
From Fossil Fuels to Fluent Phrases: Power Up Your IELTS Environmental Vocab

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Environment Vocabulary IELTS: Candidates aiming for success in the IELTS exam require a comprehensive understanding of vocabulary, especially concerning environmental issues. A robust vocabulary empowers test-takers to grasp complex concepts presented in the Listening and Reading sections. Furthermore, an extensive repertoire of environmental terms facilitates the expression of ideas with fluency and clarity, a crucial aspect of the IELTS assessment.


A solid grasp of a diverse range of environment-related words and phrases can certainly enhance your prospects of securing better scores in the IELTS exam. Refer to the complete blog to learn about building a strong IELTS Environmental Vocabulary.

Top 30 IELTS Environment Vocabulary in 2024 

IELTS Vocabulary: Our environment, everything from air to animals, sustains us. It provides clean water, fresh air, and the resources for food and shelter. A healthy environment is vital for our well-being. By protecting it, we ensure a livable planet for ourselves and future generations. Environment plays a crucial role in helping students secure decent band scores in their IELTS exams. 

One must keep abreast of the most commonly used environment-related vocabulary to bolster their chances of securing better scores in the IELTS exam. Here is our curated list of the top 30 IELTS environment vocabulary that you may implement in your speaking and writing assessments. 

BiodiversityThe variety of plant and animal life in a particular habitat.
Climate ChangeLong-term alteration of temperature and typical weather patterns in a place.
DeforestationThe action of clearing a wide area of trees.
DesertificationThe process by which fertile land becomes desert.
EcosystemA biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
EmissionsThe production and discharge of something, especially gas or radiation.
Endangered SpeciesSpecies of animals or plants that are at risk of extinction.
Environmental DegradationThe deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources. 
Fossil Fuels Natural fuels such as coal or gas formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms.
Global WarmingA gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere.
Greenhouse EffectThe trapping of the sun’s warmth in the planet’s lower atmosphere.
Habitat The natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism.
Hydroelectric Power Electricity is produced from generators driven by water turbines that convert the energy in falling or fast-flowing water to mechanical energy.
Natural Resources Materials or substances occurring in nature which can be exploited for economic gain.
PollutionThe presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects.
RecyclingThe process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects.
Renewable EnergyEnergy from a source that is not depleted when used, such as wind or solar power.
SustainabilityThe ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level, particularly in terms of using resources.
Toxic WasteWaste materials that can cause death, injury, or birth defects to living creatures
Wildlife ConservationThe practice of protecting wild species and their habitats in to prevent species from going extinct.
AfforestationThe process of planting trees in barren lands to create a forest.
Carbon FootprintThe total amount of greenhouse gases emitted by an individual, organization, event, or product.
Ozone LayerA layer in the earth’s stratosphere containing a high concentration of ozone, which absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth from the sun.
BiodegradableCapable of being decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms and thereby avoiding pollution.
OverpopulationThe condition of being populated with excessively large numbers.
ConservationThe act of preserving, protecting, or restoring the natural environment and wildlife.
ErosionThe process of being eroded by wind, water, or other natural agents. 
Geothermal EnergyEnergy is derived from the heat in the interior of the earth.
Organic Farming A method of farming that uses natural processes and cycles, rather than artificial inputs.
Sustainable Development Economic development is conducted without the depletion of natural resources.

IELTS Environment Vocabulary: Top 10 Idioms and Phrases in 2024

Idioms are crucial in the IELTS exam as they showcase a candidate’s grasp of natural, fluent English. They enrich language use, making communication more engaging and expressive. Proficiency in idioms indicates advanced language skills, aiding in higher scores for speaking and writing sections, reflecting real-world language competence. That said, here is a list of 10 environment idioms and phrases generally used in IELTS. Have a look.

IdiomMeaning Example
In hot waterIn trouble or difficultyThe company is in hot water over its illegal dumping practices.
The tip of the icebergA small, visible part of a much larger problem.The recent oil spill is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to environmental damage caused by the industry.
Go greenTo adopt environmentally friendly practices.Many businesses are trying to go green by reducing waste and using renewable energy sources.
Clear as mudSomething that is very confusing or unclear.Something very confusing or unclear.
Bury one’s head in the sandTo ignore a problem or refuse to acknowledge it.Their new AI technology is light years ahead of anything else on the market
Take a rain checkPostpone a plan or decision.We’ll have to take a rain check on the beach clean-up due to the bad weather.
Weather the stormTo endure a difficult situation.The community had to weather the storm after the forest fire destroyed many homes.
A drop in the oceanA very small amount compared to what is needed.Recycling one bottle is just a drop in the ocean when it comes to reducing global waste.
Out of the woodsOut of danger or difficulty.Although the oil spill has been contained, we are not out of the woods yet; the cleanup process will take months.
Like a fish out of water
Uncomfortable or out of place.John felt like a fish out of water at the environmental conference, as he had little knowledge about the subject.

Top 5 Useful Tricks to Improve Your IELTS Environment Vocabulary

A strong vocabulary constitutes a cornerstone of success in the IELTS exam. It empowers you to express yourself with precision and nuance, a key aspect evaluated in both the Speaking and Writing components. Here, we explore a multitude of effective strategies designed to propel your vocabulary development and elevate your IELTS performance.

  • Surround yourself with English in its natural habitat. Regularly peruse high-quality newspapers, academic journals, or informative websites relevant to your interests. Actively engage with these materials, underlining unfamiliar vocabulary and meticulously recording them in a designated notebook.
  • When encountering new words, strive to glean their meaning from the surrounding text. Consider the sentence structure and the overall theme to make an educated guess. Subsequently, verify your understanding by consulting a reputable dictionary, noting the word’s part of speech and any synonyms or antonyms.
  • Utilise flashcards as a convenient method for solidifying your vocabulary gains. Create cards with the new word on one side and its definition, part of speech, and perhaps even a sample sentence on the other. Carry these flashcards with you and diligently review them throughout the day during short breaks or commutes.
  • Craft memory aids to solidify new vocabulary in your long-term memory. This can involve creating visual associations, catchy rhymes, or even humorous stories that incorporate the new word. The more engaging and personalized the mnemonic, the more likely you are to retain the information.
  • Don’t just passively learn new words; actively integrate them into your daily communication. Seize opportunities to utilize these words in conversations with friends, and colleagues, or even while practicing your English speaking skills on your own. Consistent application reinforces learning and fosters confidence in using the newly acquired vocabulary.

So that was all about IELTS technology vocabulary. Hope the blog has answered your queries regarding the topic. 

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Q1. What kind of environmental vocabulary is important for IELTS?

Ans. Focus on words related to pollution (air, water, soil), climate change (global warming, greenhouse gases), conservation (sustainable practices, renewable energy), and biodiversity (habitat loss, endangered species).

Q2. Should I memorise lists of environment words?

Ans. Memorisation alone isn’t ideal. Learn words in context from articles or news about environmental issues.

Q3. How can I use environment vocabulary effectively in my IELTS test?

Ans. Go beyond basic terms. Use synonyms and descriptive phrases (e.g., “rampant deforestation” instead of “cutting down trees”).

Visit the Leverage Live page of Leverage edu or contact our study abroad experts at 1800-57-2000 to strengthen your scores and application to secure your spot in your dream college. 

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