Preposition Over: Usage, Examples and Practise Exercises

5 minute read

Over preposition: Prepositions play a pivotal role in the English language, providing structure and context to our expressions. Prepositions are words used to denote the time, location, direction, etc. of a noun or a pronoun in a sentence. The preposition “over” is adaptable to diverse contexts with ease. It can convey spatial, temporal, and relational concepts making it a powerhouse in the English language. In this blog post, we’ll learn about the preposition over uses, and examples to enhance your understanding of the concept.

Preposition of Over Usage Along with Examples 

The proposition of Over is used to define certain things:


1. Spatial Relationships:

“Over” is frequently used to define spatial relationships, indicating movement or position across or above something.

Example: The plane flew over the mountains, offering breathtaking views.

2. Time and Duration:

In the temporal relationship  “over” signifies the passage of time or the span of an activity.

Example: They worked tirelessly over the weekend to meet the deadline.

3. Quantifying and Comparing:

“Over” is also used to quantify an amount or express a comparative relationship.

Example: The company experienced over a 20% increase in sales this quarter.

4. Dominance and Authority:

Over preposition can also be used to convey authority or control in various contexts.

Example: The manager has control over the decision-making process.

5. Covering or Spanning:

“Over” can suggest coverage or spanning across a specific area.

Example: The new highway extends over 200 miles, connecting major cities.

6. Physical Movement:

Beyond spatial relationships, “over” can describe physical movement from one side to another.

Example: He gracefully leaped over the hurdle during the race.

7. Expressing Concern or Enthusiasm:

Informally, “over” is used to convey strong emotions or concerns.

Example: She was overjoyed to receive the unexpected gift.

8. Transition and Change:

In the context of change, “over” can signify a shift or transition.

Example: The town transformed over the years.

Explore this blog: Prepositions: Definition, Types, Examples and Exercise

Practical Tips for Usage of Over

Here are the key tips that must be followed before using prepositions.

Context Matters: The meaning of “over” is heavily influenced by the context of the sentence.

Precision is Key: Choose “over” when you want to convey a sense of movement, coverage, or comparison.

Be Mindful of Ambiguity: In some cases, the use of “over” can introduce ambiguity, so ensure clarity in your expression.

Also Read: Nouns

Picture of List of Prepositions

List of Prepositions

Exercise Based on Preposition Over

Instruction: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate preposition:

  1. The plane soared ________ the clouds, offering a stunning view of the landscape below.
  2. They debated ________ the proposed changes in the company’s policy.
  3. The bridge extended ________ the river, connecting the two bustling neighbourhoods.
  4. He triumphantly raised the trophy ________ his head, celebrating his victory.
  5. We’ve been working diligently ________ the past few months to launch the new product.
  6. The chef carefully drizzled the chocolate sauce ________ the decadent dessert.
  7. The news spread quickly ________ the small town, creating a buzz of excitement.
  8. Despite the challenges, they persevered and triumphed ________ adversity.
  9. The students huddled ________ their textbooks, preparing for the upcoming exam.
  10. The shadow of the mountain loomed ________ the valley as the sun began to set.
  11. The cat gracefully leapt ________ the fence, landing on the other side.
  12. They reminisced fondly ________ their shared adventures from years gone by.
  13. The artist painted a mural that stretched ________ the entire length of the gallery wall.
  14. She expressed concern ________ the uncertainty surrounding the project’s completion.
  15. The marathon runners dashed ________ the finish line, their determination evident in every stride.


  1. The plane soared above the clouds, offering a stunning view of the landscape below.
  2. They debated over the proposed changes in the company’s policy.
  3. The bridge extended over the river, connecting the two bustling neighbourhoods.
  4. He triumphantly raised the trophy over his head, celebrating his victory.
  5. We’ve been working diligently over the past few months to launch the new product.
  6. The chef carefully drizzled the chocolate sauce over the decadent dessert.
  7. The news spread quickly over the small town, creating a buzz of excitement.
  8. Despite the challenges, they persevered and triumphed over adversity.
  9. The students huddled over their textbooks, preparing for the upcoming exam.
  10. The shadow of the mountain loomed over the valley as the sun began to set.
  11. The cat gracefully leapt over the fence, landing on the other side.
  12. They reminisced fondly over their shared adventures from years gone by.
  13. The artist painted a mural that stretched over the entire length of the gallery wall.
  14. She expressed concern over the uncertainty surrounding the project’s completion.
  15. The marathon runners dashed over the finish line, their determination evident in every stride.

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What is the preposition of time?

Prepositions that are used to indicate the duration of a particular action are called prepositions of time. For example: in, at, and on.

Where do we use on and over?

On preposition is used when there is a type of contact while over is used when a thing is on top but there is no contact.

Give a few examples of the preposition of over.

The bookshelf is over the desk, providing easy access to reference materials.
We’ll meet over the weekend to finalize the details of the upcoming event.
The rainbow arched over the horizon after the rainstorm passed.
They built a canopy over the outdoor dining area to provide shade.
The chef drizzled honey over the freshly baked pastries for a sweet finish.

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