
Understanding The Java Developer Salary In Canada In 2024

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java developer salary in canada

Canada has requirements for several highly qualified professionals in the field of Java as technological advancement is seeing untouched heights. Java development is one of the most popular programming languages and has the scope for development and growth throughout the world. The opportunities and offerings for the employees in the profession are high in the country and therefore if you are planning to start your career in the field of Java and that too in Canada then your decision is probably the best. Let us also analyse the salary factor and get insight into the Java developer salary in Canada through this blog.


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Average Java Developer Salary In Canada

Java development is a fast-paced career in the industry of technology and is growing unstoppably. The salary in the career is highly rewarding. The average earnings of a Java developer in a year is 119,700 CAD in Canada.

  • The average highest earning is 191,700 CAD per year
  • The average lowest earning is 57,200 CAD per year

To get better clarity of the average earnings of a Java developer, let’s look into the monthly earnings:

  • The average monthly earnings of a Java developer are 9,975 CAD
  • The highest monthly earnings of a Java developer are 15,958 CAD
  • The lowest monthly earnings of a Java developer are 4,766 CAD

Your earnings as a Java developer can also vary from the averages given above because several factors are considered in the salary determination like education, experience, gender, sector, etc

Java Developer Salary In Canada Based On Level Of Experience

The level of experience matters the most in the determination of the pay scale. The experience nurtures the individual with quality skills, proficiency at work and knowledge of the subject leading to higher productivity and the right to demand for higher pay. An individual with just  2-5 years in the field of Java development can easily expect to earn around 38% higher salary when compared to the pay of a non-experienced individual employee. The following image might help you get a better understanding of the average pay difference of employees in Java development over the experience.

java developer salary in canada

Java Developer Salary In Canada Based On Level Of Education

The second most important factor after the level of experience in salary calculation is the level of education. Highly educated employees are expected to earn better salaries because the level of subject knowledge and efficiency increases. An individual with a bachelor’s degree in the field of Java development easily earns around 58% higher salary compared to employees with certification or diploma-level educational qualifications.

Educational QualificationsSalary Per Year
Diploma79,600 CAD
Bachelor’s Degree124,500 CAD
Master’s Degree172,300 CAD

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Java Developer Salary In Canada In Different Sectors

Employees in different sectors in Canada are paid different salaries. The public sector usually pays higher salaries when compared to the private sector. In Java development, the difference seen is 6%. The employees in the public sector earn an average income of 6% higher compared to employees in the private sector.

Sector Salary Per Year
Public sector123,000 CAD
Private sector115,600 CAD

Java Developer Salary In Canada In Different Cities

For us to find out which cities in Canada are best for work for you, a comparison needs to be made in the average pay of different cities. All the cities are seen paying slightly different salaries to employees in Java development. The following image has highly paying cities along with the average salary paid in them for your reference.

java developer salary in canada

Java Developer Salary In Canada Compared To Several Professions

To understand the salary perspective better and know if the salary paid to Java developers is justified a comparison needs to be made between the average salary of Java developers and other professionals from the same industry. The table below gives the average salary of several different professions similar to Java developers for your reference.

Application DeveloperSalary Per Year
Application developer118,900 CAD
Android developer108,200 CAD
Business intelligence analyst130,500 CAD
Blockchain associate115,600 CAD
Change administrator 107,300 CAD
Computer programmer115,600 CAD
Network analyst108,200 CAD 
IT Engineer 119,700 CAD
Database analyst 121,800 CAD
Network support specialist92,600 CAD
IT engineer 97,200 CAD
Program lead146,700 CAD 

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What is the pay raise in the profession of Java development in Canada?

Java developers can expect an average pay raise of around 8% every 12 months. However, the pay raise is completely dependent on the performance of the employee throughout the year and the employer.

Is there any difference in the pay of male and female Java developers?

There is a difference in the pay of male and female Java developers in Canada. There have been several efforts made to remove such gender-based differences from the workplace, but still, a lot of factors like the salary face the differences. The women in the profession of Java development earn a salary 6% lower compared to the men in the same profession.

Are Java developers in demand in Canada?

The demand for Java developers in Canada is very high. The technological sector is seeing a major developmental phase leading to growth in job opportunities. Skilled professionals are always required irrespective of the present demand. However, the growth opportunities and personal development in the field are also very high for the employees.

This was all about the Java Developer Salary In Canada. To read more such informative blogs on salaries and jobs-related topics, follow Jobs Abroad or comment below if you have any doubts. To learn about studying abroad, follow Leverage Edu.

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