
Grammar For IELTS Writing 2023: Best Tips and Strategies

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Grammar for IELTS Writing is an important aspect for candidates who want to score a better band on the IELTS test. The correct use of grammar includes many elements, such as the use of tenses, sentence structure and adverbs. You must use the appropriate range, variety and complexity of the grammatical structures on the IELTS test. 

Candidates are suggested to work on all the aspects of grammar if they are expecting to score a 9 band on the test. The correct use of grammar for IELTS is done by using a variety of sentence structures, using articles correctly and appropriately, using subject-verb agreement, using correct verb tense and avoiding silly mistakes. In this article, we are going to provide you with every necessary information about grammar for IELTS Writing.

Grammar Syllabus for IELTS Writing

There are various elements of the syllabus for Grammar for IELTS Writing. You should be familiar with a range of grammar structures and functions to score a better band under the IELTS Writing section. The Grammar syllabus for IELTS Writing is discussed below.

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Why Grammar for IELTS is Important?

The IELTS does not test your grammar skills directly. Grammar is considered an essential component of the IELTS Writing test, and candidates must demonstrate a high level of grammatical accuracy in the IELTS speaking and writing sections. Below we have discussed some of the key areas which make grammar for IELTS important.

  • Sentence Structure – While appearing for the IELTS test, it is very important for the candidates to use different forms of sentence structures, like simple, compound and complex sentences. You must be able to use transitional words and phrases to connect ideas and make a coherent text.
  • Prepositions – Prepositions are small words but play an important role in changing the meaning of a sentence. While attending the IELTS Writing and Speaking sections, candidates must be able to use prepositions appropriately.
  • Use of Articles – The articles include only three words, ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’. If you want to communicate clearly and accurately in English, you must have a strong hold over articles and understand their true meanings and uses.
  • Verb Tenses – The verb tenses include the past, present and future tenses and perfect and continuous forms. Verb tenses are one of the most important elements of English grammar, and if you understand their significance and uses, you will be able to score better in this section.
  • Passive Voice – Candidates appearing for the IELTS test must have the ability to use passive voice to express their ideas in a clear and concise manner. Passive voice is an essential part of English grammar and is frequently used in academic writing to emphasise the action rather than the agent of the action.

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Tips for Grammar for IELTS Writing

Improving grammar skills is very important from the examination point of view. It takes time and consistent practice to improve English grammar. Candidates must focus on one part of grammar at a given time and then move on to the next. Here are some best tips which will guide you in your grammar skills for the IELTS Writing section.

  • Read a lot – Reading will allow you to numerous grammatical structures and writing styles. There’s a lot of reading material which you can refer to such as newspapers, magazines, books, etc, which will improve your grammatical skills.
  • Watch and Listen to English News – Candidates who don’t find reading books and newspapers interesting can refer to watching English movies, TV shows, podcasts and news, to improve their grammar skills. You can listen to any recording in English and practice your listening and writing skills for the IELTS.
  • Practice grammar exercises: Grammar exercises can help you practice specific grammar points and reinforce what you have learned. You can find grammar exercises in textbooks, online, or through online mobile apps.
  • Take a course or workshop: Taking a grammar course or workshop can provide you with structured practice and feedback on your grammar skills. You can search for courses or workshops at language schools, universities, or online.


What is the duration of the IELTS Writing section?

The duration of the IELTS writing section is 1 hour (60 minutes). The IELTS Writing section includes two tasks. In task 1, candidates are required to write a letter and in task 2, you have to write an essay.

How to score a better band in IELTS Writing?

Candidates who want to score a better band on the IELTS Writing must improve their their grammatical skills, word fluency, pronunciation and overall knowledge of the English language.

How to improve grammar for IELTS?

To improve your grammar for the IELTS test, you must develop a habit of reading articles and magazines, improve sentence structure, and work on passive voice, prepositions, verb tenses and the use of articles.

IELTS is an English language proficiency test, which is frequently conducted to check the candidate’s English skills in four sections, which are, Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. Any candidate who wants to study abroad must appear for the IELTS test, as it is mandatory for most universities and colleges abroad. 

Candidates who want to prepare for IELTS or any other language proficiency test, can Build a plan with Leverage Edu‘s Leverage Live classes and our top trainers and strengthen your English score as well as your application so that you can secure your spot in your dream college.

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