
Important Vocabulary for IELTS Essays

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Important Vocabulary for IELTS Essays

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Vocabulary for IELTS Essays: When it comes to writing amazing essays for the IELTS Exam, one of the essential factors that must be overlooked at any cost is ‘Vocabulary. Essays carry a lot of weight in IELTS, and tackling them can be tricky at times. In such instances, having a great command of vocabulary should come in handy. 

Vocabulary, which is considered the most important aspect of a language, can be a godsend for students seeking education abroad. A great command of vocabulary indicates that a person is capable of articulating his or her thoughts and communicating clearly. Vocabulary not only helps one ace their IELTS, but it also enhances the confidence of study abroad aspirants to converse freely and express themselves in an English-speaking country. In this blog, we will discuss some important vocabulary for IELTS Essays that you can use throughout the exam. 

Also Read: IELTS Exam – Fees, Dates, Preparation Material

Vocabulary for IELTS Essays: Writing

The writing section of the IELTS Exam entails students displaying a strong hold on an extensive array of vocabulary. Students intending to undertake the said exam are advised to incorporate connective words and phrases to make the essay more coherent, cohesive, and comprehensible. 

By employing transitional or connective words, one can ensure higher scoring chances for themselves.  However, students must also ensure to not go overboard with the usage of linking phrases as it makes a negative impact on the mind of the reader. 

It is crucial for one to use such phrases wisely, only when needed. While attempting the exam, one must abide by the prescribed format for writing essays. The format for writing IELTS Essay is: 

  1. Candidates should introduce themselves along with their perspectives and opinions on the given topic. 
  2. The essay’s Second, third, fourth etc. paragraphs must include examples, evidence (to back the statement), and explanations.  
  3. The conclusion of an essay must reinstate the primary point of the topic/discussion and include the perspective of the candidate on the given matter. 

Also Read: Vocabulary for IELTS Writing

Vocabulary for the Introduction

While writing the introduction of an essay, candidates are advised to include sentences relevant to the given topic and their opinion on it. This segment necessitates candidates to incorporate their best vocabulary as it will be responsible for grabbing the attention of viewers. One must remember that unimpressive introductions can make all their hard work go to waste by repelling readers away. 

A great tip for beginners will be to avoid copying the sentence of the question into the introduction. It will just make your essay look shoddy and amateurish. Even if you want to do so, you can use synonyms and structure your sentences differently. Here is a list of words/phrases that one can use in the introduction. 

Many/some people claim//believe that…A common belief shared by several people.
There is no denying thatUndeniable 
It is often said thatSomething that is frequently stated. 
These days…/ Nowadays…/ In this day and age…/TodayNowadays/ Currently 
It goes without saying thatSomething is obvious
With the advent ofThe arrival of an important event, person, invention, etc

Vocabulary to Express Your Opinion

One can incorporate connective words/ linking phrases to express their opinions.  However, opinions in an essay must only be expressed if the question or the topic demands the participant to do so. Aspirants can have a look at the curated list of words that can be used to express one’s opinions. 

Term(s) Meaning
In my opinionTo hold an opinion about something. 
I strongly opine thatTo express something. 
I strongly agree with the idea thatTo agree with a notion. 
I strongly disagree with the given topicTo disagree with a given topic. 

Vocabulary for the 2nd paragraph

The Second, third, fourth etc. paragraphs of the essay must include examples, evidence to back  statements, and explanations. One can use the following words/phrases in the second paragraph of their essay. 

Term(s) Meaning 
It is true thatIndeed
First and Foremost
Most Important 
Initially At First
To Begin With Initially 

Vocabulary for the 3rd, 4th …… paragraph(s) 

Here is a curated list of words/phrases that can be used in the third, fourth etc. paragraphs of an essay.

Term(s) Meaning 
Secondly Furthermore
BesidesApart From
Consequently Thus

Vocabulary to Show Comparison

One can use the following words/phrases to show or highlight a certain comparison in their essays. 

In the same waySimilarly 
Similarly Comparably 
Like the Previous PointAs stated before

Vocabulary to Show Contrast

The following list of words or phrases can be incorporated into essays to show contrast. 

Term(s) Meaning
On the contrary Conversely 
However Nevertheless
Nevertheless Even so 

Vocabulary to Show an Example

While writing an essay, there may be instances where you’ll be needed to give examples. The following list of words/phrases may help you with just that. 

As an example For Example/ Sample
As an instance For Example/Sample

Vocabulary to Present an Idea

One can refer to the following list of words to present ideas in their essays. 

Term(s) Meaning 
According to Research According to studies 
When it Comes To In relation to
With Respect ToTo say what something relates to

Vocabulary to Sum Up at the End of a Paragraph

In order to summarise the entirety of an essay articulately, one can refer to the following list of words/phrases. 

Term(s) Meaning 
To Sum Up To present or show succinctly
In Short To summarise 
In a WordBriefly 
To Put it Simply In short 

Also Read: Vocabulary for IELTS

What is the IELTS Exam? 

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is undertaken by numerous study abroad aspirants every year. This English language proficiency test is designed to determine and evaluate an applicant’s overall proficiency in the  English language, specifically in the areas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. 

Importance of IELTS

Students who can not speak English fluently may struggle to study or migrate to another country. This, however, does not rule out the possibility of improving one’s English speaking, writing, and reading skills. As a result, students who wish to study abroad must score highly on the IELTS exam. Participation in the aforementioned exam could be used to demonstrate a candidate’s command of the English language. 

High IELTS scores can help students demonstrate their English language skills to admissions committees and visa officials. Furthermore, high IELTS scores may suggest that the candidate is capable of presenting himself or herself in front of an international audience. 

While concluding an essay, one must ensure to incorporate a special concluding phrase that links it to the rest of the essay. In such cases, employing a conditional sentence can be effective as it can refer to what might occur as a result of your suggestions or recommendations. 

However, whilst using conditional sentences, it is imperative for one to ensure that the sentences are structured correctly.  The conclusion should articulately convey the gist of your essay. It should not deviate from the primary topic and stick to the entirety of the essay. A conclusion is deemed to be good if it is able to provide a solution or answer to its readers. 

English language certifications, such as the IELTS Scores are instrumental in securing admission to leading universities. Many of them require that you score the predefined marks so that you can be eligible to apply. In any case, a high score increases your chances of admission. Build a plan with Leverage Edu‘s Leverage Live classes and our top trainers and strengthen your English score as well as your application so that you can secure your spot in your dream college. Reach out to Leverage Edu on 1800572130 and schedule a free session today.

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