How to Study in Class 11th?

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How to Study in Class 11

Have you recently completed your 10th? Are you looking for tips on how to study in class 11? 11th standard is generally a challenging step in your secondary education as you come to the path of selecting a stream from the trio of Commerce, Science, and the Arts. Each stream has its own significance and complexities as it prepares students for their ultimate challenge of board exams of class 12. Roughly, class 11 is considered to be an advanced level of class 9th as you delve deeper into the basic concepts and subjects you studied in class 9. Class 11 is also different in terms of the course content of the earlier classes.

This is one of the reasons why most students tend to get nervous and anxious after completing 10th standard. If you are someone who is looking for effective study tips on how to study in class 11, here is an insightful blog that will walk you through various tricks and techniques you can utilize to ace your new subjects as well as prepare efficiently for exams. 

General Tips on How To Study in Class 11

Once you have concluded your 10th exams, you should know that you will be entering an extremely significant chapter of your life in 11th standard. To tackle this incremental step in your secondary education, here is a list of the best tips and techniques that will help you devise a perfect strategy on how to study in class 11.

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Prepare a Schedule

Strategizing a schedule will help you balance your studies with various day-to-day activities. This is simply one of the most important things you can do to manage your time and plan your day efficiently. Prepare a schedule right from the morning to the time you go to sleep thus winding up the day. Make a chart of your daily routine and include your study time at regular intervals dispersing it into different subjects. It is advisable to note down the subjects you want to pick each day. Keep ticking or crossing out each concept once you have studied it.

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Don’t Have Too Much on Your Plate 

While scheduling your study time is an efficient way to devise a strategy on how to study for class 11, it is also essential to ensure that you are executing your daily tasks efficiently. Don’t keep too many tasks for a day. Each stream in class 11 has 5 subjects, so make sure you divide them equally in a week and spend equal time accordingly. Don’t take too much pressure, stop picking dozen of topics in a go but instead divide them into 5-6 topics and study wisely.

Along with studying, it is important to keep yourself relaxed and stress-free. Take a day off from your schedule once in a while and do something fun. Spend time reading, writing, going out for a walk, listening to music, watching a movie or any other way that you can blow off some steam in order to refresh your mind away from the daily stress of studying.

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Mix and Match

This is one of the most highly preferred techniques for studying effectively. Pick two subjects in a day and keep switching between the subjects (not more than twice). This exercise will effectively increase your ability to grasp and remember subjects. Keep rotating the subjects and the pair of disciplines every week so that you won’t get bored and also keep your efficiency in covering more syllabus. For instance, take a theoretical subject and a practical subject, this will help you concentrate better. 

Study Smartly

One of the most common tips on how to study in class 11 is that you need to learn the smart way of studying rather than cramming up subjects. After completing 10th, most students tend to get confused after taking a stream and being introduced to new subjects. There are lots of students who use tricks to memorize but you should not mug up subjects regardless of what your stream is. The key to learning is not remembering but understanding each concept. A topic which is well-understood will stay in your long-term memory. Clearing your basic understanding of a subject will help you in grasping it efficiently. Take help from your teachers wherever you feel stuck.

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Indulge Yourself Into Physical Activities 

Physical activities are one of the most essential things you should add to your daily routine. It is extremely pivotal to keep your mind and body active by playing various physical sports in order to give your body a chance to breathe and grow. Students can also try meditation to boost focus and concentration. Doing meditation for 30 minutes a day can help you increase your memory by 20%.


How many hours should I study in class 11?

It is critical that you review everything you have learnt and set aside 1 to 2 hours to solve the sums you have already gone through. As a result, you should start studying regularly in 11th grade. As the test date approaches, the learning hours should be extended to 8 hours.

Is 11th class easy?

The course subject in 11th grade is considerably different from what you studied in 10th. The difficulty level is higher if you picked the science stream because it is no longer general science.

Which is the toughest stream in class 11?

Various students regard the class 11 Physics syllabus as the most difficult of all subjects.

Thus, we hope that this blog helped you understand the best tips and tricks you can incorporate into your strategy on how to study in class 11. If you have completed your 10th and are looking for guidance in order to choose the right stream in class 11, get in touch with us at Leverage Edu and we’ll provide you with the best guidance and support for a bright future. 

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    1. Hi! A study timetable depends on the timings of your school/college. You can rest for a couple of hours and then start with 15 minutes break every hour.

  1. Hii !
    Thank you so much I’m feeling much better and relax than yesterday . I was so tensed since may . we need this kind of guidance in our future too.

    Thank you again !

    1. Hi! A study timetable depends on the timings of your school/college. You can rest for a couple of hours and then start with 15 minutes break every hour.