
Send Your Child to Study Abroad: A Checklist for Parents

5 minute read
child wants to study abroad

Education is the best gift that parents can provide if their child wants to study abroad. Relevant and good education may take your child to different heights and open up tremendous successful career opportunities. Studying abroad can give your children a wider variety of courses, which include research options and skill-based training. Additionally, certain programs provided in universities abroad also allow the student to take different courses at the same time.

It may be useful for the parents of aspirants to let them do most of their work, like laundry, dishes, and dinner, on their own. If the child wants to study abroad, these skills may come in handy to the students as there is a huge lifestyle and cultural difference in Asian countries as compared to the Western countries. Moreover, students who are mentally mature will be able to handle the sudden freedom in a better way than others.

There are certain things that the parents of aspirants aiming to study abroad must note. We will try to jot down most of them in the space below: 

Discuss Study Goals with your Children

It is important to understand why your child wants to study abroad – for a career, for studies or as a personal choice of lifestyle. Further, the parents must discuss with their child the particular course that they want to pursue. If the child wants to study abroad, the parents can help their children find the right as well as top colleges and universities for them. 

Choose a Relevant Education Stream

Choosing a relevant education stream is very crucial as the aspirants must be passionate about the field they are going to study. This is important because the field will also be the basis of either further education for the child or will open up relevant career prospects. This research that the parents do with their children will include information on course curriculum, accommodations options available as well as campus life abroad. 

Seek Expert Advice

Seeking advice from experts in the field of abroad studies is most often than not a useful thing to do for the parents as well as the aspirant. The parents should try to find a counsellor that is able to provide suggestions to the aspirants regarding their subject of study as well as to the parents regarding requirements that the aspirants will have to fulfil. For this, the parents can always turn to our experts at Leverage Edu that provide holistic assistance to parents as well as their child wanting to study abroad. 

Make Well Structured Plans

After the parents have an overview of the things that are required in sending their child abroad, they are suggested to jot down a well-structured plan. For this, factors like the last date of application for the course, university selection, finances, visa, etc are to be noted. 

Once the parents have decided where their child wants to study abroad and pursue which course, they should remember to consider the following things:

Check Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility requirements, being compulsory, are important to be noted. These requirements may be stated on the university and course site that the student wants to pursue. They may include minimum marks and results for English proficiency tests. Certain college faculty require the students to have completed a course in a particular subject, hence the aspirants must check these eligibilities before applying to any course. 

Note Fees and Cost of living

Having an estimate of the costs involved in sending children abroad can help the parents to take informed decisions. It must be noted that it is not just the tuition fee that the parents should be calculating in their budget. They must also weigh in other expenses such as accommodation, food, health coverage, travel etc if their child wants to study abroad. 

Cost of Living Calculator


After the student has acquired admission in the course they wish to pursue, the next step will be to acquire a visa. The parents and students should apply for the particular country of their university. The students will need a valid passport with a validity date at least six months after their period of stay. They will require you to submit a passport size photo and a duly filled application form relevant to the country you are planning to go to. The application form may cost a minimal fee.  

Ensure Travel Safety

It is pretty worrisome to send one’s kid thousands of kilometres away. Hence, the parents are also suggested that after all the requirements have been fulfilled and your child is set to go abroad, it is important to get a flight ticket that is travel insured. 

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Take Measures to get Accustomed to Cultural and Language Differences

Arriving and settling down in a new country can be immensely overwhelming. This is the case especially if there is a huge cultural and language difference. The parents must take care that they are in constant contact with their child and are updated about how they are coping in the new environment. The parents can also help their children learn the new language before they have left their home country. This will also help them instantly gel in the foreign country and make successful strides in their career and education. 

Financial Tips for Parents 

The cost of studying at a university abroad may be overwhelming for many families. However, if your child wants to study abroad, there are certain tips that the parents could keep in mind in order to provide the best education for their children. 

  • Check for applicable scholarships
  • Inquire about student loans from banks
  • Start saving early
  • Create an education fund for your child
  • Be disciplined and make regular contributions to funds
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What is the best age for children to study abroad?

The best age to study abroad may be in elementary school when the child is 7-12 years old. The students of this age can gain benefits, including higher quality education, learning of foreign languages like English and Chinese, receiving a degree that is better recognized worldwide etc.

Why do kids want to study abroad?

Students studying abroad get a better perspective looking at human issues on a global scale. Moreover, they adopt appreciation and acceptance for different cultures. This invaluable experience is bound to stay with them for a long time and will colour the course of their entire lives.

How can I study abroad safely?

Both parents and students should take safety precautions while their stay abroad. The best tips to study abroad safely include knowing where the embassy is, travelling in groups, keeping backup documents, securing valuables, learning common phrases, and understanding local customs and laws.

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Delve into pursuing a course in international universities if your child wants to study abroad. However, choosing the right course and university that runs parallel to your interests is very important. For this, I’m sure you’ll be pleased to take the assistance of an AI-based tool at Leverage Edu that gives you personalised suggestions based on your skills, qualifications and interests. Contact our experts at Leverage Edu they will assist you in your study abroad endeavour. To get a free consultation from us call us at 1800 572 000 now!

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