
Lawyer Salary in Germany 2024: Complete Guide

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Lawyer Salary in Germany

Germany offers a thriving legal market with diverse opportunities for lawyers. The country’s strong economy, robust legal system, and international business landscape create a favourable environment for legal professionals. The average salary of a lawyer in Germany is EUR 82,606 per year. Although this salary can vary from organisation to organisation, the area you are working in and the branch of law you are in. To find out more information about the lawyer salary in Germany, then make sure you keep reading the blog post. 

Average Lawyer Salary in Germany

The average lawyer salary in Germany is EUR 82,606 per year, with a range of EUR 231,353–EUR 611,748 (as per Glassdoor).

Take a look at the infographic below which mentions the average salaries of several types of lawyers along with their job roles. 

Lawyer salary in Germany

The table below mentions the average salary of a lawyer depending on their job role. 

Job RolesDescriptionAverage Salary
Entry-level lawyersThey carry out a range of writing, research, and legal services tasks.  EUR 50,000 per year 
Experienced lawyersHandles numerous cases in the local courts and is familiar with the legislation in your area.EUR 128,000 per year 
AttorneysSomeone who practices law in a courtroom in addition to having legal training and educationEUR 408,000 per year 
General CounselAn elected body that makes decisions on significant issues on behalf of a community or organisation. EUR 613,000 per year 
Staff attorneysA staff attorney is a lawyer who works for an organisation to provide legal services. EUR 414,000 per year 
Associate attorneysAn associate attorney is a member of a legal team but does not have a partner ownership interest.EUR 666,000 per year 

Credits: Glassdoor

The salaries mentioned above are subject to change depending on what location and experience level of the lawyer.

Lawyer Salary in Germany – Jobs and Wages in Germany

Credits: Job and Salary Abroad 

Average Lawyer Salary in Germany by Experience

Below is an infographic which enlists the salaries of lawyers as per their experience level in Germany.

The image below lists the average salary of lawyers in Germany according to their experience level. 

Lawyer salary in Germany

Take a look at the table mentioning the annual salaries of lawyers in Germany by experience. 

Experience LevelAverage Salary (Annual)
0-1 YearsEUR 2 lakhs – 4 lakhs per year
1-3 YearsEUR 2 lakhs – 4 lakhs per year
4-6 YearsEUR 1 lakh – 5 lakhs per year
7-9 YearsEUR 1 lakh – 3 lakhs per year
10-14 YearsEUR 2 lakhs – 7 lakhs per year
15+ Years EUR 2 lakhs – 3 lakhs per year

Credits: Glssdoor

Lawyer Salary in Germany by Education

Displayed below are the salaries of the lawyers in Germany based on the variation between the education levels of professionals.

DegreeAverage Salary
Bachelor’s DegreeEUR 4,330
Master’s DegreeEUR 6,800
PhDEUR 11,400

Salary of Lawyers in Germany by their Profession

Germany offers competitive salaries for lawyers, with rates varying based on experience, specialization, and location. Generally, lawyers in major cities like Berlin, Frankfurt, and Munich tend to earn higher salaries than those in smaller towns.

Below is an image mentioning the list of the salaries of the different branches of lawyers in Germany.

Lawyer salary in Germany

Here is the table which lists the salary of lawyers in Germany by their profession. 

Job ProfessionSalary
Intellectual Property LawyerEUR 107.596 per year
Criminal LawyerEUR 108.147 per year
Tax LawyerEUR 83,832 per year
Environmental LawyerEUR 5.518 per year
Family LawyerEUR 107.096 per year

Credits: SalaryExpert

Country-wise Comparison of Lawyer Salaries

Lawyer salary in Germany

Check out the country-wise comparison of lawyer salaries and how they vary from one another. 

CountryAverage Salary
United States of AmericaEUR 99,008
CanadaEUR 99,870
GermanyEUR 72,000
FranceEUR 71,400
United KingdomEUR 59,605
SwitzerlandEUR 1,48,811
NetherlandsEUR 65,000
New ZealandEUR 46,790
AustraliaEUR 73,050
IrelandEUR 77,148

Credits: Instarem

How to Become a Lawyer in Germany?

A lawyer in Germany is a professional who provides legal advice and representation. They are trained and licensed to practice law within the German legal system. To become a lawyer in Germany, one will have to:

  • Complete an undergraduate degree which is a four-year course.
  • Pass the first state examination which includes an oral exam and written case studies.
  • The student will then have to complete an internship which usually takes two years and involves working at one or more legal institutions.
  • Finally, the student will have to pass the second state examination which will allow the student to join the German Bar Association and start practicing law. 

Some of the best institutions for pursuing your Lawyer degree are: Bucerius Law School and Humboldt University.

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What is the average lawyer’s salary in Germany?

The average lawyer’s salary in Germany is EUR 82,606 per year, with a range of EUR 59,953 to EUR 137,823. However, this salary varies depending on what is the role and what place the lawyer is practising.

What is the monthly salary of a lawyer in Germany?

Before taxes and social security contributions, an employee at a law firm typically makes approximately EUR 6,000 per month. The salary is lower in the East compared to the West, which is higher. 

Are lawyers in demand in Germany?

Yes, lawyers are in demand in Germany. It is one of several countries that offer many jobs to lawyers.

This was the complete guide on lawyer salary in Germany; for more such articles on salaries, follow Leverage Edu. Also, for more such informative blogs on jobs that pay a high salary, follow Jobs Abroad on Leverage Edu.

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