Slogans on World Environment Day for Students

6 minute read
Slogans on World Environment Day

As residents of the planet Earth, we are all obligated to do everything in our ability to keep our environment clean and safe for us and future generations. There are numerous methods for spreading the word, one of them is composing slogans and displaying them on social and public platforms. Slogans transmit the message in such a simple way that it stays in the hearts and thoughts of those who hear it. This post will show you how to create effective and catchy World Environment Day slogans that will get the message across all boundaries.

What is World Environment Day?

World Environment Day is celebrated across the globe to honour and recognize the significance of nature, environment, and ecology that sustain all life forms. Founded back in 1972 at the Stockholm Conference on Human Environment organized by the United Nations; world environment day is one of the largest events celebrated by over 143 countries across the globe. The first-ever world environment day was celebrated in 1974 and hosted by the United States. Only One Earth was the theme for world environment day and several governments, business organisations and individuals observed this day on June 5th. At a time when the world is suffering the aftermath of a pandemic, it is important to shed light on the devastation and destruction caused by human activities and the debilitating state of our earth.

Credits: The Hindu

What is the Theme of World Environment Day in 2024?

The official theme of World Environment Day in 2024 is “land Restoration desertification and drought resilience“. Through this theme, the day aims to highlight the urgency of addressing land degradation and other related issues that can harm our environment in unexpected ways. In 2023, the theme was #BeatPlasticPollution.

Short Slogans on World Environment Day in English

  • Let’s Unite to Save the Environment!
  • Saving Environment is the ultimate end game!
  • Invest in plants & enliven our future generations.
  • The environment is the greatest luxury, pledge to save the environment!
  • This World Environment Day, let’s bring the change in ourselves before it’s too late.
world environment day
Source: WallpaperSafari
  • A little effort towards saving the environment is better than no effort.
  • Let’s unite to erase our mistakes & plant trees to save the environment
  • Save the green & blue before our future generation has to paint everything black
  • What’s good for your health? Pizza, Netflix Series, or new clothes? Nothing is better for your health than a clean environment!
  • On this World Environment Day, let’s build a better world for everyone!

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Check out some more slogans on pollution for World Environment Day

  • The environment is our soulmate and we need to take care of her.
  • Our environment should not be clean, it should be Monica clean.
  • Let’s preserve the most beautiful thing in the entire galaxy, Our Environment!
  • This World Environment Day, Let’s heal what we have broken!
  • Our earth is in desperate need of a therapeutic spa day.
  • What do you want to pass on to your children? Cleaner air or masks from the day they are born on.
  • Remember it’s Us vs Pollution, not Us vs Environment!
  • Let’s connect over to save plants & not for Instagram selfies!
  • Run towards saving the environment before we have to run towards survival battle.
  • What is the best therapy? Planting a tree is the best therapy for us & our environment.
  • The world can not afford another pandemic, This world environment day let’s pledge to lend a hand towards saving the environment.

Like these slogans for World Environment Day? Check out our sample Global Warming speeches!

  • How would you feel if someone dumped all the garbage in your house? Then stop doing the same to our environment.
  • Say no to pollution & Yes to Recycle
  • Live green, Breathe Green, Go green
  • There is no life without water, Nothing bigger than a green environment & no better place than Earth.

Also Read: Essay on Save Environment

Unique Environment Day Slogans on Save Earth

Save Earth Quotes
Courtesy: Yourfates

Here are the best slogans on Save Earth for World Environment Day:

  • Save the earth, save our environment!
  • It’s the need of the hour,
    We need to save the earth!
  • There’s no place to live other than our precious earth,
    Save the earth with your best efforts!
  • Save the Earth with the right practice,
    Plant trees, use less water and save electricity!
  • Your every conscious choice can save our earth!
  • Save the earth for your future children, and ask for a thank you later!
  • Care for the earth, care for every child’s birth!
  • It’s time to save the only one, our precious Earth!
  • Look down and see what’s always been under your feet,
    This World Environment Day, promise the world to save the earth!
  • Clean Earth is happy Earth!
How to Save Our Planet
Courtesy: WWF International

Top Environment Day Slogans on Save Water

Here are the best slogans on Save Water for World Environment Day:

  • Conserve water, conserve life.
  • You never know the worth of water until the well runs dry.
  • Save water, and it will save you.
  • Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink.
  • A drop of water is worth more than a sack of gold to a thirsty man.
  • Water Smarter!
  • Don’t let life slip down the drain.
  • How many drops make up an ocean? Conserve water; every drop counts.
  • Don’t flush our planet’s most valuable resource.
  • It takes a lot of blues to stay green.
  • If we don’t learn to conserve, we’ll all be fish out of water.

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Best Environment Day Slogans on Save Trees

Here are some slogans on Save Trees for World Environment Day:

  • If you cut a tree, you kill a life. If you save a tree, you save a life. If you plant a tree, you plant a life.
  • Plant a tree, so that the next generation can get air for free.
  • Don’t make trees rare, keep them with care.
  • Save trees, and live an active lifestyle.
  • Trees on, and global warming gone.
  • Save trees, save nature.
  • Plant a tree today; it will help us breathe tomorrow.
  • Plant more trees; make the environment pollution free.
  • Save trees and do not let them become a thing of the past or their leaves will only be seen in museums.
  • If the present generation cuts down trees, their children will have to pay the fees.
  • Save trees now, they will save you in the future.
  • Save trees to combat climate change.
  • Save trees, save the earth; we are the guardians of nature’s gifts.
  • Don’t just think green, live green.
  • Save trees and reduce your carbon footprint.
5 Best World Environment Day slogans | World Environment Day Slogans
Courtesy: Easy day-to-day life


Q1. What is the slogan for World Environment Day 2023?

Ans. The campaign for World Environment Day 2023 will use the hashtag and slogan #BeatPlasticPollution. World Environment Day is the United Nation’s principal vehicle for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the environment.

Q2. What is the slogan of 1st World Environment Day?

Ans. World Environment Day is celebrated for the first time with the slogan “Only One Earth.”

Q3. What is the slogan for World Environment Day 2010?

Ans. The theme for World Environment Day 2010 was “Many Species. One Planet. One Future.” as declared by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

Q4. What are the slogans on the theme Save Environment Save Earth?

Ans. 4 Best Slogans on Save Earth
Nurture Nature.
Go Green and Save Green.
Cut down a tree, cut down life.
Pollution is never a solution.

To facilitate better environmental conservation, we must reduce the use of plastic, promote sustainable fashion clothing and plant more trees. Let us know your favourite slogan for World Environment Day 2024 in the comments below along with how you will be bringing a change towards saving the environment. For more awesome content, stay connected to Leverage Edu. Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook and subscribe to our newsletter.

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  1. We must all unite to restore the Degraded ecosystem and preserve the environment and go for development for a sustainable environment and better environment. Save the Earth and the air we breathe . Let’s keep our City, nation and the world clean

  2. Well thought slogans for our environment and the day itself that provoke someone mind to think differently from his or her daily normal thinking. Think about how he positively contribute to the earth.

  3. This is wonderful blog with some great messages and advice for all the human race… to go green, breathe green and live green, only if we all realise.

  1. We must all unite to restore the Degraded ecosystem and preserve the environment and go for development for a sustainable environment and better environment. Save the Earth and the air we breathe . Let’s keep our City, nation and the world clean

  2. Well thought slogans for our environment and the day itself that provoke someone mind to think differently from his or her daily normal thinking. Think about how he positively contribute to the earth.