
15 February: IELTS Speaking Topic – Speaking Part 3: Media and News (Follow-up Questions)

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IELTS Speaking Topic- Speaking Part 3

Q- How do you think people will get their news in the future?

Ans- Technology, in my opinion, will alter how we receive and disseminate news in the coming years. The majority of people will turn to their Internet-connected mobile devices as their main news and information source. On the other side, due to the delay between news events and the time it takes for readers to read or watch them, traditional publications and television channels will lose readers in the future. Mobile phones will be an effective way to acquire news updates because they can provide fast updates.


Q- Do you believe everything you read in the newspapers?

Ans- No, I’m afraid I have to disagree with all that the media reports to the public. I read mainstream publications because they have a lot of authority and credibility. Therefore, I refrain from reading the majority of made-up and false news, typically printed in newspapers that lack credibility. I also take caution when my friends or their connections publish news stories on social media sites that are politically slanted and lack sources.

Even mainstream publications occasionally publish inaccurate material as a result of hasty and careless news gathering. In these situations, I check the news with other reputable sources. In actuality, we are surrounded by fake and invented news, and unless we are vigilant and knowledgeable, we are unable to detect lies that are obvious.

Q- How has TV changed people’s lives?

Ans- In my country, television is a must in every household. For many, it serves as a source of learning, knowledge, and pleasure. Viewers watch TV to unwind, learn about other cultures, obtain news and weather alerts, and get data that assist them in planning their days ahead. They are entertained by TV shows, which also keep them gathered in the living room and end the loneliness of many seniors. TV celebrities have influenced fashion, TV ads have altered consumer behaviour, and quiz programs have increased the curiosity of many youngsters. There is, however, a negative aspect to this technology as well. Political propaganda is frequently broadcast on state-run television, and those who watch too much television are more likely to develop life-threatening conditions.

Q- What do you think of children watching TV?

Ans- In my opinion, children can learn from watching amusing, educational, and imaginative TV shows. Nevertheless, their parents should keep an eye on what and how much TV their kids are watching. Children can benefit from watching TV in some ways since it promotes relaxation and curiosity. Additionally, kids might learn essential academic information from several TV shows. However, if kids watch TV all day, it might be detrimental to their physical and mental health. These kids lose interest in outside play and develop Television and video game addictions instead.

Q- How has social media changed the way we get and share the news?

Ans- Undoubtedly, social media is a great tool for bringing people together and allowing us to exchange information, news, and updates with the individuals we are concerned about. It has provided the opportunity for us to express our concerns and voice our voice in addition to reading the news. As a result, it has created a common forum for regular individuals to voice themselves and their views on the world. Obtaining and disseminating intriguing news is now simpler than ever. Chaos has also resulted from people’s propensity to spread rumours without confirming their veracity. For instance, 50% of the news on these social media platforms is made up or fraudulent.

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