NCERT Solutions Class 8 Civics Chapter 3 Parliament and the Making of Laws (Free PDF)

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NCERT Solutions Class 8 Civics Chapter 3 Parliament and the Making of Laws

NCERT Solutions Class 8 Civics Chapter 3 Parliament and the Making of Laws contains answers to questions in the lesson. All answers have been crafted according to the CBSE guidelines. We have answered all the questions that pose common questions related to Parliamentary democracy in the lesson. Students are advised to read the answers in accordance with NCERT Class 8 Civics Chapter 3 Parliament and the Making of Laws notes to get a better understanding of the topic. 

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Important Questions and Answers in NCERT Class 8 Civics Chapter 3: Parliament and the Making of Laws

Let us look at NCERT Solutions Class 8 Civics Chapter 3 Parliament and the Making of Laws for questions within the lesson. Our subject experts have tried to answer these questions accurately and as per the latest CBSE guidelines. 

Parliament and the Making of Laws Class 8 Solutions

Here are the solutions for the “Parliament and the Making of Laws” chapter.

Questions on Page No. 30

Ques 1. Give one reason why you think there should be a universal adult franchise.

Ans: Universal adult franchise is essential as it grants every individual, irrespective of their background, the right to vote and select their leaders. It fosters a sense of significance among people, ensuring they are not marginalised or oppressed. Moreover, it promotes inclusivity, allowing everyone to feel a sense of belonging and participation in the democratic process.

Ques 2. Do you think there would be any difference if the class monitor was selected by the teacher or elected by the students? Discuss.

Ans: Ye. There would be a difference if the class monitor was selected by the teacher or elected by the students. A class monitor selected by the teacher might be strict and report about negligible incidents to teachers. Whereas, a class monitor elected by the students would be more democratic and understand the issues of his/their/her classmates. 

Questions on Page No. 33

Ques 1. Use the terms ‘constituency’ and ‘represent’ to explain who an MLA is and how the person gets elected?

Ans: An MLA or Member of the Legislative Assembly, is a public representative elected by the people in their constituency, which is a specific geographic area within a state. This representative acts as the voice of the people in the state’s Legislative Assembly, making laws and decisions that impact their lives.

To become an MLA, individuals nominate themselves and campaign to earn votes from the people in their constituency. The candidate who receives the most votes wins the election and becomes the MLA, representing their constituency in the Assembly.

Ques 2. Discuss with your teacher the difference between a State Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) and the Parliament (Lok Sabha).

Ans: Here are some key differences between State Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) and the Parliament (Lok Sabha)

FactorsVidhan SabhaLok Sabha
Level of GovernanceIt is the legislative body for a stateIt is for the entire nation (Seat of the central government of India) 
Areas of GovernanceEducation, healthcare, and local infrastructure. Defence, foreign policy, and interstate and international trade
StructureIncludes the Governor and the MLAsIncludes the MPs elected by the people of India
MembersMLAs (Members of Legislative Assembly) represent constituencies within a stateMPs (Members of Parliament) represent larger constituencies encompassing multiple MLA constituencies.

Ques 3. From the list below, identify the work of a State government and that of a Central government.

(a) The decision of the Indian government to maintain peaceful relations with China.

(b) The decision of the Madhya Pradesh government to discontinue Board exams in Class VIII for all schools under this Board.

(c) Introduction of a new train connection between Ajmer and Mysore.

(d) Introduction of a new 1,000 rupee note.


Work of a State GovernmentWork of a Central Government
(b) The decision of the Madhya Pradesh government to discontinue Board exams in Class VIII for all schools under this Board.(a) The decision of the Indian government to maintain peaceful relations with China.
(c) Introduction of a new train connection between Ajmer and Mysore.
(d) Introduction of a new 1,000 rupee note.

Ques 4. Fill in the blanks with the following words.

universal adult franchiseMLAsrepresentativesdirectly

Democratic governments in our times are usually referred to as representative democracies. In representative democracies, people do not participate …(i)………………… but, instead, choose their …(ii)………….……..through an election process. These …(iii)……….….. meet and make decisions for the entire population. These days, a government cannot call itself democratic unless it allows what is known as …..(iv)………………………………… This means that all adult citizens in the country are allowed to vote.


(i) directly

(ii) representatives

(iii) MLAs

(iv) universal adult franchise

Ques 5. You have read that most elected members whether in the Panchayat, or the Vidhan Sabha or the Parliament are elected for a fixed period of five years. Why do we have a system where the representatives are elected for a fixed period and not for life?

Ans: We elect representatives to Panchayat, Vidhan Sabha, and Lok Sabha for a fixed term of five years to ensure accountability. If their performance is unsatisfactory during their office term of 5 years then voters can choose a different representative in the next election. This encourages them to work for the people’s well-being, knowing they can be voted out if they fail to deliver.

Ques 6. You have read that people participate in other ways and not just through elections to express approval or disapproval of the actions of government. Can you describe three such ways through a small skit?

Ans: Discuss with your social science teacher and prepare the skit.

Questions on Page No. 35

Ques 1. Use the following table to answer the questions succeeding the table:

Class 8 Civics Chapter 3 Parliament and the Making of Laws: Question

Credit: NCERT

(i) Who will form the government? Why?

(ii) Who will be present for discussions in the Lok Sabha?

(iii) Is this process similar to what you have read about in Class VII?


(i) Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will form the government because it won the majority of seats in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections.

(ii) The Speaker, the majority party, the opposition party, and all other elected MPs will be present for discussions in Lok Sabha after elections.

(iii) Yes.

Ques 2. The following photograph shows results from the 3rd Lok Sabha elections held in 1962. Use the photograph to answer the following questions:

(a) Which state has the highest number of MPs in the Lok Sabha? Why do you think this is so?

(b) Which state has the least number of MPs in the Lok Sabha?

( c) Which political party has won the most seats in all states?

(d) Which party do you think will form the government? Give reasons why.

3rd Lok Sabha Election Result

Credit: NCERT


(a) Uttar Pradesh 

(b) Tripura and Manipur

( c) Indian National Congress

(d) Indian National Congress formed the government as it won the maximum number of seats in the election.

Questions on Page No. 38

The following is an example of a question asked in Parliament.

Lok Sabha

Unstarred Question No: 48
Answered On: 15.12.2017
Converge of Schemes for Children

Manoj Rajoria
Will the Minister of Women and Child Development be pleased to state:-(a) whether the Government proposes to converge various schemes and policies for children in the country;(b) if so, the details thereof; and;(c) if not, the reasons therefore?

Answer: Minister of State in the Ministry of Women and Child Development (Dr. Virendra Kumar) (a) to (c) The Ministry has developed the National Plan of Action for Children 2016 which largely draws upon the existing programmes and schemes of various Ministries/Departments. It provides a framework for convergence and co-ordination between Ministries/Departments and State/UTs Governments and encourages collective action from all stakeholders to address multi-dimensional vulnerabilities experienced by children.

The National Plan of Action for Children 2016 categorizes children’s rights under four key priority areas;
(i) Survival, Health and Nutrition,
(ii) Education and Development,
(iii) Protection and
(iv) Participation.
It identifies key programmes, schemes and policies as well as stakeholders for the implementation of different strategies.

Ques 1. In the above question, what information is being sought from the Minister of Women and Child Development?

Ans: The Minister of Women and Child Development is being asked to answer whether the union government plans to converge state and central governments schemes and policies related to children. Also, the MP wants to know the reason behind converging or not converging the policies. 

Ques 2. If you were a Member of Parliament (MP), list two questions that you would like to ask.

Ans: Do it yourself.

Questions on Page No. 39

Ques 1. State one reason why you think the Sedition Act of 1870 was arbitrary? In what ways does the Sedition Act of 1870 contradict the rule of law?

Ans: The Sedition Act of 1870 was arbitrary because it lacked clear definitions of key terms like “disaffection” and “hatred.” This ambiguity meant that criticism of the government, even if peaceful and constructive, could be misconstrued as sedition, leaving individuals vulnerable to arbitrary arrests and prosecutions.

Here are the ways in which the Sedition Act of 1870 contradict the rule of law:

  • Limitation of the Fundamental Right of Freedom of Speech.
  • Unequal application of the law, especially targeting the weaker sections of the society.
  • The Act allowed for detention without trial and restrictions on legal representation, infringing upon fundamental rights to a fair trial and legal defence.

Questions on Page No. 42

Ques 1. What do you understand by ‘domestic violence’? List the two rights that the new law helped achieve for women who are survivors of violence.

Ans: Domestic violence refers to physical, economic, emotional, sexual, and verbal abuse inflicted on a person by others living in the shared space. 

The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act grants the following rights:

  • The right of women to live in a shared household peacefully and safely.
  • Women who are victims of domestic violence can get monetary relief to meet their expenses including medical costs.

Ques 2. Can you list one process that was used to make more people aware of the need for this law?

Ans: To raise awareness about the need for protection against domestic violence law, people held protests and public meetings.

Ques 3. Can you list two different ways in which people lobbied Parliament?

Ans: People lobbied Parliament in the following ways:

  • Women’s organisations such as the National Commission for Women (NCW) submitted their recommendations to the Parliamentary Standing Committee.
  • Women collaborated with Lawyers Collective to raise their voice. 

Ques 4. In the following poster, what do you understand by the phrase ‘Equal Relationships are Violence Free’?

Class 8 Civics Chapter 3 Parliament and the Making of Laws: Question

Credit: NCERT 

Ans: “Equal Relationships are Violence Free” means partnerships should be balanced and free from harm. Both partners deserve equal respect, voice, and safety.

NCERT Solutions Class 8 Civics Chapter 3 Parliament and the Making of Laws: Indian Parliament
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NCERT Solutions Class 8 Civics Chapter 3 Parliament and the Making of Laws 

In this section, we have NCERT Solutions Class 8 Civics Chapter 3 Parliament and the Making of Laws to questions in the Exercise following the lesson. 


Ques 1. Why do you think our national movement supported the idea that all adults have a right to vote?

Ans: The national movement was led by individuals from diverse backgrounds. It was driven by the principles of liberty, equality, and inclusive governance. Their struggle aimed at securing a nation led by leaders empathetic towards the concerns of citizens and capable of eradicating the disparities created by British colonialism. People’s aspirations for a dignified and liberated existence lay in the foundational concept of Universal Adult Franchise—the right to participate in the electoral process.

Ques 2. In this 2004 map of Parliamentary constituencies alongside, roughly identify the constituencies in your State. What is the name of the MP from your constituency? How many MPs does your state have? Why are certain constituencies coloured green while others are coloured blue?

Ans: Do it yourself.

Source: Shah Rukh Khan’s X account
Source: Magnet Brains
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Q1. When did the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act come into force?

Ans: The Act was passed in 2005. It was enforced in 2006.

Q2. Where can I download NCERT Solutions Class 8 Civics Chapter 3 Parliament and the Making of Laws?

Ans: You can download NCERT solutions at Leverage Edu.

Q3. Is the Indian Parliament unicameral or bicameral?

Ans: It is bicameral as it consists of the Lok Sabha (House of the People) and Rajya Sabha (Council of States)

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