How to Prepare for SNAP Exam: Tips, Best Books, Previous Year Question Papers (Download Free PDF)

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Candidates may be wondering how to prepare for the SNAP exam, as it will happen in December. SNAP is one of the top management exams that is conducted by SIU Pune. The candidates preparing for the exam must be searching for study material for the examination. SNAP is an exam that should be studied properly by the candidates to crack it. To prepare well for the exam, candidates should know about the syllabus, exam details, and other details related to it. It is an exam that is not as difficult as the CAT exam or XAT, but you should be prepared well. Continue reading this blog as we discuss the preparation tips, the best books you can refer and much more.

Must Read: SNAP Exam Pattern 2024: Latest Paper Pattern & Difficulty Level

Exam Overview

SNAP exam details need to be understood by the candidates when they are preparing for it. Here, is the exam overview table for SNAP that will help you understand more about the exam. 

Exam NameSNAP
Full NameSymbiosis National Aptitude Test 
Exam Conducting BodySymbiosis International University (SIU) Pune
Exam SyllabusGeneral English, Analytical & Logical Reasoning, Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency
Exam Frequency 3 Times in a year
Exam LevelModerate
Exam DateDecember 2024
Exam Application FeesINR 2,250
Official Website

SNAP Exam 2024: Latest Updates

As mentioned above, the SNAP exam will be conducted thrice in December. Registration for the SNAP exam will be expected to start from the first week of August 2024 and will continue till November last. The students need to do the registration for the exam before the deadline. 

Additionally, the result of the examination will be announced in January 2025 followed by GD, PI and WAT process in February. Once the Group Discussion (GD), Personal Interview (PI) and WAT are conducted, a final merit list will be released in March 2025.

Exam Pattern of SNAP Exam 

When you are preparing for the SNAP exam, it is crucial to understand its exam pattern. Knowing about the exam pattern can help you better plan for the examination. Studying each section properly can lead you to score well in the examination. The candidates should properly understand how they can make improvements in the subjects in which they are weak. All the subjects should be well prepared by the candidates to get good marks in SNAP. Here is the exam pattern for the SNAP exam that will help you answer the question “How to Prepare for SNAP Exam.”.

ParticularsNumber of QuestionsNumber of Marks
Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency2020
Analytical and Logical Reasoning2525
General English (Reading Comprehension, Verbal Ability, and Verbal Reasoning,)1515

The candidate will get 1 mark for each correct answer and 1/4th marks will get deducted for the wrong answer. However, there is no negative marking for the unattempted questions. 

Also Read: SNAP Application Process 2024: Dates, Application Fee, Steps To Register

How To Prepare for SNAP Exam: Section-Wise

The SNAP exam mainly consists of three sections in which questions from different topics come. So, we will discuss how to prepare for the SNAP exam section-wise.

Quantitative, Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency

The section contains questions based on mathematical calculation in which the use of formulas is required. It is a mix of questions from quantitative (QA), data interpretation, and data sufficiency (DI-DS) that check your concepts, so it is important to revise them regularly. The QA part consists of 12 to 14 questions, while the DS-DI has 6 to 8 questions in the SNAP examination. Different topics of mathematics with variations in difficulty level come in the examination which should be practiced well. The questions in the section are lengthy, so you should also be prepared by keeping in mind the time taken to solve each question. Let’s check the topics related to the section. 

Quantitative, Data Interpretation and Data SufficiencyQuantitative Aptitude, Number System, Algebra, Arithmetic(Averages, Percentage, Interest, Profit-Loss, Ratio, Time- Speed-Distance, etc.) Linear EquationQuadratic Equation, Matrix, Permutation and Combination Binomial Theorem, Logarithm Progressions Surds and Indices, Inequalities, Geometry, Probability Functions, Set Theory, Coordinate geometry, Trigonometry, Allegations and Mixtures, Mensuration,
Data Interpretation, and Data Sufficiency, Graphs-Pie ChartTables

Analytical and Logical Ability

The section has the highest weightage in the examination so it should be prepared well. Questions in the section are usually based on visualization, problem-solving, computing, and logical ability. Most of the questions are from the topics of reasoning so proper practice and use of tricks are required. Understand the tricks and their implementation to solve the questions quickly. Here are the topics that you must prepare well to score well in the section.

Analytical and Logical AbilityAnalogy, Critical Reasoning, Clocks and Calendars, Direction Sense, Critical Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Clocks and Calendars, Miscellaneous Reasoning, Blood Relations, Seating Arrangements, MatrixSeries, Meaningful words, Mathematical Reasoning, Coding-Decoding, Visual Reasoning, Direction Sense

General English

The section is majorly divided into three parts that are Verbal Ability, Reading Comprehension, and Verbal Reasoning. It is a lengthy section and contains many subjects so proper practice is required in it. For reading comprehension read as many passages as possible and the articles on various topics through various sources. Verbal ability and verbal reasoning can be prepared by practising questions related to them and understanding their concepts. Here is the list of topics that you need to prepare for the SNAP exam in the General English section.

General EnglishReading Comprehension (RC), Passages, Topics related to opinion, facts, Current Affairs and Literature.
Verbal Ability, Synonyms and Antonyms, Idioms and Phrases, Vocabulary usage, Fill in the Blanks, Jumbled Paragraphs, Correcting Errors, Grammar Usage – Active and Passive Voice, Conditionals, indirect narration, etc.
Verbal Reasoning, Analogy, Critical Reasoning

Also Read: SNAP Eligibility Criteria: Details, Qualification, Age Limit

Does SNAP Exam Require Coaching?

The SNAP exam is not very difficult so taking coaching related to the exam depends on certain reasons. If you are taking coaching for some other management exam then there is no need for it as the syllabus is nearly the same. However, if you want to specifically prepare for the SNAP exam then you can join any top SNAP coaching center in your city. You can also study online by taking YouTube classes or online courses at some top coaching institutes.

Also Read: Is SNAP Tougher than CAT? Know Difference between Exam Pattern, Syllabus

Last Minute Preparation Tips For SNAP Exam

When you are going to attend the SNAP exam there are some tips that you should keep in mind. It will help you to better manage your time and take exams with confidence. Here are some last-minute preparation tips for the SNAP exam that will help you during the examination. 

  • Solving all questions is not required in the SNAP exam. You just have to clear the sectional cut-offs so make sure to properly solve 14 to 15 questions in Quantitative Aptitude, 8-10 questions in the English section,  and 18-20 questions in the Logical Reasoning sections.
  • As we know the duration of the examination is 60 minutes so it is important to solve the questions you know properly. There is no need to waste time on questions that you do not know about. 
  • Think about clearing the cutoff first rather than scoring well. There is negative marking in the exam so make sure to avoid silly mistakes. 
  • In the SNAP exam, there is no time limit section so you can start with whichever section you want. Make sure to start with the section in which you are strong and try to score well in it. 

Best Books To Prepare for SNAP Exam

If you want to score well in the SNAP exam then you must require some books that can boost your preparations. Here is the list of some books section-wise that you can take into consideration for studying for the SNAP exam.

Quantitative Aptitude and Data InterpretationQuantitative Aptitude for the CAT by Nishit K Sinha
How to prepare for Quantitative for CAT by Arun Sharma
The Pearson Guide To Quantitative Aptitude For Competitive Examinations
General EnglishWord Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
High School English Grammar & Composition by Wren & Martin
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT Arun Sharma & Meenakshi Upadhyay
Analytical and Logical AbilityA Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning by RS Aggarwal
How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT by Arun Sharma
Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT by Nishit K Sinha

SNAP Previous Year Question Papers – 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

Solving the previous year’s question papers is an important step if you are preparing for the SNAP exam. The PYQ gives an idea about the level of questions that you are going to face in the examination. Here is a PDF with all the previous year’s question papers that you can solve.

Previous Year Question PapersDownload Free PDF
SNAP 2023 Previous Year Question PaperClick Here
SNAP 2022 Previous Year Question PaperClick Here
SNAP 2021 Previous Year Question PaperClick Here
SNAP 2020 Previous Year Question PaperClick Here

Mock Tests For SNAP Preparation

The mock tests for the SNAP preparation help you to practice more and more questions getting a better understanding of them. They have a pattern similar to the one they are going to face during the SNAP exam. Here is the mock test which you can attempt and test your preparation. 

Mock Test for SNAP PreparationClick Here to Download 

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How to prepare for the SNAP exam?

You can prepare for the SNAP exam by making a study plan and covering the entire syllabus. Make the weak sections stronger and practice as many mock tests as possible. Solve the previous year’s papers and give the proper time for revision in each subject.

What are the best coachings for the SNAP exam?

T.I.M.E, Bulls Eye, Handa Ka Funda etc. are some of the best coachings that you can find in your city for the SNAP exam.

How to crack the SNAP exam?

Practice by solving the questions faster using proper tricks and formulas. Try learning to calculate faster and make sure to understand how to manage time during the examination. 

This was all about the “How to prepare for SNAP exam?: tips, best books, previous year question papers” blog, check out our Management Exams Section, or you can learn more about us by visiting our Indian Universities page.

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