Leave Application for Stress: Check Samples and Format

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Stress Leave Application

Stress is a common feeling in these tiring times. The challenges posed by stress can ruin our mental health if we fail to identify the causes of distress and tension in our lives. In contemporary times, our mundane work schedule drains our energy and affects our mental well-being. To avoid slipping into a bad condition, it is important that we take care of our cerebral health. As soon as you start feeling that you cannot bear the pressure of work or you are failing to strike a work-life balance, consult a therapist/psychiatrist and put in a stress leave application. Detach yourself from work and recover from this dark phase. Here is a basic guide to writing a leave application for taking time off work pressure. Apply for the leave before you are overtaxed!!

Reasons to Take Stress Leave

A stress leave becomes essential in crisis situations when a break from work can help the affected person recuperate. This leave can sometimes extend from a few days to beyond a year. If an employee is experiencing the following signs, he/she/they must request a stress leave:

  • Inability to perform one’s responsibilities
  • Deteriorating work quality due to stress
  • Work pressure and workspace-related stress hampering personal life
  • Work-life balance disruption
  • Personal issues
  • Symptoms of mental disorders like anxiety or depression
  • The toxic environment at the workplace such as dirty office politics, harassment, bullying, and gossiping

Also Read: Application for Sick Leave

How to Apply for Stress Leave? 

This leave is dedicated to the recovery of one’s mental health. As this recovery period is a very crucial part of any employee’s life, one needs to follow these steps to successfully write a stress leave application:

  • Consult a physician/therapist/psychiatrist/psychologist to identify the problem and get a proper diagnosis, treatment plan, recovery methods, and medication.
  • After diagnosis, get a doctor’s note prescribing time off from work.
  • Convey your diagnosis to your reporting authority and produce the doctor’s report. 
  • Explain all work-related stress to the Human Resources (HR) department/executive/manager.
  • After a verbal message, send a stress level application to your reporting manager. 

Format for Stress Leave Application

Read: Leave Application for Fever

Stress Leave Application (For Employee – Mental Exhaustion): Sample 1 

Amit Sharma
Flat No. 205, Green Residency
MG Road, Bengaluru – 560001

Date: 31st January 2025

Mr. Ramesh Gupta
HR Manager
Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Koramangala, Bengaluru – 560095

Subject: Request for Stress Leave Due to Mental Exhaustion

Dear Mr. Gupta,

I hope you are doing well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from work due to severe mental exhaustion and stress. Over the past few months, I have been handling multiple high-pressure projects, leading to extreme fatigue and difficulty in maintaining focus at work.

My doctor has advised me to take a break to avoid further health complications. Therefore, I kindly request leave from 1st February to 15th February 2025 to recover and regain my productivity. During my absence, I will ensure a proper handover of my current responsibilities to my colleague, Mr. Sunil Verma, so that the workflow remains uninterrupted.

I apologize for any inconvenience my absence may cause and truly appreciate your support in this matter. Please let me know if any formalities need to be completed.

Thank you for your understanding.

Amit Sharma

Also Read: Maternity Leave Application

Stress Leave Application (For Student – Family Issues & Emotional Stress): Sample 2

Priya Menon
Class 10-B
St. Joseph’s Convent School
Kochi, Kerala – 682016

The Principal
St. Joseph’s Convent School
Kochi, Kerala – 682016

Date: 31st January 2025

Subject: Application for Leave Due to Emotional Stress

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inform you that due to ongoing family issues, I have been under a lot of emotional stress, which has affected my mental well-being and academic performance. Recently, my parents have been going through a difficult phase, and this has impacted my ability to concentrate on studies and school activities.

Considering my current condition, my parents and I feel that taking a short break from school would help me recover emotionally and focus better when I return. I kindly request a leave of five days, from 1st February to 5th February 2025.

I assure you that I will cover all missed lessons and complete my assignments upon resuming school. I hope for your kind consideration in approving my request.

Thank you for your understanding.

Yours sincerely,
Priya Menon

Stress Leave Application (For Employee – Work-Life Imbalance & Health Issues): Sample 3

Rahul Bansal
Senior Marketing Executive
Elite Corporations Ltd.
Sector 44, Gurugram – 122002

Date: 31st January 2025

Ms. Anjali Mehta
Head of Marketing Department
Elite Corporations Ltd.
Sector 44, Gurugram – 122002

Subject: Request for Leave Due to Stress-Related Health Issues

Dear Anjali Ma’am,

I hope this email finds you well. Lately, I have been experiencing severe stress due to an imbalance between my professional and personal life, resulting in persistent headaches, irregular sleep patterns, and extreme fatigue. Due to my continuous workload, I have been unable to take proper rest, which has now started affecting my health significantly.

After consulting a physician, I have been advised to take time off to recover and restore my health. Hence, I request a medical leave from 1st February to 12th February 2025. During my absence, I will coordinate with my teammates to ensure a smooth workflow. If needed, I will be available for urgent matters via email.

I sincerely appreciate your support and understanding in this regard. Please let me know if any further details are required.

Best regards,
Rahul Bansal


Q1. What are the reasons to take a stress leave?

Ans: People apply for stress leave for the following reasons:
1. Inability to perform one’s responsibilities
2. Deteriorating work quality due to stress
3. Work pressure and workspace-related stress hampering personal life
4. Work-life balance disruption
5. Personal issues
6. Symptoms of mental disorders like anxiety or depression
7. The toxic environment at the workplace such as dirty office politics, harassment, bullying, and gossiping

Q2. Is stress leave with pay?

Ans: Certain countries have laws granting stress leave. In such countries, employees can take this paid leave whenever they need to take a time off from work. Many organisations also have stress-related paid leaves in their HR policy. However, if your country or employer does not guarantee this leave, you can always ask for a sick leave to treat your cerebral health. 

Q3. How do you write a stress leave note?

Ans: Start your note with a salutation and date. Express your symptoms, express the cause of stress at the workplace, share your doctor’s advice, suggest a teammate who would be your proxy, and mention your gratitude. 

Q4. Am I eligible for stress leave?

Ans: Eligibility depends on your company’s policy and local labor laws. In countries like the U.S., stress-related leave may be covered under FMLA if you meet the work-hour requirements and have a serious health condition certified by a doctor.

Q5. How do I apply for stress leave?

Ans: Consult a doctor for a medical certificate, inform your employer or HR, and submit any required forms. Ensure proper communication and documentation to avoid delays.

Q6. Will I be paid during stress leave?

Ans: It depends on your employer’s policy. Some companies offer paid sick leave, while others may require you to use vacation days or short-term disability benefits. FMLA in the U.S. provides unpaid leave, but you may use accrued paid leave if available.

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