
List of Cambridge University Entrance Exams: A Guide

11 minute read

The University of Cambridge was established in 1209 and stands as one of the oldest and most reputed universities worldwide. According to both QS World University Ranking of 2025 and Times Higher Education Ranking of 2024, the University of Cambridge ranks at the 5th position. The university is still consistently famous because of its academic excellence and thus hoards lakhs of applications each year. However, getting admission into the university is not only competitive but also has a unique process.

When applying to Cambridge undergraduate courses, your UCAS application is just one part of the process. You need to complete both a UCAS application and a My Cambridge application (MyCApp). Once your application is submitted, the university conducts some entrance exams like UCAS, LNAT, etc depending on the course you choose. If you pass this initial stage, you will be interviewed as part of the admissions process. A successful interview is necessary to receive a Cambridge offer. Read more in detail about Cambridge University entrance exams in this blog. 

CategoryRelevant Details
University NameUniversity of Cambridge
Cambridge University Entrance Exam TypesUCAT, STEP, LNAT, etc (depends on the course)
Entrance Exam PurposeAssess subject-specific knowledge, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills
Test FormatMultiple-choice questions, essays, problem-solving tasks, and subject-specific questions
Duration1 to 3 hours per paper depending on the course
Key ResourcesPast papers, official guides, textbooks, online practice resources

What are Cambridge University Entrance Exams and Assessments? 

It is known that getting into Cambridge University is a little competitive, with an average of six applications for every spot. Most subjects require students to take an entrance test either before or during the interview. These test results, along with other application materials, help colleges decide if a candidate is a good fit. Applicants for Cambridge need to take a written or spoken test related to their chosen subject. 

However, not all courses have these tests. If you do need to take one, you register in advance at a nearby test centre. These tests are designed to distinguish the suitable applicant. They focus on specific subjects and are linked to the knowledge and skills acquired during A Level studies, like  –

  • Relevant knowledge and skills (such as writing and language proficiency or the capacity to solve mathematical problems)
  • Knowledge of the subject matter
  • Understanding of the themes, topics, and concepts pertinent to your selected program

These exams are deliberately difficult – by applying to Cambridge, you are also applying to compete with the top students in your field for your age. Consequently, you will not be expected to answer every question correctly. Even the most intelligent candidates may struggle to finish the exam within the allotted time, and it is almost a rare case that a student achieves full marks.

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List of Entrance Exams for Cambridge University

Cambridge University has changed the admissions tests it will use for the 2025 cycle. Previously, it offered several tests like the BMAT for Medicine, NSAA for Natural Sciences, and ENGAA for Engineering. However, it will stop offering these and replace them with the UCAT and ESAT. These changes will affect Medicine, Natural Sciences, and Engineering applicants. Thus the Cambridge University entrance exams for 2025 onwards are  – 

  • University Clinical Aptitude Test  (UCAT)
  • The Law National Aptitude Test (LNAT)
  • Engineering and Science Admissions Test (ESAT)
  • Test of Mathematics for University Admission (TMUA)
  • Sixth Term Examination Paper (STEP)
  • College admission assessments

Now let us discuss each of the above-mentioned Cambridge University entrance exams in detail hereon.

University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) 

The UCAT is a computer-based test that evaluates skills like verbal reasoning, decision-making, math, abstract thinking and understanding situations. Registration is needed in advance, and you can create an account to sign up. 

CategoryRelevant Details
Total Sections2 sections
[Section A and Section B]
Duration2 hours 15 minutes 
Section A: 90 minutes 
Section B: 40 minutes
PatternComputer-based Test
Section A: 42 MCQs
Section B: 1 essay from 3 choices
Tentative UCAT Entrance Exam DateThe registration usually starts in May, with tests from July to September.

You take the test at Pearson VUE centres worldwide, with over 5,500 locations. If you are applying to other universities that use UCAT, you only need to take it once. The UCAT has an entry fee, but financial help is available for UK students. To prepare, learn about the test format, use resources like question banks and practice tests, and familiarize yourself with past papers.

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The Law National Aptitude Test (LNAT)

The LNAT is a verbal reasoning test that checks your ability to understand and analyze information. It is required for law school applications. The LNAT is a standardized test mandated by UK universities, such as Cambridge, Bristol and Durham, for undergraduate Law programs. This examination is conducted by Pearson VUE.

CategoryRelevant Details
Total Sections2 sections
[Section A and Section B]
Duration2 hours 15 minutes 
Section A: 90 minutes 
Section B: 40 minutes
PatternComputer-based Test
Section A: 42 MCQs and 12 passages, each with 3 to 4 questions
Section B: 1 essay from 3 choices
Tentative LNAT Entrance Exam DateRegistration: September 15, 2024
Entrance Exam: September 1 to 15, 2024
Deadline: October 15, 2024.
Note: The LNAT also has an entry fee and financial help is also available for students.

Engineering and Science Admissions Test (ESAT) 

For taking subjects like Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Engineering, Natural Sciences or Veterinary Medicine, ESAT is the entrance exam. Starting in 2025, the ESAT will be used instead of the ENGAA and NSAA for entry. This test is run by Pearson VUE.

CategoryRelevant Details
Total Sections2 sections
[Section A and Section B]
Duration2 hours 15 minutes 
Section A: 90 minutes 
Section B: 40 minutes
PatternComputer-based Test
MCQs, focusing on natural sciences.
Divided into three individual sections, including Mathematics 1 as a must. 
Tentative ESAT Entrance Exam DateRegistration: August 1 to September 16, 2024
Entrance Exam: October 15 to 16, 2024
  • For courses like Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, you will also need to pass Mathematics 1 and complete Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics 2, making the total test time 120 minutes. 
  • There is an entry fee for the ESAT, but UK candidates in financial need can apply for a bursary voucher to take the test for free. Find out more about the bursary and apply on the ESAT website. The bursary application period is from June 3, 2024, to September 16, 2024.

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Test of Mathematics for University Admission (TMUA)

The TMUA is a math test used for applications in subjects like Computer Science and Economics. The test 2 papers with only multiple choice questions, like the NSAA and ENGAA. Scores range from 1.0 (low) to 9.0 (high), and scores are set based on how well everyone does. Usually, there is no set score for passing, but this test is based on everyone’s scores.

CategoryRelevant Details
Total Sections2 sections
[Section A and Section B]
Duration2 hours 30 minutes 
Section A: 95 minutes 
Section B: 40 minutes
DescriptionApplications of Mathematical Knowledge and Mathematical Reasoning
Tentative TMUA Entrance Exam DateRegistration: August 1 to 29, 2024
Entrance Exam: October 16 to 17, 2024
Note: You would not be allowed to use calculators or dictionaries.

The TMUA is still part of the CAAT series, but it will not be cancelled because it is still going to be given in 2025 for new students. The test fee also applies here, but if you are from the UK and meet certain financial criteria, you might be eligible for a bursary voucher, which can reduce the fee to sit the TMUA free. This offer is available from 3 June to 16 September 2024.

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Sixth Term Examination Paper (STEP)

STEP is a standardised mathematical admissions test, which is administered by the Office of Civil Rights (OCR). This test is utilised by various universities including Cambridge, to assess the aptitude of applicants for undergraduate Mathematics courses.

  • There are two versions of the STEP exam – STEP 2 and STEP 3. Cambridge mandates that all applicants in Mathematics must achieve a grade of 1 or above on either the STEP 2 or STEP 3 exam. 
Total DurationTotal 3 hours
No. of Questions in Section 1Pure Mathematics –  8 questions
No. of Questions in Section 2Probability and Statistics – 2 questions
No. of Questions in Section 3Mechanics – 2 questions

Note- Candidates are free to answer as many questions as they wish, as long as they provide answers to at least 6 questions. Their top 6 answers are then used to calculate their final grade. Unlike the TMUA, which features multiple-choice questions, STEP adopts the exam style A-level examination. This means that the questions not only require your solutions but also your answers. 

College Admission Assessments

For some courses like Archaeology, Architecture, Psychological and Behavioural Sciences, etc the University of Cambridge requires applicants to complete college admission assessments. These assessments are designed to analyse the reasoning and aptitude of students applying for that particular course. However, these assessments also depend on the college that you choose. 

List of Courses with Cambridge University Entrance Exams

All the courses in the university require either these entrance exams or you need to pass the college admission assessment. Here is an updated list of entrance exams as per courses  – 

Cambridge University CoursesType of Entrance ExamRelevant Details
ArchaeologyCollege Admissions AssessmentDuration – 1 hour
Description – The Archaeology admissions assessment involves reading one passage of text of around 500 words (chosen from 2 options) and answering two related questions (chosen from a list of 4 questions). 
Applicable: All colleges
ArchitectureCollege Admissions AssessmentDuration: 1 hour
Description: It consists of 2 sections. 
Section 1: It’s a writing skills test, where you will write a short essay.
Section 2: you will be asked to observe and interpret a setting through a drawing.
Applicable: All colleges
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES).Modern and Medieval Languages (MML).

College Admissions Assessment
Duration: 1 hour
Description: Split into 2 sections. 
Section A requires you to write an answer to a question/text passage in the language you wish to study at Cambridge. 
In section B, you write your answer in English, paying particular attention to the observations you made from the question/passage of the text.
Applicable: Written assessment is required by all colleges.


College Admissions Assessment
For most colleges, you need to take a Latin or Greek test to show you can understand these languages. If you want to study Classics for 3 years, you will have to do a 60-minute translation test. For a 4-year Classics program, you will have to take a 20-minute language aptitude interview.

Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology.Engineering.Natural Sciences.Veterinary Medicine. 
ESATDuration: 2 hours
Description: The test is a multiple-choice question.
Students will complete 3 sections from the following sections (Maths 1 is compulsory):
Mathematics 1 (compulsory)Mathematics 2ChemistryPhysicsBiology
Computer ScienceEconomicsTMUADuration: 150-minute 
Description: The test is split equally into two parts.
Part 1 analyses your application of mathematics
Part 2 analyses your mathematical and logical reasoning.
The entire test is multiple choice and taken in a single sitting.
EnglishCollege Admissions AssessmentDuration: 90 minutes
Description: All colleges require a written assessment.
EducationCollege Admissions AssessmentMost colleges do not need a test, but Wolfson College does and asks for an essay. During your interview, you will have to sit through a written assessment which consists of an essay on a topic related to Education.
GeographyCollege Admissions AssessmentDuration: 2 hours
Description: Split into two parts. Part 1 is a multiple-choice test for thinking and reading. Part 2 asks you to write about a picture. 
Most colleges do not need a test, but Hughes Hall, St Edmund’s, and Wolfson do.
HistoryHistory and Modern LanguagesHistory and PoliticsCollege Admissions AssessmentDuration: 2 hours
Description: The HAA assess your reading, critical thinking and analytical skills. It has 2 sections: section 1 is a multiple-choice question and section 2 is a written response based on comparing and contrasting two passages from historical texts.
Some colleges require the HAA, others do not. Wolfson requires its written test. For Modern Languages, all colleges require a language test.
History of ArtCollege Admissions AssessmentDuration: 1 hour
Description: You will need to provide feedback on two sets of images featuring pieces of artwork, and you can choose from 5 different sets.
All colleges require a written assessment.
Human, Social, and Political Sciences (HSPS).College Admissions AssessmentDuration – 2 hours
Description: Divided into section 1, a multiple-choice question type as well as section 2, an essay-writing question type
Some colleges might require this assessment
LawLNATDuration: 135 mins
Description: A computer-based test with two parts. Part A has 42 questions to choose from and you have 95 minutes. Part B gives you three essay questions to pick one and write for 40 minutes.
LinguisticsCollege Admissions AssessmentDuration: 1 hour
Description: It is a test with data questions and an essay, divided into three parts. It focuses on your problem-solving skills and time management, not just your knowledge.
All colleges require a written assessment.
MathematicsSTEP (2 and 3)Duration: 3 hours
Description: Both papers have the same format.
STEP 2 and 3 papers have a total of 12 questions divided across 3 sections. 
Section 1: pure Mathematics, 8 questions.
Section 2: Mechanics, 2 questions.
Section 3: Probability/Statistics, 2 questions.
You need to pick at least 6 questions to answer, but you can choose more. The best 6 questions will count towards your final grade.
Medicine (Standard and Graduate courses)UCATDuration: 2 hours
Description: A computer-based test, split into 5 subtests which are scored separately:
Verbal Reasoning
Situational Judgement
Decision Making
Abstract Reasoning
Quantitative Reasoning
MusicCollege Admissions AssessmentIn the interview, colleges evaluate skills, knowledge, and future potential, which some colleges need.
PhilosophyCollege Admissions AssessmentThe Philosophy admissions assessment is a 1-hour 
Description: The exam contains 18 multiple-choice questions (part I) and an essay-type question (part II).
All colleges require a written assessment.
Psychological and Behavioural Sciences.College Admissions AssessmentDuration:  2 hours
Description: The Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Admissions Assessment is there to test your thinking skills, mathematical and biological knowledge, and reading comprehension (section 1), as well as your ability to think analytically and form a clear argument (section 2).
Most colleges do not need written tests. However, Gonville & Caius, Homerton, Hughes Hall, Murray Edwards, Newnham, Selwyn, and Wolfson do.
Theology, Religion and Philosophy of ReligionCollege Admissions AssessmentColleges which require the test are – Pembroke and St Edmund’s.

Cambridge University Entrance Exam Fees

The cost for each admission test varies for international students. Here is a table showing the details of the cost of entrance exams – 

Entrance ExamTest registration fee 
ESAT£75 (UK and Republic of Ireland)
£130 (if taken anywhere else).
LNAT£75 (UK and EU)
£120 (outside EU)
STEP£93 (UK only)
£129 (outside UK)
TMUA£75 (UK and Republic of Ireland)
£130 (if taken anywhere else)

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Cambridge Admission Test Preparation Tips

If you are planning to attempt the Cambridge entrance exam, here are some tips for you – 

  • Familiarise yourself with the formats of the test and analyse the previous year’s papers for reference.
  • Practice the core concepts and develop a problem-solving attitude
  • Practice the under-time conditional tests to tackle the questions in the allotted time
  • Seek feedback from mock tests or peer study groups for more thorough practice.
  • Stay healthy, and prepare for the logistics for the day of the test.


Is there any entrance exam for Cambridge University?

For many applicants, a written or spoken test is required with their Cambridge application. The test matches your subject. The university also considers your test results along with other parts of your application.

How can I enter Cambridge University?

The steps are – Choose your course, register and prepare for your admission, complete our UCAS, get all the documents and complete your application. 

Can I apply to Cambridge without IELTS?

All applicants must have a minimum IELTS score of 7.5 and a TOEFL score of 110. Hence, you cannot apply to Cambridge without IELTS.

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We hope that this blog has given a complete idea about the University of Cambridge entrance exams. Discover more courses and destinations to study abroad by subscribing to Leverage Edu today. Thank you for reading! 

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