
Breaks in GMAT Exam

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Breaks in GMAT Exam

Breaks in GMAT exam: Candidates taking the GMAT exam are usually given two breaks of eight minutes each. Students must use these breaks in the GMAT exam intelligently to achieve higher results. It is recommended that candidates avoid these breaks as a chance to evaluate and assess their performance as it can disrupt one’s flow and overwhelm them with anxiety and concerns about their performance.


 Instead of doing that, one must rather focus on refreshing and reorienting themselves. This will give candidates a fair chance to get right back on track with a fresh perspective and help them ace the exam. Read the following article to more about the breaks in the GMAT Exam. 

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How to Utilise the Breaks in the GMAT Exam? 

Breaks are allotted to candidates in the midst of a GMAT exam to let candidates refresh and reorient themselves. It is, however, the responsibility of an individual to employ these breaks wisely and effectively. That being said, regardless of how well an individual is mentally prepared, his or her performance in the GMAT ultimately depends on how well he or she takes into account the most minute of practical considerations. This includes the breaks allotted in the GMAT exam, which can play a huge role in making or breaking an individual’s overall chances of acing the GMAT exam. 

With that being said, let us have a look at the tips mentioned below to utilise the breaks in the  GMAT exam. 

Tips to Utilise the Breaks

  1. First and foremost, the two breaks provided in the GMAT exam can be a godsend for those facing difficulty transitioning to the exam’s style and reorienting their minds to better focus. 
  2. As stated before, one must avoid assessing their own performance during the given breaks as it will only lead to further confusion and disorientation, leaving one demotivated to complete the exam with full vigour and confidence.
  3. The two eight-minute breaks in the GMAT exam, if implemented and utilised with efficacy, can let individuals replenish their energy. It must be noted that the GMAT exam can be strenuous and arduous for some, therefore it is advised that individuals carry certain food items with them to restore their energy and avoid the inevitable fatigue that can set in during the examination hours. 
  4. One must not get disoriented by the unsettling and strict ambience of their examination centre. With that being said, one must use the breaks to restore their strength and reorient their mind rather than focusing on the trivial things happening around them. 
  5. The GMAT exam, due to its competitive nature, requires participants to stay focused and attentive whilst taking the exam, which is why breaks are provided. They must be used to focus one’s thoughts and plan how to proceed.

Also Read: GMAT Registration

Importance of Taking Breaks During the GMAT Exam

The breaks provided during a GMAT exam can assist individuals in recollecting themselves and getting back on track. Candidates might use the time offered to reflect and identify areas where they are falling short or sources of distraction. In essence, candidates can use the breaks to better focus and prepare for the subsequent sections. It should be emphasised, however, that turning pages and studying their curriculum to ace the sections that follow is not permitted during the breaks. As a result, it was previously mentioned that candidates should simply relax during the provided breaks rather than burdening their minds. 

The following points will help you fathom the importance of taking breaks in the GMAT exam. 

  1. Breaks provided during the GMAT exam can help one alleviate mental stress. It is important to remember that the analytical writing and quantitative reasoning sections of the exam are highly stress-inducing, and the supplied breaks can be a godsend in such scenarios. Individuals must use the time between the breaks to prepare their minds for the next segment. 
  2. It is recommended that candidates engage in de-stressing activities such as breathing exercises during the provided breaks to rejuvenate themselves and relieve stress. 
  3. Individuals might use breaks during the exam to regain mental and physical strength. The time spent during the breaks can assist one in realigning their mind to focus better in the subsequent sections of the exam. 
  4. Breaks in the GMAT exam can be used to take care of any distraction that is causing a hindrance in one’s performance during the examination. It is advised that candidates make use of the breaks to rehydrate and refuel themselves for the upcoming sections of the exam. 


Is there a break in the GMAT?

Yes, GMAT aspirants are usually provided breaks during the GMAT Exam. These breaks must be utilised by one to relax and refresh their mind. 

How many breaks are allotted to candidates during the GMAT exam? 

Two breaks are allotted to students during the GMAT Exam.

What is the duration of the breaks allotted to candidates during the GMAT exam? 

Candidates are provided two eight-minute long breaks during the GMAT exam. 

Two eight-minute breaks are provided during the GMAT exam. These breaks must be employed by candidates effectively to relax and refresh their minds to bolster their chances of improving their scores in the successive sections of the section. These breaks also play a crucial role in improving one’s attention and concentration in the upcoming sections. 

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