MSc Mathematics

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MSc Mathematics

If you are someone with a bug for solving problems and a longing to write endless proofs, then you can consider pursuing a career in the field of Mathematics. In the words of mathematician Roger Bacon – “Mathematics is the door and key to the sciences”. Being one of the popular STEM courses, Mathematics, even today, continues to be a base for major developments in the field of Science and Technology. For individuals having a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics or related fields, the golden opportunity to take up MSc Mathematics awaits. In this blog, we will discuss the significance, eligibility criteria, application process, top universities, and career prospects of MSc Mathematics. 

MSc Mathematics: Course Highlights

Course LevelPostgraduate Course
MSc Mathematics Full-formMaster of Science in Mathematics
MSc Mathematics Duration2 years
MSc Mathematics Course FeeINR 30,000 – INR 4,00,000
MSc Mathematics SalaryINR 6 – 9 Lakhs per annum

MSc Mathematics: Overview

A bachelor’s degree builds a strong foundation in the field of your choice. But to step up the ladder, it is important to enhance your overall competency. MSc Mathematics is a popular course, designed for individuals who want to gain further expertise in the field. Generally, the program runs for 2 years but this can vary from one university to another.  Statistics, Operation Research, Applied Mathematics, etc, are some of the popular fields you can specialize in. The course curriculum includes heavy proof-writing and problem-solving abilities. Given below is a list of subjects that are taught in MSc Mathematics:

  • Real Analysis 
  • Algebra 
  • Numerical Analysis 
  • Number Theory 
  • Abstract Algebra 
  • Calculus 
  • Differential Equations 

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MSc Mathematics Entrance Exam

Entrance ExamsRegistrationExam Dates
JNUEE2nd week of May – 1st week of June 2022June 2022
BHU PETTill March 4, 2022May 16 – 30, 2022
BITSAT4th week of February – 4th week of May 2022June 2022
TISS NET2nd week of November 2021
NESTFebruary 25 – May 18, 2022June 18, 2022
DUETFrom the 3rd week of June 2022
JENPASFebruary 17 – 19, 2022May 14, 2022
CUSAT CATFebruary 08 – March 14, 2022May 15 – 17, 2022

MSc Mathematics Eligibility Criteria 

Before proceeding with the application process, it is important to skim through the academic qualifications required by the university. Here are the common eligibility criteria for MSc Mathematics, followed by most of the reputed universities:

  • The applicant must hold a degree in Maths from a recognized university. 
  • The candidate should also score a minimum percentile to secure admission.
  • A valid TOEFL, IELTS, GRE score.

Note: These are the general eligibility conditions that must be satisfied by the applicant. Additional requirements may vary as per the country and university one chooses. 

Documents Required 

Following are the documents required to apply for MSc Mathematics:

  • Transcripts of Bachelor’s Degree
  • Passing Certificate of Bachelor’s Degree
  • Statement of Purpose (SOP)
  • Letter of Recommendation (LOR) 
  • Updated CV or Resume 
  • TOEFL, IELTS, or GRE Score Card

Application Process for MSc Mathematics 

The application is the first move made by a student to get into their dream college. To pursue MSc Mathematics, choose a specialization course that interests you, verify the pre-requisites from the official website of the university you are applying to, collect all the relevant documents and then proceed with the application process. 

MSc Mathematics Syllabus

Semester ISemester II
Theorems on Principle, Maximal and Prime IdealsRecapitulation: Rings, Some Special Classes of Rings
The Riemann – Stieltjes IntegralFragment-Lindel of theorem
Isomorphism Theorems and their Related ProblemsAlexandroff ’s One Point Compactification
Finite and Infinite SetsFirst-Order Partial Differential Equations
Linear Differential Equations of nth OrderSecond-Order Partial Differential Equations
Modeling with Recurrence Relations with Examples of Fibonacci NumbersThe Conjugate Space H* of a Hilbert Space
Semester IIISemester IV
Calculus on Euclidean SpaceLebesgue Integral
Volterra and Fredholm Integral EquationsConvergence Theorems and Lebesgue Integral
Two-dimensional Flows of Inviscid FluidsRiemannian Metric. Connections. Riemannian Connections and their Components
Numerical Solution of Partial Differential EquationsPartitions: De? nition of Partition of a +ve Integer
Meaning of First and Second-order Ordinary DerivativesAsymptotic Values and Asymptotic Curves
Abstract Group TheoryPlanarity:- Plane and Planar Graphs

MSc Mathematics Books

Book NameAuthor Name
Linear Algebra: Geometric ApproachS. Lang
Methods of Real AnalysisRR Goldberg
Differential EquationsGF Simmons
Foundations in Discrete MathematicsKD Joshi
Complex AnalysisAhlfors

MSc Mathematics: Career Prospects 

Just like a number line, which starts with a zero and leads to infinity, career options for an individual with MSc in Mathematics, is never-ending. Here is a list of the industries which you can explore after MSc Mathematics:

  • Operational Research
  • Data Scientists 
  • Banking 
  • Analytics 
  • Big Data 
  • Statistical Research
  • Accountancy Service
  • Computing & IT
  • Banking – Retail Banking
  • Share Marketing 
  • Teaching
  • Actuarial Sciences
  • Engineering Sciences
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MSc Mathematics Job And Salary

Job Profile Average Annual Salary
Mathematics SpecialistINR 3 Lakhs
ProfessorINR 9 Lakhs
Quantitative Risk AnalystINR 6 Lakhs
Quantitative DeveloperINR 7 Lakhs
Interest Rate Trending StrategistINR 6 Lakhs

Top Universities For MSc Mathematics 

To pursue any course, looking at the best options is important.  Here are some of the best universities, around the globe that offer an Mathematics degree:

University Location 
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyUSA
University of AucklandNew Zealand
Standford UniversityUSA
University of Oxford UK
Nanyang Technological UniversitySingapore
Princeton University USA 
Yale UniversityUSA
University of CalgaryCanada
Johns Hopkins UniversityUSA
Heidelberg UniversityGermany 

These were some quintessential details about MSc Mathematics that one who aspires to become a part of the field must know. If you still have doubts regarding how to apply, where to use it, or where to begin with, get in touch with Leverage Edu experts who will help you kick-start your career in the field of Mathematics. 

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