7 Reasons Why English is the Most Spoken Language in the World

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Why English is the Most Spoken Language in the World

Look around the world, and you will hear a symphony of languages. But amidst this linguistic diversity, one tongue stands out: English.  With an estimated 1.8 billion speakers worldwide, English reigns supreme as the most spoken language globally. But why is English the most spoken language in the world? How did this language from a small island nation become the world’s lingua franca (common language)? Let’s find out answers to all the questions henceforth in this blog, along with why you should learn English from school education to study abroad or pursue a professional career. 

History of English Language

Before understanding the reasons behind English as a global language, you should learn that the language has its roots in the 5th century AD, originating from the Anglo-Saxon dialects brought to Britain by Germanic tribes such as the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. Here is a brief history of English Grammar and evolution of the language:

  • Old English evolved with significant influence from Norse during Viking invasions in the 8th and 9th centuries. 
  • The Norman Conquest in 1066 introduced a substantial number of Norman French words, shaping Middle English. The language further developed during the Renaissance, absorbing Latin and Greek vocabulary. 
  • Whereas, Modern English emerged in the late 15th century with the advent of the printing press, standardising grammar and spelling.
Source: TED-Ed

Why English is the Most Spoken Language?

The past few years have seen English taking over Mandarin Chinese as the most spoken language in the world, with 1500 native Indo-European speakers as per the reports of Ethnologue. Now let us briefly take a look at the reasons behind the popularity and expansion of the English language on a global level. 

[Source: Worldupdates]

1. The Legacy of the British Empire

As mentioned above, the vast reach of the British Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries undeniably played a pivotal role in spreading English. Britain colonised territories across the globe, and English became the language of administration, trade, and education in these regions.

  • Colonisation and Administration: English was used for official communication within the colonies, from legal proceedings to trade agreements. This established English as a language of power and authority.
  • Education System: The British established education systems in their colonies, often prioritising English as the medium of instruction—this exposed generations of students to the language.

Also Read: History of English Literature PDF, Outline, Notes, Books

2. The Rise of the United States

Another reason is the emergence of the United States as a global superpower in the 20th century further solidified English’s position. American political and economic influence spread English through various channels:

  • Hollywood and Pop Culture: The global reach of American movies, music, and television shows made English highly visible and desirable.
  • Technology and Innovation: As the US became a leader in technology and innovation, English became the dominant language in these fields. From computer science to the internet, English is the language of operation.

Quick Read: 10+ Helpful Phrases to Learn Before You Study in USA

3. English is the Language of Business and Trade

As a result of modern globalisation, the very same English language reigns supreme as the language of international business and trade. 

  • Global Marketplace: English facilitates communication and negotiation between companies across borders, promoting international trade and economic cooperation.
  • Financial Markets: Leading financial institutions and stock exchanges primarily use English, making it essential for those navigating the global financial landscape.

4. A Language of Education and Research

English has secured its place as the primary language of academic discourse and scientific research. This dominance is evident in – 

Top Universities: Many of the world’s leading universities use English as the primary language of instruction and proficiency tests, attracting international students and scholars.

Scientific Publications: The vast majority of scientific research is published in English, ensuring accessibility and fostering international collaboration among researchers.

5. The Age of Internet and Digital Communication

The internet’s rise has further cemented English’s dominance in the digital age. It is the primary language used on most major websites and internet platforms, facilitating communication across borders. Not to mention that leading social media platforms operate primarily in English, making it essential for connecting with a global audience online.

6. Relative Ease of Learning in Comparison to Others

While English grammar can be tricky, compared to some languages with complex tonal systems or intricate verb conjugations, it offers a certain level of accessibility:

  • Latin Alphabet: The use of the familiar Latin alphabet makes English easier to pick up for speakers of languages that use similar scripts (e.g., Romance languages).
  • Relatively Simple Grammar: While nuances exist, English grammar lacks the complexities of some languages regarding verb conjugations or noun declensions.

7. English is the Language of Opportunity

While English enjoys a dominant position, the future of languages remains dynamic.  The rise of other languages like Mandarin Chinese and the growing emphasis on multilingualism suggest a more diverse linguistic landscape in the future. However, English is likely to retain its significance as a global language of communication, trade, and education due to its widespread use and established infrastructure.

  • Education and Employment: English proficiency is often a requirement for admission to top universities and can enhance job prospects in various fields.
  • Travel and Global Mobility: English is widely spoken in travel destinations worldwide, making it easier to navigate foreign countries.

English’s global dominance is a result of a complex interplay of historical, political, economic, and technological factors. From the legacy of the British Empire to the rise of the US and the digital revolution, English has emerged as the world’s common language.

Find more interesting reads below!

How to Speak Fluent English in 30 Days?13+ English Proverbs for Class 1
Top 10 YouTube Channels for Learning English11+ English Proverbs for Class 2
20+ Daily Used English Words15+ English Proverbs for Class 3
Best Podcasts to Improve English Grammar & Vocabulary11+ English Proverbs for Class 4
15+ Proverbs for Health and WellnessEnglish Proverbs for Class 5
200+ Tongue Twisters to Improve Your English Pronunciation15 Best English Grammar Books for Beginners


Q1. Is English the most spoken language in the world?

Ans: Yes, English is the most spoken language in the world with more than 18% of the global population as a speaker of this language. 

Q2. Which is the second most spoken language in the world? 

Ans: After English, Chinese Mandarin is the second most spoken language in the world. 

Q3. Why English is most favoured for worldwide communication?

Ans: English is the most favoured language for worldwide communication because it is the common language across borders, and promotes economic cooperation, additionally, it is essential for navigating global financial markets.

This was all about the proverbs about alcohol and drinking habits. Hope you understand the concept and know how to proceed. You can also follow the Learn English page of Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs related to grammar. 

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