NCERT Class 6 Civics Chapter 2 ‘Diversity and Discrimination’: Notes and Solutions (Free PDF)

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Summary: NCERT Class 6 Civics Chapter 2

In NCERT Class 6 Civics Chapter 2, we learn about “Diversity and Discrimination.” It talks about how our country, India, is a land of many different people, each with their own unique customs, languages, and traditions. This diversity makes our nation special and rich. The chapter explains that sometimes, people might be treated unfairly because they are different. This is called discrimination, and it’s not right. Discrimination can happen based on things like religion, caste, or gender. We also learn about the Constitution of India, which is like a rulebook that ensures everyone is treated equally and with respect. It tells us that all people, no matter how different they are, have the same rights.

So, it’s important for us to respect and appreciate our diverse society. Let’s make sure we treat everyone kindly and equally, just like our Constitution teaches us.

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Diversity and Discrimination Class 6 Notes

Let us now explore some of the important definitions of Class 6 Civics Chapter 2.

Important Definitions in NCERT Class 6 Civics Chapter 2

  • Prejudice: Prejudice means having a preconceived opinion or judgment about someone or a group of people without knowing them personally. It’s when we think certain things about others based on their race, religion, or other characteristics, even if those thoughts are not fair or accurate.
  • Diversity: Diversity means having a variety of different people, cultures, or things. In the context of society, it means that there are people from various backgrounds, beliefs, and ways of life. Diversity helps us learn about different ways of thinking and living.
  • Discrimination: Discrimination happens when people are treated unfairly or differently because of things like their race, gender, religion, or other characteristics. It’s when someone is not given the same opportunities or rights as others, which is not right or fair.
  • Equality: Equality means treating everyone in a fair and just way, giving them the same opportunities and rights. It’s important that people, no matter where they come from or who they are, have an equal chance to succeed and be happy.
  • Stereotype: A stereotype is a fixed, often simplified, and sometimes unfair idea or image about a group of people. It’s like assuming that all members of a group are the same, even though each person is unique and different

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Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8

Important Questions and Answers in NCERT Class 6 Civics Chapter 2

1. Match the following statements in a way that challenges the stereotypes

a. Two surgeons were sitting down to lunch when one of them made a call on the mobile phone1. suffers from chronic asthma
b. The boy who won the drawing competition went to the dias2. to become an astronaut, which she did
c. One of the fastest athletes in the world3. to speak with her daughter, who had just returned from school
d. She was not that well-off but had a dream4. on a wheelchair to collect his prize


a. Two surgeons were sitting down to lunch
when one of them made a call on the mobile phone
to speak with her daughter, who had just returned from school
b. The boy who won the drawing competition went to the diason a wheelchair to collect his prize
c. One of the fastest athletes in the worldsuffers from chronic asthma
d. She was not that well-off but had a dreamto become an astronaut, which she did

2. How can the stereotype that girls are a burden on their parents affect the life of a daughter? Imagine this situation and list at least five different effects that this stereotype can have on the way daughters get treated in the house. 

Ans: This stereotype can lead to several effects on the way daughters are treated in their homes:

  • The daughter may not be given the same opportunities as her brothers, like going to school or participating in activities outside the home.
  • She might receive less attention and care compared to her brothers, which can make her feel neglected and unimportant.
  • She might be given more household chores and responsibilities compared to her brothers, which can be tiring and unfair.
  • Her freedom to make choices about her own life, like what she wants to study or what job she wants in the future, might be limited.
  • Constantly being treated as a burden can make her feel less confident and have lower self-esteem, feeling she is not as valuable as her brothers.

3. What does the Constitution say with regard to equality? Why do you think it is important for all people to be equal?

Ans: In the Constitution, it is written that every person in our country, whether they are a boy or a girl, rich or poor, from any religion or caste, should be treated equally. This means that everyone should have the same opportunities and rights. It’s important for all people to be equal because:

  • Treating everyone equally is fair and just. It means that nobody is treated better or worse because of things like their gender, religion, or where they come from.
  • When people are treated equally, it helps in creating a peaceful and harmonious society where everyone can live together happily.
  • When everyone gets equal opportunities, they can study, work, and contribute to the country’s progress. This makes the country stronger and more successful.
  • Treating everyone equally shows respect for their dignity and worth as human beings. It helps build trust and understanding among people.
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Q.1. What do you mean by Prejudice?

Ans: Prejudice means having a preconceived opinion or judgment about someone or a group of people without knowing them personally. It’s when we think certain things about others based on their race, religion, or other characteristics, even if those thoughts are not fair or accurate.

Q.2. What is Diversity?

Ans: Diversity means having a variety of different people, cultures, or things. In the context of society, it means that there are people from various backgrounds, beliefs, and ways of life. Diversity helps us learn about different ways of thinking and living.

Q.3. What does Discrimination mean?

Ans: Discrimination happens when people are treated unfairly or differently because of things like their race, gender, religion, or other characteristics. It’s when someone is not given the same opportunities or rights as others, which is not right or fair.

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