
According to a survey, international students bring in 5 billion euros to the French economy annually

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international students bring in 5 billion euros to the French economy
According to the survey, there are five primary funding sources for students, with family support ranking highest.

The study was done by Campus France, a public organization that promotes French higher education abroad and welcomes foreign students and researchers to the country. It included 9,992 international students who had resided in France over the previous three years.

According to the survey, there are five primary funding sources for students, with family support coming in first. Following financial support from the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales (French state aid for families) and paid jobs, personal savings was the second most frequent source of income.

18% of those surveyed claimed that the French government or scholarships from their home countries had paid for their education. The poll found that monthly expenses for overseas students were on average 867 euros, and tuition costs were on average 2,822 euros. 

Deducting all costs from income revealed a net contribution of 1.35 billion euros, demonstrating the economic impact that studying abroad in France has on the country.

In 2021–2022, there were 8% more international students enrolled in French institutions than in the previous 15 years combined.

According to Campus France, there are presently over 400,000 foreign students studying in France.

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