What is Career Counselling?

4 minute read
What is Career Counselling?

We strive to make a progressive world today, where technologies are booming and opening doors to various career opportunities in several fields. With multiple career options ranging from Medicine, Mass Communication to Aeronautical Engineering and Marine Biology, etc. choosing a field of study that not really suits your interests or skills could prove disastrous. That is when you need to understand what is career counselling? Career guidance is designed to help individuals while choosing, changing, or leaving a career and is available at any stage of life. Our career is one of the most important aspects of adulthood, therefore it can be a stressful event for most of the students out there. Career counselling can be a great way to overcome all your fears and take a positive decision towards a promising path.

Understanding Career Counselling

Before we go into the details in understanding the importance of counselling, let us first figure out what is career counselling? With an aim to help students realise their own self and what is best for them, counsellors provide career advice. These experts deal with a diverse range of problems such as low concentration level, time management issues, family concerns, peer pressure, indecisive nature, and many other aspects of growing up, that have a negative impact on a student’s decision-making ability. Career counselling helps in planning, decision making, implementation of choices, adjustment and ways to tackle personal issues.

Also Read: Online Career Counselling

Who Needs Career Counselling and Why?

Now that you are familiar with what is career counselling, let us talk about the importance of career advice in a student’s life. Students tend to require career counselling after 10th because this is the time when not just academically there are changes happening but physically and mentally as well. Young adults find it difficult to cope with a lot of pressure and end up making mistakes that might make them feel regretful later in life. Moreover, this transition from school to college and trying to fit in with peers and especially the ‘society’ creates confusion and might divert students from their career path. This is where they need someone, be it their own parents or a professional counsellor to help them be stable and carve out their path of success.

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However, it is sometimes difficult even for our parents to identify our strengths and weakness and unintentionally forgetting the fact that every child is unique, they end up making a wrong decision. So, to avoid such a situation, it is important for every parent to keep track of what their child is doing, and how often does his or her passion and interest changes. If you know what your child likes and dislikes, you will be able to make a more informed decision. 

What does Career Counselling Offer?

All of us require career counselling at some point in our life as it helps us get insights about ourselves. In order to better analyse what is career counselling, take a look at a few goals in which career guidance helps us:

Choosing the Right Career

Career counsellors are experts at identifying your aptitude, interests, personality and behaviour. They use these evaluations to suggest the best career options after considering all the relevant career fields.

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Providing Expert Resources

Career counsellors are trained to provide expert support and resources pertaining to any of your queries. They provide all the information related to any career field, their scope, the right path to pursue, etc. Moreover, advisors are experts in understanding student’s problems and providing the right resolution.

Gain Confidence and Insight

The most important role of career counsellor is to identify the student’s personality and nature. This will help them to deal with different career-related issues and in turn, develop the student’s confidence and self-esteem.

Change Unwanted Behavior Patterns

Individuals tend to have a certain habit which falls in their way to achieve something. Most students have time management issues, neglective mental and physical health, lack of confidence, a fear or phobia, motivational issues, etc. A career counsellor efficiently works to break such patterns and helps students in becoming more productive. 

Leverage and Beyond

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If you find yourself stuck in confusions and run out of options, you can seek career guidance anytime in life from professionals. Now that you know what is career counselling and how can it help you in many ways, it’s time to discover your perfect stream and subject combination by analysing your strengths and weakness through a more personalised counselling from our experts at Leverage Edu. We can help you discover your perfect career and identify the right university abroad that would accelerate your career growth. So, what are you waiting for? Book a 30 minutes free consultation now.

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