
How to Teach English to Kids at Home: 7 Useful Tips and Tricks

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How to Teach English to Kids?

As a parent, you are probably aware that learning a second language is definitely helpful in boosting a learner’s intelligence quotient. It not only develops a better critical thinking ability but also widens the horizon of their linguistic skills. Not to forget that English is the top most spoken language in the world, as per a survey by Statista Research Department. This makes it important to inculcate a habit of practising English grammar rules and vocabulary from a young age. However, how to teach English to kids at home as a second language is a real challenge. Merely going to school and cramming the English syllabus may be difficult for kids with different learning paces. So, this blog focuses on highlighting some of the best tips for teaching English to kids beyond the boundaries of a school for a fun learning experience. 

Must Read: 9 Basic Rules in Grammar to Improve Your English

How to Teach English to Kids?

There is nothing better than teaching your kid from the comfort of home. It allows you to module their study time according to their attention span. Similarly, while tutoring them about English, you would be required to include different teaching methods like adding visual lessons, playful games, and quizzes, so that they can naturally develop an interest in the subject. But, there are more ways to follow while educating your children about the language like the one mentioned below. 

Make it Fun and Playful

Children learn best through play. Forget about formal lectures – focus on creating a fun and interactive learning environment.

  • Sing Songs and Rhymes: Catchy songs and rhymes are a fantastic way to introduce new vocabulary and grammar structures in a memorable way. Many classic children’s songs like “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” and “If You’re Happy and You Know It” are perfect for this purpose.
How to Teach English to Kids-1
  • Play Games: Turn learning into a game! Board games, card games, and charades can all be adapted to reinforce English vocabulary and sentence structures.
  • Arts and Crafts: Incorporate English learning into creative activities. Label colours and shapes while drawing and crafting. Encourage storytelling through pictures and simple dialogues.

Leverage Technology – But Keep it Balanced

There are a plethora of educational apps, websites, and even YouTube channels designed to teach English to children. These resources can be a valuable tool:

  • Interactive Apps: Many apps offer engaging games, activities, and stories that make learning fun and interactive. However, limit screen time and ensure the app aligns with your child’s learning goals.
  • Educational Websites: Several websites offer free and paid resources for teaching English to kids. Look for websites with interactive exercises, songs, and printable worksheets.
  • YouTube Channels: Some YouTube channels offer engaging and educational content specifically designed for young English learners. Choose age-appropriate channels with clear pronunciation and visuals.

Create a Daily Routine – Short and Sweet

Consistency is key! Establish a short daily routine for practising English at home. Ideally, aim for 15-20 minutes of focused learning activities, but adjust the duration based on your child’s age and attention span.

  • Morning Boost: Start the day with a quick review of basic vocabulary or simple greetings in English.
  • After-School Fun: Integrate English learning into your child’s after-school activities. Perhaps read an English story together or play a vocabulary game.

Surround Them with the Language

Immersion is a powerful tool for language acquisition. Here are some ways to increase your child’s exposure to English outside of designated learning times:

  • Label Objects in English: Label items around the house in English (e.g., “door,” “window,” “chair”). This helps them associate words with real-life objects.
  • Think in English: As much as possible, try to think out loud in English around your child, narrating your daily activities.
  • Change Device Language: Consider changing the language settings on your child’s tablet or favourite toy to English. This provides a fun way to encounter new words in a familiar context.

Celebrate Progress and Make It Rewarding

Positive reinforcement is crucial!  Acknowledge and celebrate your child’s progress, no matter how small.

  • Verbal Praise: Offer sincere praise for their efforts and achievements, even if they stumble occasionally.

Source: Giphy

  • Rewards System: Consider a simple reward system for completing learning activities or reaching milestones. This could be a sticker chart, a small toy, or extra playtime.

Tailor it to Their Interests

Children are more engaged when learning aligns with their interests.

  • Themed Learning: Choose topics your child enjoys. If they love dinosaurs, focus on vocabulary related to dinosaurs. If they’re fascinated by animals, use picture books about animals to introduce new words.

Source: Giphy

  • Cartoons and Movies: Watch age-appropriate cartoons and movies in English together. Pause and explain new words or concepts.

Be Patient and Have Fun

Language learning takes time and practice. Be patient with your child and most importantly, have fun together! Learning a new language should be a positive experience.

Also Read: 5+ Ways to Improve Reading Speed and Comprehension

Source: GunluceO94587


How do I start teaching a kid English?

To start teaching a kid English, first establish a timetable for their studies. Then, add lots of playful activities, rhymes, and games to encourage them to learn English.

What should I teach in English first to a kid?

To build a good foundation of the language, start by teaching the alphabet to a kid and then proceed with numbers, capitalisation, and other basic grammar lessons. 

Which is the best book for teaching English to Kids?

Some of the best books to teach English to kids are:
1. English World by Nick Beare
2. How to Teach English by Jeremy Harmer
3. Activity book for kids by Maple Press

Find more interesting reads below!

How to Speak Fluent English in 30 Days?13+ English Proverbs for Class 1
Top 10 YouTube Channels for Learning English11+ English Proverbs for Class 2
20+ Daily Used English Words15+ English Proverbs for Class 3
Best Podcasts to Improve English Grammar & Vocabulary11+ English Proverbs for Class 4
15+ Proverbs for Health and WellnessEnglish Proverbs for Class 5
200+ Tongue Twisters to Improve Your English Pronunciation15 Best English Grammar Books for Beginners

This was all about the proverbs about alcohol and drinking habits. Hope you understand the concept and know how to proceed. You can also follow the Learn English page of Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs related to grammar. 

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