
Cost of Living in Miyagi: A 2024 Updated Guide on Expenses

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cost of living in miyagi

Miyagi, which is located in the Tohoku region of Japan, has a one-of-a-kind curriculum that combines academic brilliance with cultural immersion. Miyagi University is a leader in the field of practical sciences, whereas Tohoku University is world-renowned for its extensive range of academic programs. You won’t only be learning about books when you come here, but you’ll also be finding a lively and friendly second home. You must first get knowledge on the cost of living in Miyagi if you are interested in pursuing an education in Miyagi.


Why Choose Miyagi to Study Abroad?

By selecting Miyagi as the location for your study abroad experience, you will have the opportunity to experience a one-of-a-kind combination of academic achievement, cultural immersion, and unparalleled natural beauty. Here are some solid arguments that support the idea that Miyagi ought to be at the very top of your list:

Academic Edge

  • Top-ranked Universities: Tohoku University, which is well known for its extensive range of academic programs and its research capabilities, is one of the notable institutions that can be found in Miyagi. You will discover excellent programs in the fields of science, engineering, humanities, and social sciences, all of which are taught by faculty members of the highest calibre.
  • Specialized Knowledge: For those interested in the practical sciences, Miyagi University is an excellent choice since it provides innovative degrees in nursing, food science, and agriculture, Miyagi University can provide you with the information and skills necessary to succeed, regardless of whether you are interested in environmentally responsible farming or in developing creative healthcare solutions.

Textile Culture

  • Rich Traditions: Take in everything that Miyagi has to offer in terms of culture, from the Sendai street festivals to the contemplative tea ceremonies held in historic temples. Visit institutions such as the Sendai City Museum to explore the intriguing history of the area and admire the beauty of historic samurai architecture.
  • Miyagi Omotenashi: The mythological “Miyagi Omotenashi,” which is a kind of Japanese hospitality that is well-known for its warmth, friendliness, and genuine desire to make you feel welcome, is something you should experience. Miyagi is a place where you may find a home away from home, whether it is via the kind people or the supporting university communities.

Nature’s Arcade

Breathtaking Landscapes: Simply said, the natural beauty of Miyagi is breathtaking. The gorgeous Matsushima Bay, which is home to more than 250+ islands and provides tranquil boat trips, is waiting to be discovered. Either climb Mount Zao, which is famous for its strange “snow monster” during the winter months, or go for a hike through the verdant woods of the Naruko Gorge.

In addition to these attractions, Miyagi has a secure and inviting atmosphere, great public transit, and inexpensive housing options. Miyagi guarantees that you will have a once-in-a-lifetime experience studying abroad, regardless of whether you are looking for academic difficulties, cultural immersion, or magnificent natural beauty.

Cost of Living in Miyagi: Breakdown

With its location amid mountains and coasts, Miyagi provides residents with a living experience that is unexpectedly varied. It is home to several attractive little villages and natural beauties, such as Matsushima Bay, in addition to the hectic metropolitan life that Sendal is known for. However, what about the price of living? Let’s break down the cost of living in Miyagi, Japan:

Transportation & commutation

ModeDescriptionAverage Cost Per Trip
JR Trains Extensive network connecting cities, towns, and rural areas.YEN300-1000

Reliable and extensive network covering cities, towns, and villages.
SubwayLimited network focused on Sendai city centre.YEN150 (Base fare)

Popular for short distances and exploring local neighbourhoods.


FoodRestaurant TypeAverage Cost per PersonMust Try Dish
Ramen (Noodles)Ramen ShopsYEN600-800Shoyu Ramen
Gyudon(Beef Bowl)Casual EateryYEN500-700Gyudon Set
Onigiri(Rice Balls)Stores & SupermarketsYEN100-200Salmon mayo Onigiri
Curry RiceCafes & Curry HousesYEN500-700Katsu Curry
Okonomiyaki(Savory Pancakes)Okonomiyaki RestaurantsYEN800-1000Hiroshima-style Okonomiyaki
Yakitori(Skewered Chicken)Izakaya(Japanese pubs)YEN100-200Taukune
Bento Boxes(Lunch Sets)Supermarkets & Food StallsYEN500-800Salmon Teriyaki Bento
Soba Noodles(Buckwheat)Local EateriesYEN700-800Zaru Soba

Utility Bill/Expenses

Utility Average Monthly Cost Factors Affecting Cost
WaterYEN1500-2500Apartment size and water usage
ElectricityYEN4000-7000Apartment size, appliances used, heating/cooling needs
GasYEN2500-4000Stovetop type, Water heater, and cooking habits
Mobile PhoneYEN1500-4000Carrier, call plan, and data usage
InternetYEN2000-3500Data Usage
Garbage DisposalYEN500-1000City/Town, Apartment Size

Entertainment/Recreation/Hangout places

ActivityAverage Cost Per PersonDescription
KaraokeBelt out your favorite tunes in private rooms with friends.YEN1500-2500
Movie TheatersLatest ReleasesYEN1000-1500
Board Game CafesPlay a variety of board games and enjoy drinks.YEN500-1000
Festival & EventsImmerse yourself in Miyagi’s vibrant culture.Free
Sports & Recreation CentersEnjoy swimming, gym facilities, and other activities.YEN500-1000
Hiking & CampingMiyagi’s stunning natural landscapeFree(Camping fees may apply)
Live Music & PerformancesBands, Comedy shows, or traditional performancesVaries(often free or affordable)
Museum & Art GalleriesDiscover art, history, and local exhibits.YEN300-500


Type of AccommodationAverage Monthly cost
Student DormsYEN25000-50000
Shared ApartmentsYEN20000-40000
Guesthouses & MinshukuYEN25000-50000
Private ApartmentsYEN40000-80000

Average Tuition Fees in Miyagi

There is a wide range of educational opportunities available in the prefecture of Miyagi in Japan, with tuition prices varying depending on the kind of program and the institution. Allow me to provide a summary:

Public Universities:

  • Undergraduate: Expect an average annual cost of YEN500-800.
  • Postgraduate: master’s degrees typically range between YEN800 and YEN14,200, while doctoral courses can reach YEN892,600.

Private Universities:

  • In general, fees for undergraduate students are higher than those for public choice, with an average of YEN864,400 every year.
  • It is important to do an extensive study since certain institutions and programs might have a substantial influence on costs.


  • Scholarships and other forms of financial assistance are readily available, particularly for students from other countries.
  • Along with the cost of tuition, you need also to take into consideration the cost of living in Miyagi’s metropolitan districts.
  • You should research certain programs and colleges to get precise pricing data. so use the AI University Finder by Leverage Edu to ensure you find the finest college for your course.

Things to Consider Before Moving to Miyagi

  • Budget: The tuition fee ranges from YEN530 to YEN870 per year, there are scholarships available, and living expenses may be rather high in Miyagi cities.
  • Accommodation: As soon as possible, secure student residences and dormitories, and investigate places close to your institution.
  • Transportation: Miyagi offers excellent public transportation: if you want to travel on a budget, a bike or bus ticket is a wonderful option.
  • Weather: Be prepared for any season! In Miyagi, the summers are pleasant while the winters are snowy.
  • Culture: Embrace local customers – try Japanese food, and learn basic phrases, particularly in festivals.
  • Support: Connect with the Leverage Edu for guidance and support.


Q1. How much does student housing cost?

Ans. At a monthly price, student dormitories normally range from YEN15000 to YEN30000, while flats may cost anywhere from YEN30000 to YEN50000 or even more. When determining your budget, consider the location, and facilities.

Q2. What salary do you need to live comfortably in Miyagi?

Ans. Living comfortably in Miyagi is contingent on one’s way of living. A monthly income of around YEN 300,000, after taxes, is sufficient to meet fundamental necessities like a small accommodation, food, and transportation, while still leaving some space for leisure activities. The higher the salary, the more pleasure one may afford. Don’t forget to look into the expenses of certain cities!

Q3. Is Miyagi more costly than India?

Ans. Generally speaking, the cost of living in Miyagi is greater than that of India. When it comes to essentials like food, housing, and transportation, you can anticipate paying 2 to 3 times as much. Miyagi, on the other hand, provides greater compensation, which may allow them to compensate for the additional expenditures.

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So, this was about the Cost of Living in Miyagi. Leverage Edu is your reliable study abroad counsellor, and if you are interested in learning more about the cost of living in other locations, you book your free counselling session now.

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