
Study Abroad: US Visa Extended for Ukrainian Student During Tough Times; Know why

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Study Abroad: US Visa Extended for Ukrainian Student During Tough Times; Know why
Foreign Exchange Student’s US visa extended by State Department. Iryna Levada came to the U.S. in August of 2022.

Ukrainian student Levada received a letter from US State Department regarding her US visa extension. She came to the US to achieve her study abroad dream away from her home country. Her host family recommends foreign exchange student benefits.  

Iryna Levada came to the US in the year 2022 to pursue her dreams and to support her home country.  Levada’s willingness to study and explore new countries made it possible for her to keep aside difficult situations ongoing in her country.  

Ukraine has been at war with Russia for more than a year now. Her host’s mother supported her home country from afar. A fundraiser was planned to help amputees in Ukraine.

Her involvement in school has been excellent. Additionally, from joining the tennis team, to being in forensics, the mock trial team and much more. 

Study Abroad: US Visa Extended for Ukrainian Student During Tough Times; Know why

Levada will remain resilient like her native country. Moreover like continuing to play tennis, attending a college camp this summer, and remaining active in the community.

Words of her Host Family

According to Ripeckyj, the Ukrainian blintzes Iryna baked for children at a fundraiser she held at the school were so well-liked that she ran out. 

Her mother says, “The United State Department finally wrote Ira and our family a letter about two weeks ago stating that the situation in Ukraine in her region is dangerous. The extension is maybe not for a whole academic year. But until they feel that it’s safe for her to return,” 

Levada and Ripeckyj concurred that hosting international students might be advantageous for both the student and the neighbourhood. Both of them urge other families to think about hosting foreign exchange students into their families. 

The story of Levada was both unique and heart-touching. For more exciting news updates, also make sure you contact Leverage Edu and study abroad blogs.

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