boost India and US university alliances (1)
Two Indian-American educationalists have been appointed two of three co-chairs in the AAU task force.

AAU has plans to boost India US university alliance. Two Indian American educationalists have recently achieved two of three co-chair positions for the new Association of American Universities (AAU) task force. They will focus on boosting the strength of the partnerships between Indian and American universities.

Neeli Bendapudi, president of Penn State University, Sunil Kumar, provost of Johns Hopkins University, and Robert J. Jones, upcoming president of Tufts University, will all receive co-chairs as per the universities.

Penn State University took to Twitter to announce the appointment of Neeli Bendapudi.

The primary objective of the task force will be to come up with essential recommendations to boost the research as well as academic partnerships between the higher educational institutions of both nations. Another goal will be of increasing the research partnerships that will enhance the global impact of the scholarships undertaken by Indian and US educational institutes.

Bendapudi stated that they are honoured to be selected for an essential task to strengthen the relationship between Indian and American universities. She stated that she came from India to the USA for her doctorate degree from a prestigious university. Therefore, she knows the impact of the partnerships between Indian and American universities. 

AAU plans to boost India US university alliance - Sunil Kumar, an Indian-American recently appointed co-chair of AAU task force
Sunil Kumar, current provost of John Hopkins University; Image Source: John Hopkins University

By reducing the gap between Indian and US educational institutes, students will be able to leverage the benefits of potential research. This will further improve the faculty and help the researchers. 

Importance of AAU in Boosting Partnerships Between the India and US universities 

The AAU task force was first introduced during the launch of the India and US initiative as per Critical and Emerging Technology. It was first introduced by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Joe Biden in May 2022.

The work culture of the AAU task force will be aligned directly with the nation’s priorities. The India-US initiative will undoubtedly identify the strengths of the partnership between the academic institutions as an important component between the two countries, as per a press release.

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Barbara Snyder, President of the AAU, announced that the research partnerships between the Indian and the US universities are extremely important for economic as well as educational development. This is the primary reason why AAU considers this specific partnership a priority.

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