
16 November: IELTS Speaking Topics – Describe a time you got lost in a place you didn’t know about.

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IELTS Speaking Topics - Describe a time you got lost in a place you didn’t know about.

Q – Describe a time you got lost in a place you did not know about.

You should say:

  • Who was with you?
  • What did you do?
  • How you felt about it?

A – Well, it frequently occurs when individuals get lost. Sometimes it can be because they don’t know the way or are unfamiliar with the locations. Similar things occurred to me when my husband and I travelled to Himachal to attend a wedding, and we were both extremely thrilled as we made the arrangements. It was a cloudy day as we set out for Himachal in the early morning hours because winter was still in full swing. We were relieved when the sun rose, but we were perplexed about where to go because we didn’t know the path. My husband had the bright idea at that moment to use Google Map, and we then followed the route that it indicated. We had a terrific time solving the puzzle since I honestly believed we were playing a video game. Even though we were extremely worn out and growing bored with the long drive, we continued on because getting there on time required it. We frequently noticed that despite our best efforts, we always ended up back where we started. Nevertheless, we eventually made it to Himachal, asked locals for instructions, and arrived there at noon. Himachal, India. So, when we got lost that time, we managed to find our way with the aid of both technology and the locals.

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